Chapter 257 Yuan Shao Sends Troops
Qin Lang's hidden finger made the little guy's meridian disorder, but it was only disorder, it looked painful and terrifying, but it was actually nothing serious.

"I can save your son, but Mr. Yuan, can you trust me?" Qin Lang asked.

Yuan Shao only hesitated for a moment, and then completely collapsed in Aizi's eager emotion.

"Official Qin, hurry up and save my son, I will send troops to Xuchang immediately to break the siege of Xuzhou!"

"it is good!"

Qin Lang supported Yuan Shao's youngest son with both hands, and let him sit on the bed.

"I ordered from the heavens to increase the lifespan of this son by one year, and you and the seductive messengers still don't back away?!"


Qin Lang slapped Yuan Shao's youngest son on the back, and the little guy spat out some undigested liquid medicine with a "wow".

Inside the big tent, another gust of wind blew up out of thin air.

This gust of wind was caused by Qin Lang's movement of all the true qi in his body. Driven by the movement of true qi, the air flow was produced.

But in Yuan Shao's view, this scene was not so simple.

This is in the big tent, why is there a wind?
What does Qin Lang mean by increasing one's lifespan?Could it be that my son should have exhausted his lifespan today?

Soul seducer... what soul seducer?Are there messengers from hell coming to seduce souls?

I have the destiny of the Son of Heaven, I will seize the world and become the Son of Heaven, I am the destiny of Heaven!
What the hell is going on here?

"Hehe, I can't scare you to death!" Qin Lang laughed secretly.

People in this era, because they don't understand the nature of this world, have the myth system, so they trust ghosts and gods very much.

Even the Son of Heaven is granted the power of the king by heaven, and under the blessing of superstition, he has the right to replace the heaven and nomadic the people.


At the same time, the little guy woke up slowly, with a painful expression on his face.

"Wake up, hahaha, my son is awake!"

"Yuan Gong, since your son is awake, the matter of sending troops to Xuchang..."

"Send troops immediately!"

Yuan Shao slapped his thigh fiercely, this person should only exist in the sky, he must be an immortal.

Don't offend, don't offend!
Anyway, cousin Yuan Xu still has Zhen Mi, so he can still recruit him.

I can't break my word and ruin the impression in this person's heart.

Damn Tian Feng actually used my son as a bait for a conspiracy, can I still trust him?
Could it be that he didn't want me to recruit Qin Lang, so he lied to me and set up such a scheme?
However, now is not the time to pursue these matters, first decide on the dispatch of troops, what if those envoys haven't left yet?
Yuan Shao had killed many people over the years, but now he felt chills all over his body, and always felt that there were many pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Come here, send an order to Liyang City, order Yuan Xi to guard Liyang, Yan Liang led the troops to Xuchang, and Xu You immediately led the Chinese army to help. I want to take Cao Cao's hometown in one fell swoop while he is attacking Xuzhou. Battle to determine the universe!"


Outside the big tent, two soldiers turned and left, wanting to convey orders as quickly as possible.

Tian Feng was dumbfounded, he didn't know what happened in the big tent, why did the lord change the order?How can you change it so happily?

Could it be that Qin Lang used means?No, I want to go in and take a look, there must be a conspiracy in it!
"My lord..."

Tian Feng lifted the curtain of the big tent, and was about to break into it.

"Fuck your uncle!"

Oncoming, is a big foot.

Tian Feng was kicked and rolled down the stone steps.

It happened to roll to the place where Xu You was lying on his stomach.

Xu You poked his neck, kept rolling his eyes, and stopped cursing the mediocre master.

Just now he clearly heard that Yuan Shao ordered to send troops immediately, and asked him to lead a large force to attack Xuchang.

A great achievement, within easy reach!
I Xu You... in the name of death remonstrance, it can be passed on through the ages, I Xu You... the merits of the world in one battle can be left in the history books, I Xu You... the righteousness of not being afraid of life and death can shock the world!

"Xu You, my lord mistrusted the villain, but hurt you by mistake!"

Yuan Shao walked down the steps, helped Xu You up himself, and continued: "Fortunately, the officials stopped you, are you in good health?"

"Reporting to my lord, my subordinates are in good health. You can ride a horse and gallop, and you will never miss the opportunity to fight!"

"Okay, you can ride my lord's war horse and lead the army to Xuchang. In addition, my lord will reward you with twenty gold bars. Go!"


Xu You stood up with excitement in his eyes.

My lord, although sometimes confused, is generally very wise.

"My lord, my lord..." Tian Feng crawled over on the ground, "Why did you send troops, but the young master's condition has recovered?"

Tian Feng wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out how Qin Lang broke the situation?
This is clearly an unsolvable conspiracy!

"Tian Feng, don't participate in the battle against Cao, stay in Jizhou and defend the city!"

Yuan Shao flicked his sleeves, turned around and returned to the big tent.

"My dear son, father almost let you die under Tian Feng's scheme, father is sorry for you!"

Looking at the little guy lying on the bed, still drowsy, Yuan Shao couldn't help crying.

"Heh... Even Yuan Shao has a great weakness. He is said to be a hero, but he is indecisive. He is said to be a hero, but he always acts like a villain. No wonder Cao Cao never takes him seriously!"

Qin Lang shook his head, and didn't say goodbye, let alone Yuan Shao's love for him, he left the big tent directly.

What Cao Cao said is not wrong. If you judge heroes in terms of the world, there are only two people, Cao Mengde and Liu Xuande.

Although Wu State is one of the Three Kingdoms, it has never dominated the general trend of the world, because Wu State has never occupied a dominant position.

During the Battle of Chibi, Zhou Yu set Cao Cao's main force on fire, and his prestige was overwhelming.

But even so, the state of Wu did not dare to take the opportunity to attack the north, because the state of Wu was not that powerful. He said that he could not beat Cao Cao, so he chose to join forces with Liu Bei to fight Cao Cao.

At that time, Cao Cao's power was the strongest!
Until later, Liu Bei developed rapidly, and after capturing Sichuan, he took a severe bite on Cao Cao.

Even if Guan Yu lost Jingzhou carelessly, Shu is still the strongest of the three parties.

Liu Bei used all his troops to attack the State of Wu, and the State of Wu was forced to unite with the State of Wei to resist Shu.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang felt the call of the couple card again. The two daughters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and the little girl Sun Shangxiang sometimes couldn't sit still all day long!

"When Yuan Shao's army breaks through Xuchang, Liu Bei's power settles down, and Zhen Mi settles down in Jizhou, it's time to go to Jiangdong again!"

As long as this battle develops according to Qin Lang's prediction, Cao Cao's power will be destroyed, and there will definitely be a battle between Liu Bei and Yuan Shao.

After that, only the land of Jiangdong is left, which is the biggest obstacle for Liu Bei to establish a unified country.

As for Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Liu Zhang of Yizhou...they are not Ming lords, they should not be underestimated, but there is no need to worry about them.

(End of this chapter)

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