Chapter 113 Fatal Strike

its not right!
I had this kind of dream before, it's not like I haven't done it before!
At that time, Zhang Feimeng was Xiaoai, Diaochan, and the unruly Murong Wan'er.

For this reason, the brothers almost mistakenly thought that their orientation was abnormal.

But it's not as real as it is now!
When I almost kissed Zhang Fei, because it was not true, I smelled Zhang Fei's bad breath and heard Zhang Fei's voice, so I woke up suddenly.

But now, why is it so real?

This real touch feels tender and softer than water.

There are two women by my side, this is absolute!
Being hugged by these two women is also absolute!

These two women are not wearing any clothes, nothing is wrong!

I'm not wearing any clothes at all, and it can't be wrong!
Because it's so early in the morning, and it's so amazing!

whose hand?Don't scratch!

No, not Xiao Qiao, because Xiao Qiao's little hand was burned yesterday.

That's Big Joe's?

Not right... What if these two women are not Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao?

It is said that in ancient times, before the daughters of rich and noble families got married, they would send maids to try marriages first, to see if the man could do it.

The reason is that if you can't get married, you will be a widow.

Is there such a custom in Jiangdong?

Fuck... don't use too much force, why are you still moving?

There are still murmurs in the ears, these two girls are still asleep, could the movements of their hands be in a dream?
Qin Lang didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to open his eyes.

But that little hand is too soft, it's so unbearable...

What exactly is going on?

Who the hell come to save me!

Suddenly, that little hand left, and just when it was about to reach its peak, this hand...fuck left!
Qin Lang let out a sigh, I don't know if he was relieved or regretful.

But when he breathed out, Qin Lang regretted it.

Because he noticed the movement on his body, he must have awakened the two girls.

There are definitely two of them, and they can clearly feel that there are two thighs on their bodies, one on each side.

"Young master is awake?"

Qin Lang closed his eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep, he had to pretend to be asleep.

This is Da Qiao's voice, and one of them is undoubtedly Da Qiao.

Could the other person be Da Qiao's maid?
There is this possibility, if this is the case, the result is not the worst.

In this era, the wife's personal maid was originally a man's concubine.

Don't be Xiao Qiao, don't!

"So I didn't wake up!"

Da Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Xiao Qiao.

This girl was still sleeping soundly, the two dragged Qin Lang back to the bedroom yesterday, but she was half dead from exhaustion.

Taking off his clothes, he was tired and out of breath again.

Then the two sisters studied all night, and in the end, they didn't dare to take the last step.

He just took off his own clothes and snuggled up to Qin Lang's body, exhausting all his courage.

The skin-to-skin contact at that time made the two girls go limp.

However, even if you don't go deeper, it doesn't matter.

There is no difference between this situation and doing everything now.

Women in this era lose their virginity when they see small feet.

What's more, being so honest with each other!

The two of them barely fell asleep until it was almost dawn, because they were extremely sleepy.

"Little Qiao, how long do you want to sleep?"

"Sister, you hate it, I haven't slept enough yet!"

There was a dissatisfied murmur beside him.

Xiao Qiao turned over in dissatisfaction, and the skin of the two rubbed together, making Qin Lang almost sigh again.


It's really these two sisters!
"You are still sleeping, did you add too much drug yesterday, why are the officials still awake?"

"People don't know!"

Xiao Qiao turned around again, her snow-white thigh was carelessly rubbing against Qin Lang's body.

Qin Lang gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly: "This little Qiao is too free and easy, really think I'm a saint?"

"You... you damn girl, you really pissed me off!"

Da Qiao lay directly on Qin Lang's chest, reaching out to pinch Xiao Qiao's ears.

If Qin officials are not awake, aren't our sacrifices in vain?

If Qin Guanren is still awake when father comes back, we will be beaten to death by father!

When the time comes, it won't be that the Qin officials got drunk and forced us to take us, or that we have no shame, really no shame!


Xiao Qiao rubbed her eyes, how could it be so serious?

Anyway, they are all Qin Lang's people now, relying on him is because this man is in front of everything!
What a fuss...Huh?Why did the officer have a nosebleed?
Big Qiao was still lying on his body, and Little Qiao's thighs were also there, Qin Lang almost screamed at the sky, isn't it normal for me to have a nosebleed?

"Sister, is the officer awake?"

"Huh? Awake?"

Da Qiao leaned forward and stared at Qin Lang's face for a while.

"Officer, you got drunk and lost your temper, and coerced my sister and I into sleeping together. Now, what do you think we should do?"

" two women..."

Qin Lang knew that the matter had been revealed, and at this moment, anger welled up in his heart.

What do you mean I got drunk and lost my mind, what do you mean I coerced you two sisters to sleep together?
This is clearly the two of you who have coerced me!

Do you really think that it is not a crime for a woman to coerce a man?
I really thought... I'm not a man anymore?
Do you really think... I won't turn into a wolf?
I really have been clean for many years, so I really can't help it!

This is Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, these are sister flowers!
Not to mention me, Qin Lang, even if Liu Xiahui is here, can he still leave behind the reputation of being stable?
From now on, this good name will be changed to me, Qin Lang Qin Guanren!

"Sister, the officer is still awake, right?"

"Sister, this man is really strange, why is it different from what mother said?"

"Sister, look at what this is? Is this what mother said? But what mother said is not so big?"

"Sister, sister, look quickly, it's still moving!"


Qin Lang spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You just watch, don't tease with your hands..."


"Huh..." Qin Lang panted heavily, he really couldn't pretend anymore.

"Sister...uh...sister, what is this...what is spraying out?"

"Ah, sister, look quickly, the official is awake, am I very powerful!"

Xiao Qiao was triumphant, with high spirits and a high-spirited face.

You have been tossing here for a long time, and the officials didn't wake you up.

As soon as I woke up, the officer woke up.

What is it called?This is called a tacit understanding, this is called fate.

I said that the poem was written to me by an official, sister, you have to be stubborn, now you know the truth, right?
Qin Lang looked at Xiao Qiao's appearance in shock, and the white thing sticking to his face, and felt another evil fire surging out of his body.

With these two goblins around, it would be deadly!

Since then, it is definitely not a false statement that the king will not go to court early.

What should I do now, I can't even pretend to sleep!
Da Qiao opened his big eyes, looking innocent and ugly.

Xiao Qiao also stared with a pair of big eyes, the meaning is obvious, anyway, it's already like this, you can figure it out!
This is moral kidnapping, this is shameless!
"I... how can I solve this desperate situation?"


At the same time, a system prompt sounded in my mind.

Qin Lang's face suddenly changed, "Damn, why come out to find a sense of presence at this time, is this the final fatal blow for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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