Chapter 309 I Have Three Tigers
Although Guan Yu knew that Qin Lang must have a purpose in staying in Xuchang, he was completely relieved knowing that he was still in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han, and he was not addicted to Xuchang's debauched life.

If Qin Lang knew Guan Yu's thoughts, he would definitely scold him, "Let's loose your sister!"

I didn't do anything, and I got a whole body of infamy, and I can't wash it off!
I... I might as well do everything!
The next time I see Diao Chan, the sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and Zhen Mi, I will do anything!
Seeing Sun Shangxiang...

No, Sun Shangxiang is still young, so she has to wait!
You can't be inferior to a beast, but you can't be too beast!
"Xiao Ai, activate the couple card function..."

"Ding, Xiao Ai reminded, the couple card function is activated, the owner can talk with the person who has a couple card in the mind, and the cost of the call is 1 system currency per minute!"

"Ding...Xiao Ai reminded that the inheritance system is a conscience system. So far, the consumption of airtime has not increased in price. Please choose the person to call with a grateful heart!"

"Xiao Ai..." Qin Lang gritted his teeth and said, "I know that the more system currency you earn, the more you will be materialized. After you are completely materialized, see if I don't smoke you!"


Xiao Ai was condensed, wearing only underwear on her body, black stockings on her legs, patterns were engraved on the stockings, her arms were around Qin Lang's neck, her delicate little feet stepped on Qin Lang's instep without shoes.

A head of jet-black hair was bundled into the appearance of a woman.

"I heard you like married women..."


Come on, it's been too long, and Xiao Ai has finally recovered.

Although it costs money, it can also make you feel happy, right?

It's not as cold as before, and I don't even wear uniforms anymore.

"Diao Chan... Diao Chan..."

Qin Lang called in his heart.

In the next moment, a voice of surprise sounded in his mind.

"Officer, I heard you, I miss you so much, when will you come to Jizhou to reunite with me?"

Diao Chan's voice was short and intermittent, obviously due to excessive excitement.

(Ahem... Fortunately, Qin Lang has not read the green hat article...)
Qin Lang's heart was very warm, and his voice became softer unconsciously, "Take Zhen Mi and go to Jingzhou to wait for me. I will go to Jingzhou to meet you, but be careful along the way. I will send Tuoba Yu to Jizhou to meet him!"

"Jingzhou? The journey here is not short, but with Tuobayu escorting him, there is no problem in terms of safety!"

Just knowing that we can get together in Jingzhou, Diao Chan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Well, telephony has cost me too much mana. I can't hold it anymore. Remember, be careful, I miss you too!"

After Qin Lang finished speaking, he immediately cut off the telepathy.

For a moment, his face flushed like heat.

I actually said a love story, hey.

Yanjin City.

Yuan Shao's army has been gathering, and his three sons finally led the troops.

The morale that had been lowered by the beheading of Yan Liang and Wen Chou also rose again at this time.

The atmosphere of the war became more and more intense.

Yanjin City, in the big tent.

Three young men who looked very similar to Yuan Shao knelt down on one knee, and one of them was Yuan Xi.

However, Yuan Xi felt that the elder brother and the third younger brother looked more like Yuan Shao, but he was a little less interesting.

"Father, I should be the vanguard in this expedition to Guandu. Not only am I the eldest son, but I have also practiced the Thunderbolt Invincible Whirlwind Flame Formation. I will definitely come back victorious!"

"Oh? My son is extraordinary, what kind of thunderbolt is this big formation, it sounds awesome!"

"Hehe... Don't brag, big brother. You only brought one hundred thousand soldiers, but I brought 15. There is also a dragon god formation with thousands of troops. Defeating the enemy and winning is as easy as pie!"

"Hahaha, the third child is also a hero, I am so relieved!"

After the boss and the third child finished talking, everyone's eyes were on Yuan Xi.

Yuan Shao also looked at Yuan Xi, among the three of you brothers, you have always been the most capable and sharpest.

But now he can still hold back his silence, so calm, it is really more and more reliable.

It's just that, on such an occasion, it's not appropriate for you to really keep silent.

After all, my subordinates are all on the sidelines, don't let them underestimate you!
"Xi'er, why don't you say anything, isn't your army in Youzhou also here?"

"Father, I..." Yuan Xi raised his head, what can I say?
The more you talk now, the worse you will die in the future.

The less there is a sense of existence now, the more likely it will be able to keep a glimmer of life in the future.

Unless I am sure that I am your own son, otherwise, I will definitely not say a word!

Yuan Shao saw it, this is not good, why did Yuan Xi become so cowardly?If this embarrassment continues, it will affect morale.

"Ahem... I have three tigers, all of whom can fight against Cao Cao as commanders, but in this battle, I will personally be the commander and kill that traitor Cao Cao under his horse!"

Yuan Shao went out in person, so the three brothers naturally had no chance to compete for the coach. The eldest and third looked at each other with a sneer in their eyes.

As for the second child, Yuan Xi, hehe... because his father gave Zhen Mi to someone else, he has sunk to this point, it is really hopeless!
From now on, the position of the eldest son of the Yuan family is impossible!
"Father, my son is willing to be the pioneer and take a city first!"

"No, big brother's thunderbolt formation is not good at attacking cities, let me do it!"

"Third brother, my big formation is not Thunderbolt, but Thunderbolt's invincible whirlwind flame formation. You don't even know the name of my formation, and you say I'm not good at siege?!"

"Hehe...Brother, if you don't agree with me, let's practice first? Let's see what kind of formation is your thunderbolt, can you thunderbolt my dragon god formation?"

"Third son, are you looking for a draw? You said it wasn't a thunderbolt formation!"

"That's enough!" Yuan Shao patted his forehead, saying that you are tigers, and it is not for you to pinch each other in front of so many people!
"Let's line up your troops immediately. I want to capture Guandu and take Xuchang directly. After this battle, the world will be settled!"


All the soldiers shouted loudly, and the scene was soul-stirring.

"As for the vanguard battle, Xi'er, you will lead the troops there!"

Relatively speaking, Yuan Shao still felt that the second son was more reliable.

Yuan Xi raised his head in surprise, I was silent, why did you choose me?

Do you want me to pave the way for your two sons?
I knew it!

On the side, Xu You felt that something was wrong. Ever since taking Yanjin, Yuan Shao had alienated him a little.

As a military adviser, Yuan Shao should have discussed who he chose as the vanguard first, instead of making a decision directly.

Could it be because of the loss of soldiers and generals in the battle of Yanjin?

Or in other words, is it Tian Feng's blood letter?
Xu You has his eyeliner. He knows that Tian Feng wrote a blood letter to Yuan Shao, but he doesn't know what the blood letter is about.

On such an occasion, Yuan Shao didn't even mention him once, there is clearly something wrong here!
(End of this chapter)

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