Chapter 300
on the other hand.

Yuan Shao's army crossed the Yellow River and occupied Yanjin.

A general is exchanged for a territory. Although the general was beheaded and the soldiers and horses were lost, we won!

In order to boost morale, Yuan Shao could only send someone to make such a publicity to his soldiers.

The Yellow River is a natural moat. Not only is it a difficult problem for soldiers and horses to cross the river, but it is also a difficult problem to send logistics resources across the river.

Just in time, the resources that Cao Cao brought in Baima City hadn't been transported out of Yanjin, and he fled in a panic and was extremely scattered.

When Yuan Shao heard the news, he finally felt a little relieved.

This shows that Yan Liang and Wen Chou were not killed so easily, and it also put a certain amount of pressure on Cao Cao.

Therefore, Yuan Shao directly divided his troops and went to various places in Yanjin to grab food and cloth, as long as it was conducive to fighting, he would grab everything.

Liu Bei has already written a letter to Guan Yu, but before Guan Yu comes to surrender, I need to win a big battle, and I must give him a blow!

At the very least, don't let the world gossip about me, Yuan Shao.

It's just that the Qin official had to ask Xu You in detail about where he went and when he would come back.

When Qin Lang was in Xuchang, he didn't make any moves outside, so Yuan Shao didn't know the specific news here.

After all, even Liu Bei has been wondering!

Therefore, Liu Bei can't be killed, so who should be killed to sacrifice the flag?The current morale is too bad, you must find someone who is worthy enough to kill Jiqi!

"Ahem, Xu You, a great war is about to start, and the lives of all the soldiers must be aroused with blood. I plan to kill Tian Feng to sacrifice the flag, what should you do?"

That boy Tian Feng, the one on the left blocked, and the other blocked, just not letting me fight Cao Cao, there must be tricks in it.

What's more, he actually wanted to murder my son with a trick. I've long wanted to find a suitable excuse to kill him!
Killing the head of a person who always speaks without fighting, who was once my number one adviser, should be shocking enough!

You can also use this matter to test Xu You to see if he will fall into trouble, if he is a heartless person!
It really kills two birds with one stone!

I, Yuan Benchu, am so wise!

Xu You just wanted to speak, of course he directly killed Tian Feng, I would wake up laughing in my dreams!
But when he raised his head and opened his mouth, he saw Yuan Shao's playful expression all of a sudden, what the hell, the lord suddenly got enlightened again?

"Ahem, lord, Tian Feng's purpose is also to persuade the lord, and he must not be easily killed. In this way, people in the world will think that the lord does not value talents and kill him at will. Who will dare to be the lord in the future? Serve life?"

"Well... yes, what you said makes sense, but what should my lord do about it?"

"Hahaha, my lord, don't worry, I have a plan, and I can share my worries with you!"

"Don't be so impatient, hurry up!" Yuan Shao said impatiently.

Now I am testing you, not you showing off your ability to me!

The smile on Xu You's face froze instantly, you are the master, you have the final say!
"My lord, you can do this..."

Xu You shook his head habitually, just shook his head twice, and immediately realized that Yuan Shao is not very happy now, so he must not be arrogant!
"The lord can give an order that if he wins this battle, Tian Feng will be killed. After all, he always says that the lord will lose, so he can silence the people in the world. But if the lord loses this battle, the lord will pardon him. Give him an official title, this is the freedom to advance and retreat!"

"Good idea!"

Yuan Shao was overjoyed, how could he lose this battle?This Xu You gave me a legitimate excuse to kill Tian Feng!

"Okay, that's it!"



On the other hand, Jizhou prison.

Because he prevented Yuan Shao from dispatching troops, Tian Feng was sent to prison. What he said at the time was to wait for the day when the army returned.

But today, Tian Feng was lying in the prison with disheveled hair, looking at the moon shining in through the only window, he suddenly felt a chill.

Just then, a soldier walked in.

Looking at this high-spirited counselor in the past, the soldier only felt a little dazed...

Those high-ranking people are so miserable when they are down and down.

"Lord Tian, ​​the lord has an order. If you win the battle of Yanjin, you will be killed to sacrifice the flag to comfort the spirits of the soldiers who died in the battle. If you lose the battle of Yanjin, your glory will be restored and you will be promoted to rank!"

Hearing the words, Tian Feng got up very fast, rushed to the fence, and roared in a low voice: "The lord can't be so ruthless, said, is there someone who has advanced in front of the lord, is it Xu You?" That bastard?!"

Even Tian Feng himself knew that Yuan Shao would not lose in the battle of Yanjin. With several times the strength of the opponent, he captured Yanjin City. Then, it is a matter of course to capture the surrounding areas of Yanjin. How could he lose?

But what about future wars?Can you defeat Cao Cao in one go?

"Ha...haha, I never imagined that Tian Feng, who was wise all his life, would be ruined in the hands of a villain like Xu You. If you don't make me feel better, I won't let you go either!"

Tian Feng tore off the clothes on his body, put his finger into his mouth, and bit it hard.

Blood spurted out, all over the muddy clothes, all in one go.

"You handed it over to the lord, and said that I have only been loyal to the lord in my life, and I have never done anything wrong to him!"


In the next moment, Tian Feng slammed his head against the wall. This time, blood and brains spurted together.

The soldiers returned to Yanjin with Tian Feng's blood letter and the news of his suicide, but the journey was long and it took a lot of time to come back.

In the process, Cao Cao made a move.

An army of one million has its advantages, but it also has disadvantages. The mobility of Yuan Shao's army is much worse than that of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao took advantage of the time when Yuan Shao sent his soldiers to plunder supplies, and led a large army to set up a posture in front of Yanjin City.

Cao Cao sat in the chasing car, and the army retreated, showing full sincerity.

"Yuan Benchu, you and I have an alliance after all, I invite you to go out of the city to talk about it!"

Yuan Shao took a look, you, Cao Cao, are so courageous that you dare to appear in front of me with such a small force?

If I don't go out of the city with you to talk about it, wouldn't it make people laugh at me?
"Xu You, you...cough cough, gather [-] soldiers and horses, and come out of the city with me!"


Xu You curled his lips and didn't take it seriously, my lord, you really want to save face and suffer, why are you leaving?

With a wave of his hand, wouldn't it be over if the army went out?

However, you are the lord, since I have already said everything, I naturally cannot refute your face in front of everyone.

What's more, with me following, no matter what tricks Cao Cao has, they can't escape my eyes!

If I want to talk about why, because I am his friend from the same town and also his classmate, the first time I peeked at a woman taking a bath, I was the one who took him there!
At that time... ahem...

At that time, the boy was bleeding from the nose and holding his crotch, I can still vividly remember...

(End of this chapter)

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