Chapter 258 Plan ahead
Yuan Xu's mansion, the backyard.

Zhen Mi sat in the room, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

I heard that the officials went to see Yuan Shao today to discuss the matter of dispatching troops to Xuchang.

It is said that the sword is ruthless and has no eyes. Will the officials go out together?It is inevitable that a general will die on the battlefield, and if he enters the battlefield, he will be in danger of being shrouded in horse leather.

Logically speaking, Qin Lang is an emissary from Xuzhou, so he doesn't need to act with the large army.

But now Xuzhou is in the midst of military chaos, Liu Bei and others are in desperate situation, how can Qin Lang not do anything?

That woman...sneaked over last night and forced herself to do something she had never done before, saying that it would be very helpful for getting along with officials in the future.

That being the case, it never hurts to learn more!
But that kind of feeling... Zhen Mi bit the corner of her lips, she couldn't describe it, and now thinking about it, she still feels shy.

All I can say is why is that woman so bold?Aren't you afraid that officials will blame her for being shameless?

But why didn't you come today?I also want to ask about the officials through the woman, but the more anxious I am, the more I can't get what I want.

on the other hand.

Diao Chan was packing up and saluting, and Qin Lang was going to act in advance before the army set off.

He was really worried that Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were unreliable, what if they were defeated by Cao Cao without waiting for reinforcements?
In history, Yuan Shao was delayed for a long time because of his son's illness. It was not until his son recovered that he sent Xu You to lead the troops to Xuchang.

At that time, Xu You's injury from the army stick had almost healed.

Although he has fought for a long time now, Qin Lang still has great concerns. It is so easy to change history!

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and Yuan Shao's youngest son can't be cured, so he can sit on the high platform and sit back and relax!

"Officer, don't you take Miss Zhen Mi to leave together?"

Diao Chan packed up and saluted, then turned around and smoothed Qin Lang's collar, her voice was soft and full of anticipation.

"Huh? Is your relationship with her that good?"

"It's not because you have a good relationship with her, but because Zhen Mi's sister is outstanding in appearance, she must be stared at by many men. What if you are snatched away by other men because you are not around?"

As for Zhen Mi's submissive and pitiful appearance, it was originally what men liked the most.

If she is turned into a woman again due to irresistible reasons, how excited are you, Qin Lang?
At that time, I will not be looking for the Zhen Mi Alliance, but the three women's alliances.

Therefore, we must plan ahead, and Zhen Mi must leave with him, otherwise it will be a big threat that has been hiding in the dark.

"You're right!"

Qin Lang pondered for a moment, the sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were together with Sun Shangxiang, there was no big problem in terms of safety.

If you really encounter danger, you can also use the ability of the couple card to send it directly. Isn't it just spending money, it is better than failing the mission of Fairy Book.

Zhen Mi is different, Yuan Shao has always regarded her as the capital for trading resources, if Zhen Mi is in Jizhou, she will have no resistance at all.

But is Zhen Mi willing to go with me?
Whether in Xuchang or now in Jizhou, there seems to be no deep emotional communication between the two.

Even if Zhen Mi was willing, how could Yuan Xu let her go?

"Officer, you don't have to worry about sister Zhen Mi's wishes, you just need to think about how to take her away!"

"Huh? Are you sure?"

Qin Lang suddenly felt something was wrong. These two days...what happened?
On the other hand, Liyang City.

Yan Liang sorted out the guards in Liyang City thoroughly, and was ready to send troops.

"My lord, I'm waiting for the food and grass to be ready before sending out troops!"

Yan Liang stood behind Yuan Xi respectfully, lowered his head, and couldn't see what expression he had.

These days, Yan Liang's life has been difficult. That day outside the city gate, Yuan Xi was really offended.

If he is really non-toxic and not a husband, he should have taken action at that time. If this person really inherits the master's great career, can I, Yan Liang, survive?
Do you want to take advantage of the opportunity of the battle and give him a "click"?

Yan Liang thought wildly for a while, but he didn't notice Yuan Xi's complex expression.

Yuan Xi stood on the city wall and looked in the direction of Xuzhou for a while, with strong hatred in his eyes.

Looking in the direction of Jizhou for a while, he showed a miserable smile again, and even trembled with fear.

At that time, before the city gate, he was frightened by Yan Liang's sword and passed out. In fact, he was unconscious on purpose.

Just after Qin Lang led his people away from Li Yang, he came to his senses.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't dare to return to Jizhou with Qin Lang. He was scared and confused...

In case I'm really not my father's biological son, after I go back, if I clarify this matter, can I still live?
Even if others don't kill me, can those brothers not kill me?
Yuan Xi couldn't make up his mind, but he didn't dare to gamble.

Even if there was only a [-]% chance, he didn't dare to gamble, because as long as he lost the bet, his life would be gone.

Now there are only two ways to solve this matter, one is to confess blood to Yuan Shao, but if you bring up this matter, wouldn't you have exposed your old background?
Even after a blood test proves that I am my father's son, my father will feel dissatisfied.

This is the worst policy!

The second one is Yuan Shao's death, no one will be able to reveal his identity at that time, even if it is not Yuan Shao's real life, it doesn't matter.

Because he is still Youzhou Mu, and he has a large group of followers, those people will definitely stand by his side firmly, proving his identity as the direct relative of the Yuan family.

It's just... that's my father, can I really do this?

Even if I make up my mind, can I succeed?

The two had their own thoughts, and they were relatively silent on the city wall.

After another half hour, Yan Liang couldn't wait any longer, and said: "Young master, the last general got the military order from the Lord last night, and if he wants to bypass Baima City and direct his troops to Xuchang, Liyang City can only be guarded by you!"

"Huh? Father's military order from yesterday?"

Yuan Xi's eyes flickered, you just told me about the military order that came yesterday, your thoughts are clearly revealed, you just didn't take me seriously!
"You only have [-] troops in Liyang City. With just these [-] troops, can you defeat Xuchang? What a big joke!"

"If it were the past, taking Xuchang City with [-] troops is of course a dream, but now that Cao Cao's army has arrived at the city of Xuzhou, Xuchang is an empty city!"

Yan Liang was a little excited. His [-] army was the vanguard, and his good brother Xu You led an army to support him. An empty city of Xuchang would already be under the palm of his hand.

This is a great achievement that fell from the sky!

With the war together, the opportunity for war is fleeting, and this matter cannot be delayed any longer.

Now the only obstacle is Yuan Xi, this kid, he won't want to take credit from me, will he?
(End of this chapter)

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