Chapter 301
Yuan Shao left the city.

When they were still some distance away from Cao Cao, Dajun and Xu You stopped, and Yuan Shao came riding alone.

If you bring someone over again, it will be a shame.

Cao Cao is not afraid, and I, Yuan Shao, are not afraid!
"Brother Benchu, hurry up and take a seat, I brought you fine wine, you and I can drink together here!"

Cao Cao put his attitude extremely low, with a smile on his face.

As the saying goes, do not hit smiling faces, Yuan Shao sat down without finding an excuse to directly order the army to charge after scribbling for a long time.

"Meng De, although you and I have an alliance, but now I am fighting you for the sake of righteousness, you don't have to be polite, do you?"

"Hahaha, Brother Benchu ​​was joking. You have an army of one million, and I only have 10,000+ troops. How dare I be your enemy?"

Cao Cao stood up, poured fine wine for Yuan Shao, and continued: "If Liu Bei's surrender hadn't been for the performance of meritorious service, he had to fight Yan Liang and General Wen Chou, and he would not have caused such a big loss to Brother Ben Chu. It's all my fault that I didn't have time. Stop it!"

"Hehe, make it up, you continue to make it up..." Yuan Shao sneered, without showing any sincerity, with just this mouth, can I trust you?
"How about this, I will give you the Son of Heaven, and then I will cede the land and pay you compensation, Brother Benchu ​​will lead the troops back, how about it?"

The reason why Yuan Shao had an excuse to attack Cao Cao was the clothes and belt edict issued by the emperor Liu Xie.

However, Yuan Shao's purpose was not to help the Han family, but to win the emperor into his hands. Instead of Cao Cao, he came to coerce the emperor to make the princes.

Among the princes in the world, except for him, Cao Cao is the strongest.

At this moment, Yuan Shao had some ideas, if he could get the emperor without bloodshed, then he would get the righteousness of the world.

Cao Cao's cession of land and compensation is a good opportunity to weaken his power and supplement himself.

At that time, when will Cao Cao be dealt with? Isn't it easy to catch?
Why do you have to fight to the death now?
"Are you telling the truth?"

In the distance, Xu You was sitting on a horse watching, suddenly a bad feeling came to his heart.

With so many of us coming out, at least we have to form a formation, right?
Just standing there as the background?
My lord, you can't see Cao Cao standing alone and think it's safe now. If two troops attack from the two wings, we won't be able to react!

Wait... Fuck, it's not good...

"Hahaha..." At this moment, Cao Cao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. This time, he laughed even more wildly.

At the same time, Yuan Shao led the army out of the city, and chaos broke out on the two flanks, and a lot of dust rose into the sky.

The sound of the collision of weapons, the neighing of war horses, and the howling of pain were mixed together.

Yuan Shao was dumbfounded...

"Yuan Benchu, you are really cute and silly, goodbye!"

Cao Cao turned around and ran away.

I have been with you for so long, just to attract your attention, so that my soldiers and horses have time to charge.

Do you think it's over if the soldiers you brought out of the city today are killed?None of the soldiers you sent out to grab resources will come back!

"Cao Cao, you are the biggest villain in the world!" Yuan Shao yelled, and even a trace of blood leaked from his depressed face.

This is under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of eyes, you treat me like a fool...

"Save people, save the lord first!"

Xu You yelled while turning around and running into the city.

In the past, I dared to charge thousands of cavalry by myself. That's because I was a fellow villager and good friend with Cao Cao at that time.

But now, Cao Cao and I are enemies, and I am a counselor, not a military commander, only a fool would rush forward recklessly.

In front of Yanjin City, there was chaos.

Yuan Shao's army was caught off guard and was attacked by two wings, and soon couldn't hold on anymore.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao was rescued by his subordinates, so he managed to escape back to the city.

In this battle, Yuan Shao was defeated.

However, after Cao Cao's victory, he retreated to Guandu with all his troops, and Cao Cao also took some of his troops back to Xuchang to rest.

Yuan Shao lost his troops and lost his generals, but he got a large piece of land, at least everything around Yanjin.

Yuan Shao sat in the big tent in a state of embarrassment, and hadn't realized until now. Is fighting now different from before?
Who loses and who takes the territory?
What is Cao Cao's mind?

Am I supposed to be able to die all the way to Xuchang as long as there are many people, as long as there are many people who die in every battle?

That being the case, then gather all the army and mobilize all the soldiers and horses of my three sons.

"Cao thief, you are the biggest villain in the world, I want to see if you have more territories, or I have more people!"

With the land of Yanjin, Yuan Shao's army will have a stronghold after crossing the river, and they can gather troops without any scruples.

As long as millions of troops gather, they can send troops to Guandu, and then fight to the death with Cao thief!
However, how to deal with Tian Feng's matter before that?

In this battle, is it based on victory or defeat?

In fact, Tian Feng's remonstrance is quite reasonable, my lord doesn't want to kill him anymore, if I listen to him more, I won't be defeated today!
But Xu You can only brag every day, flattering my lord, I'm afraid he has ulterior motives.

"Report... my lord, Tian Feng committed suicide and was in prison. Before he died, he wrote a blood letter. Please read it, my lord!"

At this moment, the soldiers who conveyed the order for Tian Feng came back.

Yuan Shao was shocked when he heard this, what?Tian Feng committed suicide?
How much wronged did he have to suffer to commit suicide?Am I really wrong about him?

When Yuan Shao got up, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After receiving the blood book, looking at the bright red and glaring blood letters on it, I feel even more complicated.

This blood book was written with a heart, and at the end it reminded Yuan Shao to be careful about Xu You.

This person and Cao Cao are good friends from the same hometown, and they also have a classmate relationship. Please be careful, my lord.

There is one thing that proves that Xu You is a strategist, but he can attack Cao Cao's thousands of cavalry alone without dying...

What a cruel and ruthless person Cao Cao is, is it possible?

After Yuan Shao read the blood book, he took a deep breath.


You have to believe in this matter, and you can't believe it completely. Although people's words are good when they are about to die, Tian Feng has no evidence after all.

But I have to guard against it, if Xu You cheats me for a while, it will be the result of eternal doom.

At this moment, a seed of doubt was planted in Yuan Shao's heart towards Xu You.

Just like today, this kid Xu You runs faster than anyone else, how can he look like a loyal person?

Just shouting loudly, is there a fart?
Sure enough, a friend in need is a friend indeed!
No, Xu You must be on guard against this battle. If he proposes a very risky battle plan for my lord, then there must be ghosts!
My lord, I will never show mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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