Chapter 199 Do you dare to fight?
Cao Zhi was impatient, if this woman went to the dinner party with Yuan Xu, he would go home immediately, even if he split his head, he would pull out the inspiration inside.

My Cao Zhi's talent is enough to make women in the world go crazy, and the feeling of spiritual thoughts springing up like this, but not appearing for a long time, must be a precursor to the birth of a peerless article.

As everyone knows, there are so many women in Xuchang City who are looking forward to getting every word from me, but they can't get it!

When Yuan Xu saw it, he felt a "thump" in his heart.

He knows Zhen Mi's charm best, why Zhen Mi has to wear a veil at home, because of his father in name, sometimes he can't stand it.

There was no man who could not be fascinated by seeing Zhen Mi.

This is also the reason why Yuan Shao was so confident that if he presented a concubine to Liu Xiejin, Liu Xie would definitely choose Zhen Mi.

Yuan Shao was not afraid that Zhen Mi would be intercepted by Cao Cao on the way, because Zhen Mi had never been married, and Cao Cao's liking for men and wives was known all over the world.

It's just that Yuan Shao seems to have overlooked one thing, Cao Cao may not like it, but what about Cao Cao's son?

Cao Zhi's eyes were straight!
"How decent are you, why don't you close the door!" Yuan Xu said angrily.

The roof was leaking, and there was a big wooden barrel taking a bath in the room. As a woman, Zhen Mi clearly looked like she had just come out of the bath.

Zhen Mi saluted lightly, and the two maids quickly closed the door.

"Ha...haha, the little girl usually likes water, I made everyone laugh!"

"Master Yuan, what are you talking about? The roof of the inn has collapsed. It's clearly because of our poor hospitality. I will change the residence for you!"

Dong Cheng blushed and was embarrassed to stay, so he wanted to leave quickly.

At such an old age, being seduced by a little girl is one of them.

The roof of the post house that entertained the mission collapsed due to years of disrepair, this is the second.

The face is gone!

"Young master, let's go?"

"Young master, huh? Why are your eyes intertwined?"

"No, why are you still bleeding? Could it be that you are sick? Call the doctor quickly!"



Qin Lang returned to the vegetable garden and changed into clean clothes, but his mind was full of Zhen Mi's eyes.

These eyes seem to have a magical power, which makes people memorable and lingering.

Whether it was Diao Chan, or Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, Qin Lang didn't have such a feeling.

Zhen Mi has a naturally charming physique, even Diao Chan seems to be inferior in this regard.

Those eyes were full of disgust, the disgust of seeing a hooligan.

This opening method is wrong!

When she fell into Diao Chan's bathtub, she didn't receive such treatment.

Didn't he also become a hero when he met Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao playing in the water by the river?

It seems that normal women are always used in this world!
But, what about this inheritance task?
You can't use strong methods to open the fairy spectrum, how the hell do you play this?We are really not good at chasing girls!

"Officer, where have you been?"

Suddenly Liu Bei's voice sounded beside him, Qin Lang was taken aback, when did Liu Bei have such ghostly movements?

At such a close distance, there was no movement until he made a sound.

Liu Bei looked skeptical, and I have been following you since you entered the door wearing a wet night suit.

Watching you change clothes, and watching you talking to yourself, why do you inherit the task, why don't you know how to chase girls, do you Qin officials still chase girls?
Could it be that he was practicing some kind of immortal technique, so that he became obsessed?
"Officer, you won't steal people, will you?"

Liu Bei frowned, our brother likes women, but since he is a woman, he is a married woman.

Even if you used robbery like Cao Cao, you can't steal it. It's too tasteless and embarrassing!

"Brother, how can you say that? Apart from falling into someone's bathtub, when have I, Qin Lang, ever stolen?"

Qin Lang almost slapped Liu Bei to death, don't think that you are the big brother, so you can just lie with your mouth.

If it is placed in modern times, I will sue you for defamation!
"Okay, you are a cultivator and you have the strength to protect yourself. I don't want to take care of your messy things, but you have to be careful, don't get caught by others!"

Liu Bei felt uncomfortable for a while. He still didn't know Qin Lang before. It turned out that this boy not only likes women, but also likes to act secretly.

Damn... Mi Zhen said that she never succeeded, so she couldn't be lying to me, right?Just to make Qin Lang feel sneaky?
Thinking about it, something is wrong, a top-quality woman is lying on your Qin Lang's bed, will you be able to bear it?
I just said something was wrong, it turned out to be like this!
I ordered Mi Zhen to do this, and I was also annoyed because Mi Zhen never succeeded.

But now, why do I feel like an idiot?
I feel so depressed in my heart, what's going on?

"Boy, this is the gauntlet Xiahou Dun gave you, you can read it yourself, I don't care about it!"

Liu Bei threw the gauntlet away, and went back to his room to sulk.

Thinking that Mi Zhen didn't tell herself, and still looked pitiful about not completing the task every night, her anger became more and more gloomy.

You're treating me like a fool, bastard Qin Lang, don't take this big brother seriously, you wait until I find a chance, I have to beat you hard, to relieve my anger!

Qin Lang picked up the letter of war, it was written very simply, just one word, war!

Can it be fought?
Dare to fight?
"Xiahoudun? This kid doesn't know how to play?" Qin Lang held the book of war in his hands, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If he wants to fight, he will fight!
Qin Lang only felt a surge of pride in his heart, and it burst forth.

Because of the depression that fell into Zhen Mi's bathtub, he just needed to find someone to vent out. Xiahou Dun is really a good person, and he will give you a pillow when he falls asleep!
Since the coming of this era, from the assassination of Dong, until he experienced many twists and turns, the world's perception of Qin Lang is still a person who cultivated outside.

This person knows the magic of immortality, and makes people fear him by appearing and disappearing like ghosts.

But no one knows that my bravery, Qin Lang, is now the best in the world.

Hmm... Will Yuan Shao's mission come to the banquet, and will Zhen Mi come?

Qin Lang sighed, he seemed to have been in this mood before, worrying about gains and losses, but when was that and why can't remember...

Cao Zhi's mansion.

Cao Zhi took a bath and changed his clothes. After returning, he began to choose clothes and comb his hair.

Several servants who were in charge of makeup and dressing up were still fiddling with the objects in their hands, making sure to show Cao Zhi's most handsome side.

There are several book boys standing beside each other holding a stack of books.

This is to keep the inspiration in your mind with a bookish atmosphere.

The inspiration is getting stronger and stronger, and the accumulation of power is getting bigger and bigger. As long as there is an opportunity, it will be a famous article passed down through the ages.

There is no doubt about that!
But when will that opportunity come?

Cao Zhi knew very well that the opportunity lay in that woman named Zhen Mi.

The emperor Liu Xie is a coward, he is his father's puppet, how can he have such a beautiful woman?
Zhen Mi, it must belong to me, Cao Zhi!

(End of this chapter)

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