Chapter 280 In the Name of the Green Hat

Guan Yu was loyal and arrogant, Cao Cao really didn't dare to treat him as a casual order of his subordinates.

But Cao Cao has a well-thought-out plan, and he is just Guan Yu. If he can't deal with it, what great cause can I achieve?

The protagonist even has two ways to get Guan Yu to fight!
"Come here, let's see if there are any other good things at home. Except for Madam, send them all to Yunchang. Tonight... I want to entertain Yunchang!"

"Prime Minister, since General Guan is entertaining, what about officials from Qin?"

"Qin Lang? Him? Hmph... If you dare to go there in broad daylight, you can still go out at night? Don't bother with the officials. Whoever dares to disturb the officials today will be killed by my lord!"


The servants bowed and retreated.

Cao Cao's order was executed in a timely manner, and Cao's mansion moved things to Guan Yu's residence, which set off another climax.

At night, Guan Yu came to the banquet.

There is no way, the mouth is soft when eating people, but the hands are short.

Now I eat, drink, dress, and live in other people. The most important thing is that the officials are still sleeping with their wives. I feel guilty as the second brother!
Can you not come?If you don't come, you will be really shameless!

The meal was halfway through, and the drinks were running high, when Cao Cao suddenly stopped and said, "Yun Chang, today's dinner is a bit crude, don't blame me for treating you poorly!"

Can it be simple?Except for the bed, everything in the house was moved to Guan Yu's residence this afternoon.

The key is that after the move was over, no one reminded him. It wasn't until Guan Yu came to the banquet that he realized that there was not even a bowl and chopsticks, so he bought some urgently.

"Prime Minister said that, I am ashamed!" Guan Yu squinted his eyes, not daring to show his emotions.

What was Cao Mengde thinking?

Why did you send all the things you don't use at home to me?
Is this implying something?

I can't figure it out!

Or is it trying to gain prestige by treating my place as a waste collection station?

I really can't see or taste the meaning of it without the officials here!
But there is still no movement in the official's mansion, and we don't know if it will be over tonight, so we are too embarrassed to come to ask.

Fortunately, when I came out for the banquet tonight, I specially went to greet Sister Mi, and made a clear hint.

If Sister-in-Law Mi was smart, she would definitely go to the official's mansion to find out what happened, so she could bring the news back... Damn, wait...

If Sister-in-Law Mi also joins, let alone tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in even tomorrow!
Holding the wine glass, Guan Yu began to think about the countermeasures in his head, and finally turned into a sigh, "My brain, how come I'm catching up with the third brother, why did I react now?!"

Cao Cao was drinking and looked at Guan Yu from the corner of his eye. On this old red face, the emotions were changing very complicated.

Could it be that he knew the purpose of entertaining him today in advance?

Guan Yu is indeed a person who often reads the Spring and Autumn Period, and he is also a wise and brave Confucian general. I like it!

"Yun Chang, have you ever heard that there is a general under Yuan Shao's camp named Yan Liang, who is extremely brave and is said to be invincible compared to Lu Bu!"

"The prime minister was joking. I've never heard of this person. I think he's just a bunch of people. He pretends to be the roost. It's ridiculous!"

Guan Yu shook his head, as long as Lu Bu is dead, I can't look down on anyone. Compared with the ability to fight immediately, I am now invincible!

The rest of the people are all ordinary people!
"Yun Chang, can you kill this man for the Han Dynasty?" Cao Cao asked casually.

"Isn't it? The Prime Minister's strong men are like a cloud, and there is no one who can't do anything about it?"

"Ha...haha, Yan Liang is nothing to be afraid of. I can just send a general to kill him. The reason why I let you do it is for the sake of you and the officials!"

Cao Cao deliberately showed a look of embarrassment, and there was a touch of pain mixed with shame in his eyes, and he felt relieved.

At this moment, Cao Cao's acting skills can even surpass Liu Bei's eight streets.

Crying is nothing, eye contact is the highest state of acting!
Guan Yu was shocked, did Cao Cao have such rich feelings?

Why do I feel guilty?

"Prime Minister, why is this?"

"My brother Yunchang, as the prime minister of the imperial court and the leader of many generals, I should have acted fairly, but in order to serve Liu Bei's two wives, I made many subordinates dissatisfied. I am becoming more and more unconvincing!"

Cao Cao sighed, held a bowl of wine, and stood up.

Guan Yu could understand it, this sentence is nonsense, you are a traitor, you are acting justly, this is nonsense!

But Guan Yu understood the meaning of this sentence.

That is, "After you surrendered, I was too kind to you. Those big bastards under me refused to accept it. It is difficult for me to be a man. If one day I can't hold back, you are not afraid of death, but you have to think about it, your sister-in-law. what to do?"

The meaning of these words is to act both hard and soft.

This matter is also easy to deal with. If you killed Yan Liang and made a contribution, it is only right for me to treat you well. No one else can say anything, then everything will be resolved!
Guan Yu hesitated, he really didn't want to kill someone for Cao Cao.

Now he has preserved his reputation by surrendering the name of the emperor.

But if it is for Cao Cao, will it be clear in the future?
Officer, you bastard, you have to hang out in the house at this time, and now is the time when I need you!
Ok?Officials are messing around in the house, but the target of that gangster is...

Guan Yu looked at Cao Cao...

Sure enough, Cao Cao threw the bowl in his hand hard on the ground.

"Yun Chang, do you know what the officials are doing? You know, this matter has been known to everyone in Xuchang, and you know how much humiliation and pressure I have endured. Without credit, how do you ask me to keep you!"


Could it be that Cao Cao, who would rather me bear the world than let the world bear me, also has a heart of loyalty and loyalty?

Knowing that his two wives are in the official's house, even if he makes up his mind... he should be able to make up his mind, right?
But for this matter, he racked his brains and thought about the officials.

Judging from his expression, it doesn't look like he did this deliberately to win over the officials, and he obviously didn't know about it before.

Has the world misunderstood Cao Cao?

What the hell can I say?
Don't say a word!

"Prime Minister Cao, tell me when I will go to battle and kill Yan Liang!"

"Okay, okay!" Cao Cao patted Guan Yu's shoulder vigorously, I will see your performance, the better you perform, the more you can stop those people's mouths.

I can also use this as an excuse to appease those big bosses and suppress the matter between the officials and my two wives.

Let the world see how much I, Cao Mengde, can pay in order to reward meritorious generals.

This is killing three birds with one stone. Not only have you solved the dilemma between you and the officials, but I, Cao Mengde, is eager to seek talents, and my name for being kind to others can also be famous all over the world!
"Ahem..." Guan Yu clasped his fists together, and suddenly remembered, if you say this, the name of your cuckold is also famous all over the world, right?
(End of this chapter)

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