Chapter 259

"Cao Cao really led his troops to attack Xuzhou, or did he use up all his troops?"

Yuan Xi was very surprised. When Yan Liang led his troops to capture Liyang City, it had already posed a great threat to Cao Cao's territory.

This person dared to ignore him, and instead led troops to Xuzhou, he really was a man of great courage.

At the time of the decisive battle between the two sides, Liu Bei in Xuzhou City did have the strength to change the situation of the battle. Cao Cao was digging meat to rot!

In this battle, we must lead our troops to take Xuchang before Cao Cao defeats Liu Bei!

Yuan Xi is also capable. He has always taken the initiative in the battle with Gongsun Zan.

It wasn't until he defeated Gongsun Zan that he became the Lord of Youzhou, and his army numbered hundreds of thousands.

As long as Xuchang is taken now, the world can be settled!
But what if the world is settled?I am probably not my father's biological son, and I will have nothing to do with it then.

I am Youzhou Mu, and I still have military power, so I will be the first to be purged.

Xuchang cannot be defeated in this battle, nor can Cao Cao be defeated so quickly. What's more, Cao Cao is attacking Xuzhou now, as long as I can't delay, Qin Lang will definitely not be able to resist bringing troops back to help.

At that time, Xuzhou will be destroyed, Liu Bei and Qin Lang will die, and I will take the opportunity to fight Cao Cao with all my troops!

The world is still stable, and I can also use this to gather strength to achieve invincibility.

I also want to take this time to test my father, whether I am my own son... If I am not, then I can strengthen my determination!
At this moment, Yuan Xi's thoughts changed a lot, and he finally decided not to send troops, but to sit and watch Cao Cao attack Xuzhou, and wait for Qin Lang to lead his troops back to help.

"My lord, this is a god-sent opportunity!" Yan Liang couldn't bear it any longer.

"Yan Liang, don't be fooled by false information, think about it with your smart head, how could Cao Cao go all out to attack Xuzhou?"

Yuan Xi sighed intentionally, "You are Yan Liang who is now leading the army in Liyang City. Cao Cao knows that you can go straight to Xuchang, but will you let Lao Chao do nothing?"


Yan Liang hesitated when he heard the words, "That's right, Cao Cao dared to attack Xuzhou with all his troops and horses after hearing my reputation? This matter is really unreasonable!"

If it wasn't for a trick, Cao Bing must have ambushed halfway, preparing to launch an ambush.

Yuan Xi said again: "Liyang City is the springboard for our decisive battle with Cao Cao. We can't afford to lose. I think it's better to stick to Liyang and continue to send troops to find out the news!"

Yan Liang was so excited, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and the fire was turned off in an instant.

What Yuan Xi said is right. I, Yan Liang, are a well-known general, so it is normal for Cao Cao to use this strategy against me.

If he really doesn't take me seriously, it will be abnormal.

But the lord's military order has arrived, if the soldiers don't move, what will the lord think?
Do you want to throw this blame on Yuan Xi, and say that Yuan Xi refused to send troops, and even blocked the city gate with his body.

As a general of the Yuan family, how can I abandon the second son and ignore him?

Then send a messenger to Jizhou to ask for the lord's order, so that the time will be delayed!

"This plan is very clever. After being with Xu You for a long time, I, a general, have become smarter!" Yan Liang was secretly proud.

Yuan Xi squinted, watching Yan Liang meditate there, and couldn't help but sneer, "You are a rough man, how do you know Cao Mengde's current predicament, just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight with me!"



On the other hand, in front of Xuzhou city.

Cao Cao led the army and set up a camp ten miles away from Xuzhou. This is the third time he has attacked Xuzhou City.

When he attacked Xuzhou for the first time, it was because his father was killed by thieves, and it was God's righteousness to send troops to him.

At that time, Xuzhou Mu was still Tao Qian, an old guy who knew how to drill.

At the expense of the daughters-in-law of the two sons, the family's wealth was preserved, but Xuzhou, a big city, could not be preserved.

That time he returned without success.

The second time was when Lu Bu went out of the city to attack Liu Bei, cutting off his retreat.

After that, Xuzhou City changed hands, flooded Xiapi, and took down this fierce general who is known as the best in the world.

On the day when he got Xuzhou City, Cao Cao met Wang Yun's daughter in Baimenlou, but compromised with Qin Lang and let Qin Lang take the woman away.

That night, the army had a carnival, drinking and feasting until dawn.

Everyone forgot that Cao Cao's father died on the way from Xuzhou to Yanzhou.

Now this is the third time, the opponent is the extremely forbearing Liu Bei, who not only took away his Xuzhou, but also took away his [-] army.

They are clearly two very similar people, so why is it that I, Cao Mengde, are scolded by the world, and you, Liu Bei, are famous for benevolence and righteousness?

If this person is left behind, the disaster will be extraordinary!
The army launched five consecutive attacks, leaving tens of thousands of corpses piled up under the city.

Standing on the city wall and looking out, there is a piece of burned land in front of you, as if you are in Shura Hell.

Liu Bei took a deep breath, the smell of charred corpses was all there, the smell of meat and burnt together was disgusting.

But Liu Bei seemed to be used to it, he didn't react at all, he just stared at the direction of Cao Cao's camp in a daze.

Cao Cao's offensive was too fierce. He clearly disregarded his own losses and attacked like crazy, with the attitude of not thinking of Wa Quanning as jade.

It is true that there are [-] soldiers in Xuzhou City, but [-] of them were brought by him in Xuchang. He killed the deputy general and snatched the soldier talisman before he was able to control it.

But in fact, as long as Cao Cao's attack is more violent, these soldiers are likely to be unable to bear the pressure, which will lead to mutiny.

Guan Yu's lower Picheng contained part of Cao Cao's troops, but compared with Cao Cao's 30 army, it was only a drop in the bucket and could not play a greater role.

Moreover, Cao Cao blocked all of Xuzhou, so that news from inside could not be transmitted, and news from outside could not be transmitted in.

What happened to the officer?

Have you ever persuaded Yuan Shao to send troops?
Calculated according to the time, Yuan Shao's forward army can reach Xuchang. Why didn't Cao Cao bring his troops back to help?
"Brother, that old villain Yuan Shao is vicious. Let me see, he obviously doesn't want to send troops, but wants to take Xuzhou with the help of Cao Cao. If he defeats Cao Cao at that time, he can occupy this great city!"

Zhang Fei's beard was glued together with blood, and only half of the sunglasses on his face remained.

The Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, except for the sharp edge of the spear, was even cut with obvious dents.

"Third brother... you are right!"

Zhang Fei's words were like a bolt of lightning pouring into Liu Bei's head.

Suddenly realized...

Since Yuan Shao has the ambition to seize the world, how can he let the important town of Xuzhou go?

Now that I have obeyed the Yidai Zhao and have the righteousness to attack Cao Cao, what use is there for me, Liu Bei?
It's just that without me, Liu Bei, holding Cao Cao's army, but Yuan Shao has an army of millions. Wouldn't the ending be the same?

"Bastard!" Liu Bei yelled, and turned to look at the camp of Cao Cao's army, his eyes became more and more fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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