Chapter 279 Yan Liang's Bravery
On the other hand, the army of Liyang City began to move.

Cao Cao has captured all parts of Xuzhou, the overall situation has been settled, Liu Bei's forces have been completely defeated, and Liu Bei's life and death are unknown, so it is Yuan Xi's turn to act.

At this time, Liu Bei was still with Xu You, and returned directly to Jizhou to join Yuan Shao.

But Yuan Xi didn't know about it yet. Not only did Liu Bei not die, but he also defected to his father.

On the other hand, Yuan Xi also lamented that Cao Cao could take Xuzhou so quickly.

Cao Cao was brave and resourceful, and he still had hundreds of thousands of troops. Yuan Xi was a little hesitant, so after careful consideration, he still sent Yan Liang to lead the battle.

Anyway, he was the one who was arranging troops, and after winning the battle, the first credit must be his.

Yan Liang led the troops, and the soldiers sent to Baima City!

As long as the surrounding areas of Baima City are seized, there will be strongholds for millions of troops to cross the river.

At that time, when a million troops attack Xuchang City, who cares whether Xuchang City is empty or not, you will definitely be able to take it directly!

This first achievement, he, Yuan Xi, is determined!

With Yan Liang's ability, isn't a Baima City easily captured?

Suddenly, a soldier barged in.

"My lord, the sentry is here to report that there is a group of cavalry coming straight to Liyang City. It seems that they have bypassed General Yan's army and want to go straight to Huanglong!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Cao Cao dares to divide his troops and directly attack Li Yang?"

Yuan Xi quickly stood up, walked to the sand table, frowned and thought.

Liyang City at this time is equivalent to Xuchang when Cao Cao led troops to attack Xuzhou. Even so, the situation is fundamentally different.

As soon as Yan Liang took most of the soldiers and horses away, you took a detour to attack Li Yang, this... isn't this sending the meat to my mouth?
Because Yan Liang could bring troops back at any time, his father Yuan Shao's million-strong army also began to march.

"Hahaha, Cao Mengde is nothing more than that!"

"Young master, what should we do?"

"Don't panic, how many soldiers are there in this team?" Yuan Xi asked.

"I'm not panicking either..." the soldier muttered, and then said: "There are ten thousand soldiers in this group, and the leading generals are Zhang Liao and Xu Huang!"

"Zhang Liao? That one of Lu Bu's subordinates, the one captured alive by Cao Cao? Just a piece of trash, Xu Huang? I've never heard of it!"

Yuan Xi took two steps back and forth, pondered for a moment, pulled a flag from the sand table, and placed it in front of Liyang City.

"The other party sent tens of thousands of cavalry, the purpose is definitely not just Liyang City, he is trying to attack the rear of my father's army! It's a pity that Cao Cao's wise man is bound to make mistakes. I just need to keep his tens of thousands of cavalry outside Liyang City, and then come back. If Yan Liang divides his troops back to help, he will be able to attack from both sides. Not only can he kill Cao Cao's tens of thousands of cavalry, but he can also kill two of his generals, and this battle alone can lose [-]% of his strength!"

This is not a fight between dozens of people, but an army of tens of millions.

A strength of [-]% is enough to tilt the balance of war.

"Your son is wise!"

"Immediately send someone to order Yan Liang to send out half of his troops to attack this group of cavalry in the rear. Be sure to return as quickly as possible. Liyang City won't last long!"


The soldier withdrew, but there were some doubts in his heart.

I don't know whether it was because Yuan Xi wanted to encircle Cao Cao's army, or because Liyang City could not last long, Yuan Xi let Yan Liang divide his troops and return.

Yan Liang led his troops to Baima City, and after receiving Yuan Xi's order, he didn't care about it.

Liyang City originally had [-] soldiers and horses, so he brought [-] and sent half of the army back, and there were still [-] soldiers and horses.

[-] soldiers and horses still took Baima City, because I am General Yan Liang!


Yan Liang swung his sword straight away, looking at the not-so-tall city wall in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Three days... is enough!


Cao Cao has been quite nervous these two days, and even Mrs. Lian Huan and Mrs. Bian went to Qin Lang together, and he couldn't take care of it.

With the marching speed of Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, they might be able to reach Liyang City by now.

Don't fight with the defenders of Liyang City, if you get stuck, you can't attack Yan Liang's rear as agreed, then something bad will happen.

"Report... the prime minister, the battle report ahead!"

"Come in now!"

Cao Cao waved his sleeves, turned around and sat down on the bench.

No matter how anxious you are, you must be very calm in front of your subordinates.

"Prime Minister, Yan Liang returned to Liyang City with [-] troops, and took the rest of the army to attack the city. The guard Song Xian went out to fight, but he was killed with a single blow. Baima City is in danger!"

"What the hell? Song Xian was beheaded?" Cao Cao asked in surprise.

Why is this scene so familiar?

It's like before Hulao Pass, Hua Xiong stabbed those arrogant generals one by one, and they died very quickly.

Song Xian was Lv Bu's old general. Song Xian was among the generals who tied up Lv Bu after the water flooded Xiapi.

To say that Song Xian's bravery is also very extraordinary, and he is also ranked first among Lu Bu's subordinates, so he has also been reused as a guard in Baima City.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Zhang Liao. If you think of defeating Song Xian, you will have to fight hundreds of rounds.

In Cao Cao's view, Song Xian was more genuine than those parallel importers who were beheaded by Hua Xiong.

But even so, he was beheaded by Yan Liang.

"Are you sure it was a one-shot beheading, no exaggeration?" Cao Cao asked.

"Prime Minister, that... seems to be one cut, it seems to be two cuts, it's too fast, and the subordinates didn't see it clearly!"

"What's the difference? This is bad!"

Cao Cao's brows were tightly furrowed. This time, he made all the noise to get rid of Yuan Shao, a general, and to break off one of his arms.

Now there is the danger of his own arm being chopped off, who knew that Yan Liang was so powerful!

If Cao Ren and Xu Chu fight together, will they beat Yan Liang?

At the same time, another soldier ran in.

"Prime Minister, there is a battle report from ahead. Yan Liang killed the vice general of Baima City! The two generals Cao Ren and Xu Chu arrived in time and closed the gates of the city. Now the two sides are fighting, and Baima City is still in our hands!"

"Another knife?"

Cao Cao stood up, walked outside the door, and looked in the direction of Baima City, "Xun You's strategy was correct, but Yan Liang's bravery made up for it all. If you want to break the siege of Baima, you must kill This person!"

If not, if this person survives, even if he kills [-] soldiers, it will not be a big loss to Yuan Benchu, after all, Yuan Benchu ​​has an army of one million!

But even Zhang Liao and Xu Huang came together, if Yan Liang wanted to escape, who could stop him?

In the current Xuchang city, only the general Xiahou Dun can be ranked among the famous generals in the world, but the lord can't change from day to day, right?
what to do?Do you want to ask the officials to take action?

No, Mrs. Bian and Mrs. Huan have both gone to the official's house today, and I will come to the door now, and this matter will be on the surface!
At that time, my wife will be occupied by Qin Lang, let everyone know that my lord knows it, if you don't deal with it, it will damage your dignity!
But everyone thinks that if my lord pretends not to know, then it is not detrimental to the majesty, but a kindness like heaven!
Once some things are put on the bright side, it is not easy to finish.

Therefore, you must pretend not to know about this matter, and the officials must not go there!
That being the case... Guan Yunchang...

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, Guan Yu beheaded Hua Xiong at the beginning!
As long as Guan Yunchang can be persuaded to take action, everything will be within reach!
(End of this chapter)

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