Chapter 242 Is It Your Son?

The soldiers killed the cannibals, and the soldiers who did it took off their armor and buried them by the roadside as a coffin.

Under the conditions at this time, it can definitely be regarded as a generous burial.

When they arrived at Liyang City, the city had indeed been captured by Yuan Shao's forward army.

"Zilong, call the door and take Yuan Xi with you!"

Yuan Xi was always brought to the back of the team, only saw Qin Lang's soldiers killing the common people, but he didn't know why.

It's just that Yuan Xi didn't take it seriously. In this era, it is very common for soldiers to kill civilians at will.

After a big battle, the soldiers need to vent their pressure. Under normal circumstances, as long as a city is breached, there will be a few days to burn, kill and loot at will. This is the usual practice.

Liyang City has just been captured, and the guards will definitely be extremely vigilant. They only hand in letters, and they may not open the city gate.

As Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi is the best pass token.


Zhao Yun took the order, went to the back of the team, carried Yuan Xi to the front of the city, and said: "I am a mission sent by Liu Bei from Xuzhou. I was ordered to go to Jizhou as an envoy. Please open the city gate and let me go!"

"Second son?"

It was Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang who led the troops to take Liyang City. After he was ordered to take Liyang City, he went to capture Baima East County and seize the key points on the south bank of the Yellow River to ensure that the main force of the army could cross the river.

"Didn't my lord send the second son to Xuzhou? How could he be bound by ropes? Could it be that Cao Cao's team robbed the second son on the way and tried to trick the gate into opening?"

Yan Liang was in a dilemma. The second son, Yuan Xi, was Yuan Shao's favorite son. If he refused to save him, he would definitely be in trouble.

However, the battle report of Liyang City had already been sent to Jizhou. According to the original plan, the day when Liyang was captured was when Yuan Shao worshiped heaven and earth and held the swearing-in meeting.

If Liyang City is lost in his hands again, it will definitely be a huge blow to the morale of the army, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a capital crime.

Or...pretend not to know?
Pretending that this person is not Yuan Xi, since there is no proof of death anyway, a general should be decisive, as the saying goes, no poison and no husband!
At this moment, Yan Liang made a decision, and laughed loudly: "Cao thief is cunning, my second son is now in Xuzhou City, if you want to deceive the city gate, it is a joke to get a fake second son to come, come here, give this general Shoot the bastard!"


Thousands of soldiers emerged from the city wall, their bows and arrows stretched like a full moon, and the tips of their arrows glowed with cold light.

Yuan Xi's expression changed drastically. With so many arrows shot at him, even a god would die. Not to mention that he is still tied with a rope, even if he is not tied, he can't escape!

"Yan Liang, open your eyes wide, I'm Yuan Xi, I'm not fake!"

Yan Liang's eyelids twitched wildly, how the hell do I know you're not fake!

Qin Lang was also very surprised when he saw the movement on the top of the city. He hurried to the front of the city wall and stood side by side with Zhao Yun.

Yan Liang is also a character.

"Hehe, you still said that you are Yuan Shao's son, have you exposed it?" Qin Lang patted Yuan Xi's shoulder and said with a light smile.

Yuan Xi was also at a loss, Qin Lang was right, am I really Yuan Shao's son?Am I not my own?
If not, how dare one of my father's generals pull the bowstring at me?

Qin Lang's words seemed to have opened a bloody wound in his heart. This bastard is a fairy, does he know some secret?
"Yan Liang, I am not the son of my father. Do you dare to ignore my existence and kill someone directly?"

Yuan Xi stared at Yan Liang, this person and Wen Chou were Yuan Shao's most trusted generals, and they must know many of Yuan Shao's secrets.

Yuan Xi bet again, betting that Yan Liang was just putting on a show and didn't dare to shoot the arrow. If this person really dared to shoot the arrow... I really might not be my real son!
what's wrong with me?I went to Youzhou to work, and my fiancée was robbed. When I came to Xuzhou as an envoy, I met a woman who fell in love at first sight and was robbed. Not a single branch was pulled out.

Now, I'm not even my father's son?

What am I doing back in Youzhou?Wouldn't it be nice to be my Youzhou Shepherd?
At this moment, Yuan Xi's heart was half dead.

As for the remaining half... Yuan Xi turned his head and stared at Qin Lang, revenge, must revenge!

If it wasn't for this bastard, even though my fiancée would still be sent to Xuchang, I wouldn't go to Xuzhou, and I wouldn't meet the woman I fell in love with at first sight, but I would still be Yuan Xi, and my father's own son!
Since ancient times, the class division of masters and servants has been very serious. Yan Liang dared to attack him. Is there any other explanation?
So I don't blame Yuan Xi for thinking wildly, but I can only blame him for being too young, and I don't know why Yan Liang did this.

"Yan Liang, even if this person is not Yuan Shao's son, you shouldn't have fired. We are indeed Xuzhou's mission. Even if you shoot, can you shoot all of us to death?"

Qin Lang pointed to the team behind him, and continued: "As long as one person escapes, my Lord Liu Bei will use the righteousness of avenging the mission to attack Yuan Benchu ​​together with Cao Cao. Can you bear this crime?"

Yan Liang quickly waved his hand and stopped the soldiers from shooting arrows. This man was right, the clothes and belt edict was released by Liu Bei, and Yuan Shao attached great importance to the alliance with Liu Bei.

The important town of Xuzhou plus an army of nearly [-], this force that was originally an enemy of Cao Cao, pushed back into Cao Cao's arms, it would be a doubled loss.

"How do you prove that you are not Cao Cao's subordinate?" Yan Liang said solemnly.

"Yan Liang, as the strongest general under Yuan Shao's tent, you are really too cowardly!"

"What are you..."

"Shua..." Qin Lang stretched out his hand, and a Fang Tian painted halberd appeared out of thin air.

Now Zhao Yun is by his side, Guan Yu is guarding Xiapi, and he is still in armor every day, so he can only activate Lu Bu's ability.

As for Xing Daorong... ahem, if he doesn't come to Jingzhou, he won't be able to see his grandson anyway.

"Qin Lang?!"

Yan Liang lost his voice in surprise, "Liu Bei actually sent you as an envoy?"

Back then in Xuchang, Qin Lang showed Fang Tian's ability to draw a halberd out of thin air, and rumors spread widely.

After Yuan Xu returned to Jizhou, he also said this matter. At that time, many people did not believe it, and Yan Liang was one of them.

But now, just appearing in front of me out of thin air, this person is not Qin Lang, who else could it be?

Those who win Qin Lang win the world, hehe... What a great compliment!
My Yanliang, I will meet you Qin Lang for a while!

"Come here, open the city gate and welcome Liu Bei's mission into the city!"


The heavy wooden door was opened, and Yan Liang came out with a team of soldiers and horses.

"Huh? Damn..."

After leaving the city, Yan Liang opened his mouth in astonishment, and quickly ran a few steps, "Isn't this the Second Young Master? Why were you tied up? What the hell, who dares to tie up my Second Young Master, as if I, Yan Liang, are vegetarians?" No!"

(End of this chapter)

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