Chapter 241 Taking People as Straight Dogs
While the sentinel was talking, his throat was still throbbing, obviously trying not to vomit out.

When Qin Lang heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly. Are there refugees eating people?

"General, I'm afraid they are soldiers fleeing from Liyang City. They have nothing to eat and are starving!" said the sentinel.

Cannibalism has happened in history.

Especially in that kind of catastrophic year, the victims eat more Avalokitesvara soil to cheat the feeling of hunger with the feeling of full stomach.

However, those who eat Guanyin soil will die from abdominal distension, so some families will change their children to eat. If their own children can't bear to eat, they will replace them with other people's children.

When the child is in the pot, it is a pot of rotten meat.

The cruelest torture in the world is not crueler than hunger.

Qin Lang has seen such a tragic scene in the book, but no matter how miserable the book describes, it can't compare to the shock in his heart when he saw it with his own eyes.

The soldiers were even more silent. Even if their hearts were as hard as a stone, they would be filled with anger when they saw this scene with their own eyes.

Qin Lang was expressionless, with a deep murderous intent in his eyes, and said: "The refugees flee, and there is nothing to eat, so they eat their own kind to make a living. Do you think this is the worst?"

Even if they are cannibals, they are in order to survive. Cannibalism deserves death, but at this point, who can resist eating?

Do you know how miserable the people of the Han Dynasty would be during the chaos of the Five Dynasties?

When the minority nomads were in chaos in China, when they had food, the women of the Han people were their slaves, and when they had no food, those women were their rations.

They don't even eat old people, they don't eat men, they only eat women and children.

"Squeeze the chaotic world, restore the prosperity of the world, let us no longer experience the horror of cannibalism, and let your descendants not become rotten meat in that pot, you... I am willing to devote myself to this cause with me, and die. Already?"

"Fourth brother, I am willing to throw my head and blood to help the Han family and restore the prosperity of the world!"

Zhao Yun was trembling with excitement, clutching the silver gun firmly in his hand, smelling the smell of meat wafting from a distance, never had such a firm belief in his heart.

"Yeah, I can't let my child become the rotten meat in that pot!" A soldier lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"I don't have any children yet, I just got married, and my wife is very gentle... I will never allow it, kill... kill!" There was another soldier, his pupils slowly contracted, and the indifference in his eyes turned into madness.

"Kill, kill this group of man-eating devils, I will follow the general to calm the troubled times, and I will die!"

At this moment, all the thousand soldiers found their faith.

Stepping into the battlefield and fighting with your life, is it for the pleasure of killing?

Is it just for survival?

The purpose... is to protect the family, protect the children from being eaten, and protect the wife from being someone else's ration.

For this reason, we will die!
"Fourth brother..." Zhao Yun roared in a low voice.

The killing intent on Zhao Yun's body was almost overflowing, those people in front were common people, but they were also devils!

"I can understand that they cannibalize people in order to survive, but that doesn't mean I can forgive them. No matter what the reason is, the cannibals deserve to die!"

Qin Lang turned around, looked at the group of soldiers, took a deep breath, "Kill people to sacrifice the flag, from now on, we and you will live and die together!"


Thousands of soldiers rushed up together. On the side of the small road in the distance, it was over without even screaming.

"Diaochan, if they eat people, they are no longer ordinary people, right?" Qin Lang held Diaochan's hand, his palm was cold and still trembling slightly.

The impact of this scene on Qin Lang was far stronger than that of these soldiers.

These soldiers lived in troubled times, after all, they had seen too many tragic scenes.

Qin Lang lives in modern times, when the scene of cannibalism described in the history books appears in front of his eyes, the shock is unparalleled.

"Officials, the village head's grandfather once told me that the inhumane world regards all things as dogs, and the sages treat the people as dogs in a heartless way. If you practice the realm of heaven, earth, xuan, and yellow, you will end up as ants if you don't reach the heavenly level. The ants eat each other , how would you feel?"

"You are not an ant, and neither am I!" Qin Lang said.

Diao Chan shook her head, "If I hadn't met you in this life, my life would be more miserable than being eaten!"


Suddenly, a notification sound came from the inheritance system in my mind.

"Xiao Ai's reminder: Master, the succession system is activated, and you will go to the Three Kingdoms period to dissuade Liu Bei from attacking Wu, help him to rule the world, and save the Han people from the suffering of the Five Husbands!"

"Xiao Ai's reminder: The master traveled through history, and the butterfly flapped his shoulders. If the task cannot be completed, the Han nationality may become extinct!"

"Complete the succession task, help Liu Bei to rule the world, and rule the world!" Qin Lang muttered to himself.

When Qin Lang first received the system task, maybe it was just to complete the task, but after today, this task has become a mission.

Train these thousand soldiers into an invincible team, give them faith, but also give yourself the faith to fight for it!


A young soldier ran over holding a head.

The soldier's face was covered with wind and frost, only his eyes still showed immaturity.

"General, kill all those people, there are... two children in the pot!"

"Child... how old are you this year, what is your name, have you ever been married?" Qin Lang looked at the soldier, if you were in modern times, you would still be a child now.

"Me?" The soldier hesitated, if it was the past, he would have jumped up excitedly, but at this time, his enthusiasm was somewhat lacklustre.

"Reporting to the general, the villain's last name is Tuoba. He just had a child a few days ago named Tuobagui, and he hasn't given birth yet."

"Tuoba? your son Tuobagui?"

"Is there something wrong?" The soldier was a little nervous.

Everyone said that General Qin Lang likes married women, so he wouldn't want to draw attention to my wife, would he?
That's impossible, I, Tuobayu, will never take this as a shortcut, I must protect my family from anyone's bullying.

The reason why Qin Lang was surprised was not because Tuobayu's wife had just given birth, but because his son's name was Tuobagui.

Is this fate?

In history, the person who unified the north and ended the Five Chaos China was named Tuo Batao.

This person is not a Han, but claims to be a Han, a mixed blood of Xianbei and Han, and he is the third emperor of the Northern Wei Empire.

And the founding emperor of the Northern Wei Empire, whose name was Tuobagui, could it be the son of the soldier in front of him who hadn't yet reached the full moon?
"Boy, what's your grandson's name? Where's your great-grandson? Did you name it?"

"Huh? My grandson, great-grandson?"

Tuoba Yu was moved, the general reminded me, made me think about future generations, and strengthened my belief in protecting my family.


Tuobayu knelt down on the ground and said: "The villain has not named his descendants yet, please general please leave a name for the descendants of the villain. The villain is grateful and will repay him with his life!"

"That's fine..." Qin Lang nodded, in case the mission fails, he must leave some fire.

"Your son is called Tuoba Gui, your grandson can be called Tuoba Si, and your great-grandson is Tuoba Tao."

"Thank you General for the name!"

Tuoba Yu knelt down on the ground, extremely excited, "The villain will definitely pass the test and become the sharpest spear under the general's command!"

(End of this chapter)

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