Chapter 200 You are too deceiving

Xiahou Dun's challenge to Qin Lang was spread in Xuchang City very quickly.

Everyone knows it, and there is a lot of people talking about it.

Even Liu Xie, who was in the palace, knew about tonight's challenge.

Liu Xie hurriedly delivered the imperial decree to the outside of the palace. He wanted to attend the banquet tonight, not because he wanted to meet the mission, but because he wanted to see how Qin Lang would show off his might and kill Cao Cao's generals, so that Cao Cao would be severely humiliated.

As a result, before Cao Cao slapped his face, he was slapped in the face by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao didn't let him leave the palace in the middle of the night, what if he met someone?
What if there is some secret communication with Yuan Shao's mission?
Cao Pi Mansion.

I made a large table of dishes at noon, but there were only two people on the table, one was Cao Pi and the other was Cao Chong.

Among Cao Cao's sons, the relationship between Cao Pi and Cao Chong is the best.

"Second brother, these foods are rare, I will send some to my master later!"

Cao Chong was chewing a piece of venison in his mouth, his mouth was full, and his speech was blurred.

This is a young deer, which is very difficult to hunt. After Cao Pi killed the young deer, he didn't give it to Cao Cao, so he still asked him to eat it.

"Brother Chong, father hasn't sent it yet, you only think about master." Cao Pi teased, but his voice was full of envy.

Cao Chong was originally Cao Cao's favorite son, and he was loved by thousands of people. Since the incident of being called an elephant, his reputation has spread.

Cao Cao has already expressed his attitude of wanting to make Cao Pi his son, but the reason why it is not clear is probably because Cao Chong is young, in order to protect him.

"Father is now the prime minister, what precious food have you never seen?"

Cao Chong raised his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Second brother, father already has the ambition to be an emperor, but the time has not yet come. Master is so talented, how can he not stay to assist father?"


Cao Pi was shocked. How could such words be said so easily? Fortunately, no one else heard it now, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Is Cao Chong acting like this just to strengthen Cao Cao's strength?
It's not necessarily just that, after his father achieves great success, aren't the Qin officials also Cao Chong's greatest help?

A young deer not only has to retain talents for its father, but also preserves its own strength. Brother Chong, are you really only eight years old this year?

"Second brother, General Xiahou will have a decisive battle with Master tonight. Master can't lose this battle, but General Xiahou can't lose either, or father will be in trouble."

" know again?"

Qin Lang naturally couldn't lose, if he lost, would he still stay in Xuchang?
Talent doesn't have to be able to fight, and it's too one-sided to judge a person's value by a decisive battle.

Let's just talk about the talents of Xun Yu and Guo Jia, what is their value?
Xun Yu or Guo Jia, who can beat Xiahou Dun?

Naturally, Xiahou Dun couldn't lose, the Xiahou family was Cao Cao's main arm, and Cao Cao's rise was inseparable from the Xiahou family's full support.

Cao's family and Xiahou's family have long been inextricably linked together, one is prosperous and the other is damaged, and Xiahou Chun is the leader of Xiahou's family in the military.

If Xiahouchun loses, Xiahou's family will be hit, which will affect Cao Cao's strength.

Even if one side really loses, there must be a perfect solution.

He didn't even think about this matter so far-reachingly, but Cao Chong thought of it. Could it be that his father couldn't think of it?
Cao Cao knew that the two sides were in a dilemma, so why did he agree with Xiahou Dun to do this?What is the purpose?
Cao Pi thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Cao Chong, he was still eating venison with relish, brother Chong knew what his father was thinking!

Cao Pi only felt hopeless in his heart. With such a younger brother, who could not be hopeless?Or, who can not kill?

Cao Chong patted his belly, hiccupped, took out a knife, and cut off the other side of the fawn's body.

"Second brother, I will bring this half of a young deer to the dinner party today and give it to Master in front of my father. What do you think?"

