Chapter 287 Jiding Yanjin
Yuan Shao only felt a sense of depression, held in his chest, unable to spit it out, unable to swallow it, it was quite uncomfortable to hold it back.

Liu Bei curled his lips and said in his heart: "I'm not stupid. I know when crying works and when crying doesn't work. If you play with me, you, Yuan Benchu, are far behind!"

I, Liu Bei, was quite invincible, except that whoever caught me was beaten by whomever I caught, and I never won a single battle!
My tears are a sharp weapon against my own people, and only my own people will resonate with my crying.

You, Yuan Benchu, are also worthy?

As long as I don't give you a justifiable reason, I will stretch my neck to you. Do you dare to kill?
Of course, I wouldn't say anything like this, I'm not a fool!

Yuan Shao roared, "Send Wen Chou immediately, I want all the troops to seize Baima City and cross the river to attack Cao!"


The soldiers immediately went to communicate, and the army of millions rushed towards the direction of Baima City like a tide.

After Liu Bei returned to his tent, he frowned even tighter, "Second brother really surrendered to Cao Cao? What about the officials? Why is there no news from the officials?"

Although Liu Bei said that he trusted Guan Yu and Qin Lang unconditionally, but at this moment, a shadow was still cast in his heart.



After Yan Liang was beheaded, Yuan Shao's reaction was extremely violent. Cao Cao felt the pressure of the coming storm, and did not order to recapture Liyang City.

He only has an army of 30, which is several times smaller than Yuan Shao's.

Under such circumstances, fighting for a city that must be lost will only damage one's own vitality.

Another room full of people gathered together to find a way.

This time, Xun Yu was sitting at the door with his head lowered, and his body was completely hidden behind others.

Whoever is so pushy will show up, I won't serve you anymore!

It's just that Guo Jia is still sick, and Cheng Yu is even more shameless, as if he knows something, and he is sick today...

Cao Cao looked at a group of people for a long time, and the one with the most seniority was... "Xun Yu, where is Xun Yu?"


The eyes of a group of people looked over in unison.

"Uncle, the prime minister is calling you!"

Xun You poked Xun Yu's arm, Uncle, what happened to you today, the Prime Minister has already called your name, why are you still in a daze?

"Huh? What?"

Xun Yu pretended to wake up suddenly, you are really my good nephew!
"Xun Yu, what are you doing at the door? I called you just now, why didn't you answer?" Cao Cao was very dissatisfied. If he hadn't cleaned you up, he would doubt you now, whether you were talking nonsense outside.

"Prime Minister, I just thought about the plan to defeat the enemy, and I was fascinated, so I didn't hear it!"

"Oh? So, you already have a good plan?"

Cao Cao regained his spirits in an instant, Xun Yu deserves to be Xun Yu, I'm not in vain to show you a side of the net, if it were someone else, he would have died a miserable death.

"Prime Minister, I think that Baima City cannot be defended to the death. The main battlefield should be placed in Yanjin, and we should fight Yuan Shao to the death!"

"Tell me in detail!" Cao Cao sat upright, motioning for Xun Yu to continue.

"Ahem..." Xun Yu pressed his fist to his mouth and coughed to cover up his embarrassment. What the hell did I say?I just said that casually, where can I explain it in detail?

"Prime Minister, I have already discussed this matter with Xun You, let Xun You explain it in detail!"

"Ah? Me?" Xun You pointed to his nose, how could it be me, uncle, are you trying to trick your nephew?
Since the last time, I have inquired about the news carefully, only to realize how dangerous the situation was at that time. Didn't I see that Guo Jia is still sick now?

Xun You was crying, you cheated me, who else could I cheat?

"If it wasn't you, could it be me? Are you my nephew, or am I your nephew?" Xun Yu stared, "You unlucky nephew, no matter how you cooperate, you don't have a tacit understanding at all.

You hurry up to use your quick wit and ability, and I will check and make up for the gaps for you, and you will get a credit for your work again.

Xun You shook his head, come on, you are the elder, you have the final say.

"Prime Minister, the White Horse Land is not well defended and has no convenient location, so it is not a good place to confront Yuan Shao!"

"Yuan Shao wants to cross the river, and the land of Yanjin is the best place to log in. There are stretches of flood control dams where we can hide tens of thousands of troops!"

"Send troops to defend Yanjin City again, and buy time for the follow-up strategy!"

"At the same time, order the soldiers of Baima City to return in a false defeat, but they must bring back the supplies in the city and disperse them all over Yanjin."

"and many more……"

With a wave of Cao Cao's hand, we have an army of 30, and supplies are already in short supply. Since the supplies from Baima City were brought back, why should they be scattered?

Are you two uncles and nephews fooling around again?


Xun Yu swallowed, nephew, take it easy, the prime minister is not easy to fool.

Xun You glanced at Xun Yu, and continued: "Prime Minister, Yuan Shao's million-strong army has come all the way, and there are too few supplies. If you disperse the supplies in Baima City, Yuan Shao's army will definitely disperse them. Be a large army Without the formation, our side will be able to make a surprise attack, and we can win more with less, and fight the strong with the weak!"

"Okay, this is a great plan!" Xun Yu hurriedly agreed, the eldest nephew, that's how he came, and quickly attracted the prime minister's eyes to me!

"What do you think?!" Cao Cao thought for a while, and felt that this plan was feasible.

"We also think this plan is very good!"

What a joke, the person who can refute Xun Yu is sick at home and will not come out to attend the meeting.

One said that he was sick at home and couldn't come out to attend the meeting. What could they say?
Do you really think that Xun Yu's torn clothes were torn and he ran out of Cao's mansion, did no one see it?
This kind of thing can't be hidden anywhere!

Especially the gossip, which has everything to say, it is simply unbearable to the ears and cannot be seen.

"Okay, let's act according to the plan. This time, my lord will be the general in person, Xun You will be the military adviser, and Xun You will stay in Xuchang to guard the city, guard the gates of the army, and provide logistical support!"

"Since that's the case, let's prepare separately, order Baima City to act according to the plan!"

"Here!" Xun Yu sighed. Although he won the first battle with Yuan Shao this time, he was still at an absolute disadvantage.

Yuan Shao's army of one million, although supplies will be a problem, but Xuchang's supplies are not much, and the problem is even bigger than Yuan Shao's.

You must know that before the army was sent out to attack all parts of Xuzhou, after the battle was over, they had to deal with Yuan Shao non-stop, and there was no time to recuperate in the middle.



White Horse City.

After Guan Yu beheaded Yan Liang, he was still a little bit aggrieved. Why do you fight when you fight, and fight when you fight. Ask me about my family history?
I made my debut... No, I have been fighting for many years, and this is the first time I have met someone who shows off before the battle, and who is always showing off.

The next time I meet such a person, I'll cut off his head with one blow!
Guan Yu carried Yan Liang's head and returned to Baima City.

Cao Ren and Xu Chu were silent, especially Xu Chu, looking at the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, his eyes were sharp and dazed for a while.

How could this person be so strong?
In the hands of this person, Yan Liang is like chopping melons and vegetables. Could it be that I am too weak?
"Cao Ren, could it be that Yan Liang did it on purpose, and the two of them are acting?" Xu Chu gave Cao Ren a look.

Cao Ren immediately replied, "Are you an idiot? What does Yan Liang have to do with him? Do you want to play with him with your life? Just to prove that you are weak?"

"You are such a weak chicken!" Xu Chu was furious, Cao Ren really deserves a beating?
"Xu Chu, I'm afraid of you?"

"I'm afraid of your uncle!"



On the side, Guan Yu was puzzled, why did they start fighting?
(End of this chapter)

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