Chapter 112 It Must Be a Dream

"Yes, there is still a plan, we can't miss the important event!"

Xiao Qiao thought to herself, and smiled again.

"I will endure!"

Let me make you happy now, we will settle the score later.

Qin Lang's eyes flickered slightly, there was something wrong with these two girls, very wrong, but nothing was wrong.

Whether it's the instincts that have been cultivated after years of danger, or the result of observation and observation, they can detect an impending crisis.

Could it be that Cao Cao is chasing him?

That's not right, what does Cao Cao's pursuit have to do with Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao?
Don't stay here for long!

"Thank you two girls for your hospitality, especially Miss Xiao Qiao, who even hurt the back of her hand. This is my honor!"

"Hmph, you're smart!"

Xiao Qiao's eyes flickered, she was really angry at first, but just hearing Qin Lang's words of honor, she felt happy in her heart.

But if the mood changes too quickly, wouldn't it be too embarrassing, and you have to hold back.

"Miss Da Qiao, the 20-year-old wine has been taken out?"

Qin Lang decided to take the initiative to attack, quickly deal with these two girls, and then left with Liu Xie.

No matter where this sense of crisis comes from, as long as you leave here, you will be fine.

How could I lose if I countered the conspiracy with a conspiracy?

"Yes, hurry up, hurry up and drink, I love drinking!"

Liu Xie suppressed his nausea before swallowing the chicken leg.

The food on this table is not edible, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I want to eat it or not.

Then drink, drink up the bastard Qin Lang first, and then these two girls.

You can get what you want tonight!
Why do you, Qin Lang, not have to wait until the bridal chamber, but let me, the emperor, wait, is it unreasonable?
drink!Let's drink together!

Even without Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao doing anything, Liu Xie directly moved the wine jar over and placed four large bowls on it.

Qin Lang kept looking around, trying to find out where the danger came from.

The two girls, Big Qiao and Little Qiao, faced the big bowl in front of them without changing their expression or heartbeat. Could it be the legendary mass?
There is no record in history that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao can drink alcohol?
But you can't think so, there is no record in history that the old guy Wang Yun had a daughter.

After all, there have been too many changes in the vicissitudes of the 1000 years, not to mention such details, it is normal that there are no records.

So today, you have to be cautious about this wine, you can't let go of your stomach to drink it, and you have to show your previous boxing routines.

"My lord, please drink this cup!"

Da Qiao took a cup and handed it to Qin Lang.

Xiao Qiao also took a cup, but her movements were slow, so she reluctantly handed it to Liu Xie.

It was hard to refuse the first glass of wine, Qin Lang took the wine bowl and glanced at Liu Xie from the corner of his eye.

This kid Liu Xie was so excited, he didn't even have the slightest bit of wariness. He just raised his head and drank it clean.

Wiping the corner of his mouth, he exclaimed loudly, "Good wine, it really is good wine!"

I just don't know whether it's better for wine or people! "

"My lord, why don't you drink?" Da Qiao asked.

"Girl, don't worry, I'll have a drink with you right now!"

Qin Lang took the wine glass and looked into Da Qiao's eyes.

Liu Xie drank and lingered for a while, but there was no adverse reaction.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the wine, presumably, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao will not poison the wine.

"I would like to drink with you!"

Da Qiao also poured a bowl of wine and touched Qin Lang.

Qin Lang raised his head and drank a bowl of wine.

It is indeed a wine that has been brewed for 20 years. It is comparable to modern low-alcohol wine, and can even reach a strength of more than 30 degrees.

From this point of view, Liu Xie can drink a lot, and he can drink a big bowl in one gulp.

Ok?Liu Xie?

Why is there no movement at all?

Fuck, what's going on, why did your kid get under the table?
Wouldn't it be possible to get drunk like this with just a bowl of wine?
How are you going to go this night? You can't let me carry you away, can you?
"Young master, how do you feel?" Da Qiao asked nervously.

At the same time, Qin Lang only felt a little dizzy in his head, Da Qiao in front of him was divided into several, and the room began to shake.

I'm drunk too?
"No, it's not drunk, Da Qiao, why didn't you take a sip of the wine in your hand?"

"Young master, Da Qiao is forced to do something like this. After the matter is completed, Da Qiao is willing to deal with you as you like!"

Da Qiao's face was full of grievances, but the movements of his hands were crisp and neat, just like Qin Lang stuffing a chicken leg into Liu Xie's mouth, pouring all the bowl of white wine in his hand into Qin Lang's mouth.

Qin Lang's head became more and more dizzy, but he couldn't stop it.

At the moment when he passed out completely, he could vaguely hear a quarrel.

"Sister, why are you still giving the officials a drink? I took three bags of the drug. What if the officials are so fascinated that they pass out completely?"

"You damn girl, my sister has risked everything for you, and you still have the nerve to blame me? Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and help!"

"Sister wait a moment, sister will dress up again!"

"Dress up, the officials are all fascinated, who are you dressing up for? Otherwise, you can go to Liu Xie's room tonight!"

"Come on, sister, we agreed that sisters will serve the husband together. As long as we sisters work together, we will definitely be able to compete for the daughter of the Sun family in the future!"

"Hmph, you're still sensible, hurry up and help!"

Da Qiao wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was still very nervous until now.

For their own happiness, she and her sister are going to do something shocking.

Whether this matter can be accomplished depends on Qin Lang's responsibility.

If the bet is lost, then a strand of white silk will be hung on the beam.

Anyway, ever since I was peeped and played in the water, it was such a fate. The worst result was that it was only late.

But if he wins the bet, then he has found the best home.

It seems extremely cruel, but how many women in this world are qualified to gamble, dare to gamble?

Qin Lang was dreaming again.

He dreamed of the girl he loved the most before, and the first honest meeting between them in a small hotel.

That is, after that time, the girl left him.

He dreamed of Diaochan again, and Diaochan was lying in his arms, with obsession in his eyes, and muttering to himself.

"Officer, you can't do it, it's obviously very good!"

In my dream, I did the most lingering thing with Diao Chan, it was so good!
Later, there was another change in the dream, and two sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, appeared.

So fucking exciting.

Sister flower... the ultimate dream of a man!

Big Joe is finished, it's Little Joe...

Little Joe is over, it's Big Joe again...

Then... Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao come together...

Ahem... Calm down, be sure to be calm, it's just a dream.

It was really just a dream, otherwise, how could Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao be willing to serve a man willingly?
This is clearly unreasonable.

Why is my body so heavy, someone is pressing on my left shoulder...

There is also someone on the right arm...

Still so soft?
The sun also came in and shone on his face.

Even if the eyes are not open, it is still a little glaring.

Qin Lang... really didn't dare to open his eyes!

Isn't this a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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