Chapter 106 A Song Drunk Three Kingdoms
After Qin Lang finished speaking, Da Qiao raised his head in astonishment, opened his small mouth slightly, and bit the corner of his lip.

This charming movement is actually natural and flowing.

Qiao's father didn't know what to say. Qin Lang moved out of his parents, which also involved filial piety. No one can force him to be an unfilial person, right?
Liu Xie can't say anything, although he is the emperor, he has been beaten a lot along the way.

Fortunately, both my parents were killed by Dong Zhuo, um... I am so sad, so sad...

Qin Lang quietly heaved a sigh of relief, this trick is popular all over the world, he is not afraid that this trick will be useful, as long as it works.

Xiao Qiao looked lonely at the side, no matter what, sister Da Qiao will marry Mr. Ruyi, at most it is a matter of time.

But myself...

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiao looked at Qin Lang with a trace of resentment.

You are such a coward, you are still pretending to be a grandson when such a big beauty throws herself into your arms.

Are you really pretending to be a grandson?
Didn't you stare at sister's cherry lips just now?

Can't you be bolder and have a sister take everything?

When the time comes, I will be a daughter, and I will still be able to resist!

What about your guts to beat the emperor?
where it goes?

Apart from being a little handsome and a hero, what else is there to rely on for life?

"Father, my daughter is tired!" Xiao Qiao turned and left.

Da Qiao also got Qin Lang's promise, seeing Xiao Qiao's lonely figure, he quickly followed.

Xiao Qiao has paid too much for her, even her whole life.

"If that's the case... the old man also prepares meals first?"

"Ahem, Mr. Qiao, look at it in three days..." Liu Xie reminded pretendingly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the old man will prepare everything together!"

Father Qiao bowed and left.

Liu Xie laughed in satisfaction, "Officer, how wonderful it is for you and me to get married together. It can be described as a good story through the ages. You say you... are really incomprehensible!"

"You know shit!"

Qin Lang looked up at the sky, because of his intervention, the historical trend of the Three Kingdoms has actually begun to change.

The originally clear historical trajectory has become blurred, as if covering the clouds.

On the premise of helping Liu Bei, we can only try our best to keep the history unchanged. As long as we keep Jingzhou and Guan Yu while Liu Bei is attacking Wei, we will be able to completely reverse the situation of the Three Kingdoms at the root.

So... after marrying Da Qiao and Liu Xie marrying Xiao Qiao, what excuse will Zhuge Liang use to provoke Zhou Yu to fight Cao together?

At that time, there was no Tongquechun deep lock on Erqiao!

Do you want to use the pirated memory pen again to hypnotize Liu Xie?

It seems that there is no need to do this, this kid is a bad guy, and using a hypnotic pen is a waste of emotion.

That Xiao Qiao's temperament seemed quite aggressive, and she would sacrifice herself for her sister, so she was considered a good girl.

It's a pity to marry Liu Xie, or run away with Liu Xie?

Qin Lang has been thinking about countermeasures, and Liu Xie has been waiting for three days.

Among the four great things in life, for Liu Xie, the only exciting thing is the bridal chamber wedding party.

The next morning.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were sitting in the boudoir, with a guzheng and a guqin in front of them.

Such ladies and gentlemen, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are definitely one of the best when it comes to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Xiao Qiao plucked the strings, and the sound of the piano was sad and mournful.

Da Qiao responded with a guzheng, but it was his expectation for the future.

These two voices lingered in the depths of the bamboo forest.

Since there is no confidant in the world, where can there be neighbors?
Little Qiao's slender fingers danced more beautifully, and the sound of the piano became more passionate.

This is expressing with the sound of the piano, the injustice of fate, being born as a woman, why do you want to control your own destiny?

Da Qiao was even more guilty. The guzheng was completely in tune with the sound of the piano, as if whispering there.

" just don't like officials, but that doesn't mean you don't appreciate him at all. You just hate Liu Xie!"

"You have been high-sighted since you were a child. The other half of your dream should not only be handsome and famous like an official, but also have both civil and military skills, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and melody. But how can there be such a perfect person in this world?"

"Do you know how unlucky Hongyan has been since ancient times, especially in this troubled world, will our fate really be good?"


Suddenly, the sound of the piano changed again.

The passionate piano sound calmed down and became full of hope, revealing the deepest feelings in his heart without any scruples.

This is a phoenix seeking a phoenix...

Xiao Qiao was smiling, but there were tears in her eyes. In this world, is there any man who can understand the sound of his piano?
Qin Lang was shocked, only one guqin could be so shocking!

Just a guqin can break your heart, even in despair, you still have hope.

Where does this expectation come from?

Qin Lang suddenly thought of a song, and sang softly following the sound of Guqin.

"Decided leaves piled up several layers, and I stepped on the youth
I heard... who in the previous life was crying

Fate knots a rope once
I'm still waiting
In a can only be serious once..."

Qin Lang sang and sang, his eyes were deep, and the modern memory and the experience of the Three Kingdoms period were constantly switching in his mind.

The girl I love the most in my heart can't even remember what she looks like.

Only her bright eyes and the affection in those eyes can be remembered so deeply...

Qin Lang usually doesn't listen to music very much, but when he heard this JJ's Drunken Chibi outside the audio-visual store in the alley, he stopped in his tracks.

Just like this little Qiao, so stubborn.

There was a soft smile on the corner of Qin Lang's mouth.

"Confirmed the eyes, I met the right person

I swung my sword and turned around, and the blood was like red lips

The memory of the previous dynasty crosses the world of mortals, it is not the blade that hurts people

It is your reincarnated soul..."

After a thousand years, I will still be me, but you have long since disappeared. If there is really reincarnation in this world, how can I find you?
If there is no reincarnation, what should I do?
Diao Chan is like this, and so is Da Qiao...

Since the ending is doomed to be a tragedy, do you still have to moths to the flame?

I rode out on horseback, fought in the world, passed through mountain cities, and looked back at my hometown for thousands of years. Could it be that I can only sigh, I have a deep affection for you?

Gradually, the melody of the piano sound is no longer Fengqiuhuang, but changes with the singing.

"Confirmed the eyes, I met the right person

I rode my horse, the sound of hooves ran like tears
The moonlight on the bluestone slab shines into this mountain city
I follow all the way, you echo
I have a deep affection for you..."

Qin Lang sighed slightly, he was a little sentimental recently.


At the same time, there was a sound of broken strings in the room.

Xiao Qiao looked at the blood oozing from her fingertips and burst into tears.

Where is it that Mo Dao has no confidant in the future? It turns out that the confidant is always by his side...

Da Qiao's eyes were dazed, but he was drunk...

Where is it that drinking is the only way to become intoxicated, it is clear that love is deep and naturally strong...

(End of this chapter)

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