Cao Pi looked complicated, and murmured: "Very good, so good!"

Cao Pi originally didn't want to go to today's dinner, because no matter who wins or loses, Xiahou Dun or Qin Lang, it will be of no benefit, this is his judgment.

"No, I'm going, I'm going to have a look, father's thoughts!"

There is a building in Xuchang City. Outside is a large open space. At night, it is brightly lit.

Cao Cao sat on the second floor, looking down at the crowd below through the wooden guardrail.

At this time, many people who received the invitation had already arrived, but there were not many who could go up to the second floor.

It is a great honor for Liu to be invited to be on Cao Cao's right hand side.

Everyone looked sideways at Liu Bei. Cao Cao valued him so much. In the past, Xun Yu's seat was on his right.

Yuan Xu took Zhen Mi with her. Zhen Mi was wearing a veil and bowed first after going upstairs.

Xun Yu and Guo Jia came hand in hand, Xun Yu went up to the second floor, but Guo Jia stayed below.

Immediately after was Xu Chu, with a golden knife and a powerful horse, standing behind Cao Cao. Today his role is a bodyguard.

Dong Cheng and Cao Zhi are here, and Dong Cheng, as the head of the reception mission, will also come at the etiquette office.

Cao Zhi didn't have a seat, so he had to stand beside Xu Chu.

Cao Cao was still a little puzzled, there was your place downstairs, why did you come upstairs?
Cao Zhi's thoughts were all on Zhen Mi, as soon as he went upstairs, he couldn't take his eyes off, and he couldn't see Cao Cao's dissatisfaction.

Zhen Mi glanced at Cao Zhi quietly, he was handsome and quite polite, his eyes were infatuated, but he had no evil thoughts.

This person is Cao Cao's son, and he can still have this quality, which is much better than that disciple who fell into her bathtub.

Zhen Mi smiled slightly at Cao Zhi.

It was this smile that made Cao Zhi feel dizzy, and countless cracks appeared on the film that suppressed inspiration.

Cracks will be broken at any time, and masterpieces handed down from generation to generation will be twisted at any time!
There were also a few elders from Xuchang's Cao family and Xiahou's family. There were only a dozen people at a big table, and there were still two vacant seats on Cao Cao's left hand side.

"Officer, originally the position on my right hand is yours, but since you recognize Liu Xuande as your elder brother, you can't be allowed to be above him, and the position on the left hand is wronged for you!"

Cao Cao secretly sighed, fortunately, he did not underestimate Liu Bei when he talked about heroes with green plums cooking wine a few days ago, and Liu Bei sitting here is not considered to have humiliated himself.

A group of thousands of soldiers surrounded the open space of the street. Xiahou Dun, wearing armor and carrying weapons, rode a tall horse and came slowly from the depths of the street.

Xiahou Dun was originally ugly and vicious, but now he is blind in one eye. For today's challenge, he didn't even wear a blindfold.

That empty eye socket made people feel chills all over.

No one would have imagined that a general who is fighting on the battlefield, his killing intent is not so violent and strong, but as cold as ice.

Xiahou Dun came downstairs to welcome guests, raised his head and looked at Cao Cao with his one eye, "My lord, the last general Xiahou has armor in his body, so he can't get off his horse to salute!"

When he opened his mouth, the killing intent was even more awe-inspiring.

Xiahou Dun was right not to get off his horse. Since yesterday... no, it should be said that he has been accumulating murderous intent since he took off that eye.

If he got off the horse and bent over at this time, the killing intent might get out of control.

Cao Cao didn't say a word, just waved his hand, then turned his head to look at the other side of the street.

Qin Lang was wearing a long gown and walked slowly.

There are neither horses nor weapons. Not only does it not look like a duel, but it looks like a scholar is going out of the city for an outing.

Xiahou Dun yanked the rein violently and shouted, "Qin Lang, you are too deceitful!"

(End of this chapter)

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