Chapter 288 Why Can't You Pounce?
Qin Lang appeared not far away, holding a video recorder, and kept recording.

With the city wall of Baima City as the background, Guan Yunchang, who is wearing a green fir and a green hat, holds a head in one hand and a big knife in the other as a backdrop.

Two famous generals in the history of the Three Kingdoms fought here, just like hooligans. You punched and kicked each other. The scene was hot, but it felt a little weird.

Such a big scene is rare, and this is the first-hand historical data!
"Second brother, pose, I'll show you a close-up shot!" Qin Lang said loudly.

"Hold to death?"

Guan Yu was stunned when he heard it. Is this the dialect of your hometown?

What the hell is this?
Do you let me hold these two tightly?

This is too disgusting!
"Officer, what are you messing around with? Now that the task has been completed, it's better to go back to Xuchang and return to Cao Cao!"

Guan Yu has a sullen face, official boy, you dare to tease me now, you really need to be beaten!
Could it be that you must let me show off my majesty as the second brother?

"Second brother, it's not about hugging them to death, it's about poses, put on an awesome pose, for example..."

You raise Yan Liang's head high, with a big knife in front of you, and widen your narrowed Danfeng eyes, so that the world can know that you have eyes.

What about your proud little expression, your oblique 45-degree angle looking up at the sky?

Guan Yu saw the video recorder in Qin Lang's hand, somehow, his body seemed out of control, following Qin Lang's command, his movements were extremely standard.

"Officer, you don't know how to perform fairy arts on me, do you?"

"Ah? That's impossible. Everyone will be like this when they face the camera. This is an inevitable law of nature. Finish the recording and call it a day!"

Qin Lang turned off the video recorder, and with a "shua", the video recorder disappeared.

"Second brother, let's go back to Xuchang!"

"it is good!"

Guan Yu nodded, and the two brothers mounted their horses and left Baima City.

After the two left, Xu Chu and Cao Ren stopped, put their two huge heads together, and said, "Cao Ren, have you seen the treasure in Qin Lang's hand?"

"I don't know, it might be a magic weapon. When I saw Guan Yu fighting Yan Liang, Qin Lang kept using that magic weapon to face Yan Liang!" Cao Ren said.

"Ah!" Xu Chu suddenly realized, and said: "It turns out that the reason why Guan Yu was able to kill Yan Liang with a single blow was actually because of someone's support. It seemed that he was fighting Yan Liang alone, but in fact he joined hands with Qin Lang to win!"

Could it be that being pointed at by that magic weapon will have any impact on people?

Qin Lang is too inscrutable!
"Xu Chu, you and I will go back immediately. We must report this matter to the Prime Minister, and the defense force around the Prime Minister must also be increased!"

"Huh..." Xu Chu took a deep breath and nodded, "It should be so!"

Do you really think I'm a tiger?
I fought with Cao Ren for the purpose of probing, but...after this fight, nothing was found.

Didn't you feel unwell when you were pointed at by the magic weapon just now?

"Cao Ren, what do you think?"

"I'm fine, but my face hurts a little, you're too hard on yourself!"

"Fart, you're still saying I'm heavy-handed? You just attacked me in the third lane, and almost killed me!"

"Slightly slightly... Do you still have children and grandchildren? Who doesn't know what happened to you by the prime minister at the White Gate Tower in Xuzhou City?"

"Cao Ren, I'm going to kill you!"

"Come on, whoever loves you is the grandson!"

Guan Yu turned around and sighed: "Cao Cao's subordinates have such a strong sense of competition, this man cannot be defeated by Yuan Shao!"

"Competition? Is this called a strong sense of competition?" Qin Lang looked at Guan Yu in surprise. Come on, you are the second brother. If you say you have a strong sense of competition, then you have a strong sense of competition.

But let's get this right, I'm not competing with you.

"Second brother, who did you hear the word competition? It's very modern!"

"Hahaha, I study Spring and Autumn every day and every night. Of course I know a lot of knowledge that you don't know. Do you think you are the only one who can speak the native dialect?"

Guan Yu stroked his beard, squinted his eyes in satisfaction, and arched his hands, "Official, come on!"

"Hehe..." The corners of Qin Lang's mouth twitched, and he regretted it very much. What did he say at the beginning, but now it's better. Wherever he goes, he is an expert!
Xuchang City.

The atmosphere in the city is quite depressing, hundreds of thousands of troops are mobilized frequently, even the lowest beggars can feel the atmosphere of the imminent war.

Qin Lang returned to Xuchang with Guan Yu, and did not go to see Cao Cao at the first time, but returned to the mansion to greet his wife.

This time, Guan Yu has no way to stop Qin Lang. After all, it is a normal greeting. If Qin Lang is not allowed to enter the mansion, it will be too obvious.

"Second Uncle went to danger here, but he also made a name for himself. Sister Mi Zhen and I can feel at ease!"

Mrs. Gan was dressed in coarse cloth, but she couldn't conceal her elegant temperament.

Cao Cao sent someone to bring the best cloth, but Mrs. Gan did not accept the so-called good intentions because she refused to give the food.

If it wasn't for Guan Yu and the officials here, if it wasn't for protecting Mi Zhen, even if she died, it wouldn't be an excuse Cao Cao used to threaten Guan Yu.

He will not surrender to Cao Cao and come to live in Xuchang City, and may even become Cao Cao's bargaining chip to threaten Liu Bei in the future.

"Thank you, Mrs. Madam, for your concern!"

Guan Yu bowed his hands and saluted, but, while you were talking about worrying about me, you kept looking at the officials, which was too perfunctory.

"Officer, you..." Mrs. Gan opened her mouth, but when she faced Qin Lang, she couldn't even say a word of thanks.

I have been saved by Qin Lang too many times, so what's the point of saying thank you?

It's a pity that I gave birth to you before I gave birth to you, and I'm already old after you gave birth to me. I can only be Liu Bei's wife for the rest of my life...


"Second Uncle, come with me, I have something to explain to you!" Mrs. Gan thought for a while, then suddenly felt a little flustered, and walked outside.

I am sorry for Liu Bei if I think so ideologically, and I can't do it!

Without saying a word, Guan Yu immediately turned around and followed behind.

I understand this...

As long as Sister-in-Law Gan is in control, I'll have no problem here!
As for Mrs. Mi, everyone knows it well.

Besides, the officials are in Xuchang, but Cao Cao has shown great sincerity. Even if the eldest brother is here, he will definitely not tend to follow Cao Cao.

Mi Zhen stood aside, her face was so flushed that water dripped out.


Mi Zhen glanced left and right, unable to complete a sentence while being nervous.

I've been looking forward to you for so long, thinking about it for so long, can I get my wish today?

From the beginning until now, I have never encountered such a good environment, what should I do?

Just take off your clothes?Will it be too direct and let the officials misunderstand that I am too casual?
But what if you don't?
"Sister, I have no experience!"

Just for a short while, Mi Zhen went from being nervous to crying anxiously.

"Sister Mi, are you sick?" Qin Lang was also very embarrassed, but he could only pretend that he didn't know anything.

I just wanted to say a few words, find an excuse, and just leave.

Unexpectedly, Mi Zhen plucked up her courage, raised her head, her face was tense, and dense beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, "Qin Lang, you are still a man, so you can't pounce on me, I am a weak woman, how can I still fight against you?" Can you resist it?"

(End of this chapter)

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