Chapter 310 Qin Lang's Advice

Qin Lang returned to Xuchang City with an empty carriage.

Such a large city is now the imperial capital of the Han Dynasty, and no one will notice that there is an old man missing.

What's more, it's still a troubled time, Yuan Shao will call at any time, and the government that maintains Xuchang's law and order will know it, and it will be better to have less than one more thing.

At this time, the Cao Mansion was also discussing matters.

However, there were only Cao Cao and a few confidants. Guo Jia fell ill again and could not recover from his illness in the mansion.

At the last dinner, in order to be loyal to Cao Cao, Guo Jia even took drugs to stimulate the body's potential. After the effects of the drugs wore off, his body would only get worse.

Cao Cao walked back and forth in the hall, his face serious and his brows furrowed.Although Yuan Shao was defeated several times and beheaded two generals, his military strength still had an absolute advantage. This is an indisputable fact.

As usual, Xun Yu lowered his head and made no sound, not even the sound of breathing.

If I have a way to win, of course I will say it as soon as possible for your reference and supplement.

But if there is no other way, you must not say a word, lest the sense of existence is too high, this is not good...

Cheng Yu was quite active, but his ingenuity was not in marching and fighting, but in dealing with incidents for the lord, so there was no good way.

As the saying goes, people make the best use of them, Cheng Yu's military talent is not as good as Xun You's.

And all of them's military strategy is not as good as Cao Cao's. Cao Cao himself is a military strategist!

But Cao Cao didn't have a good solution at this time.

After Yanjin is Guandu, after Guandu is Xuchang...

Is there any way to repel a million troops in such a short distance?

"Water attack? No, it's not the rainy season, and the terrain is not convenient!"

"Huo Gong? Don't they all say that water and fire are ruthless? That's not okay, Yuan Shao is not stupid, how could he just watch you light the fire!"

"Falling rocks? No way, there is no canyon here, and even if there is, it is impossible to transport a large amount of rocks up in a short time!"

So, how will this battle be fought, or should it be fought?
Do you want to keep the soldiers and horses and fight against Xuchang in Guandu, and I will move the capital with Liu Xie?Is it a day to escape?
"Xun Yu, what do you think?"

Xun Yu is almost used to it. Anyway, no matter how cowardly I pretend, you, Prime Minister Cao, will still ask me the first question.

"Prime Minister, this battle must be fought, and we must not back down. It is an indisputable fact that Yuan Shao is powerful. This time Yuan Shao attacked, we won several games in a row, took the lead, and greatly weakened his power!"

Xun Yu stood up, walked to the map, and continued: "Now there is still a chance to win the first battle, but if we don't fight at this time, Yanjin and Guandu will fall into Yuan Shao's hands again. When he regains his strength, we will have a chance to win." There is no life without death, and there is no chance to fight!"

"Xun Yu's words are justified!" Cao Cao nodded.

After many efforts, Yuan Shao's strength has been weakened. If there is no fight at this time, all efforts will be in vain.

Then let's fight a tough battle, I will personally lead the troops to Guandu!

"Xun Yu, you must guarantee the food and grass supply of the army. Even if the people in the city starve to death, you must also ensure all the expenses of the army, so as to create good conditions for the decisive battle."

If not, we really lost this battle, and Yuan Shao defeated Guandu and captured Xuchang, and we would still have nothing.

"Prime Minister, don't worry, this subordinate will guarantee with his life!"

Xun Yu bowed in salute, his lifelong ideals and his lofty ambition to help the Han Dynasty all rested on this battle.

After the discussion was over, Cao Cao couldn't feel at ease, and after thinking about it, he finally understood why.

Because Guan Yu is gone, the sense of security is gone...

Although Qin Lang didn't leave, he said he was helping me defeat Yuan Shao, but he didn't do anything, and his sense of security was gone...

If Guan Yu doesn't leave, it must be reliable to go to the front of the formation!

If the officials went to assassinate Yuan Shao, the army of millions without a leader would surely be scattered and messed up!

By the way, let's go to the official and ask him to assassinate Yuan Benchu.

Assassin matters, but Qin Lang's housekeeping skills.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and sleeping wives have to do things for others.

You have the nerve to refuse my request?
Cao Cao thought for a while, asked the servants in the mansion to bring wine, and sent people to the mansions of Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian.

Then another person was sent to Xun You's house.

I heard that after the dinner that day, Xun You's wife returned to the mansion and kept Xun You from entering. I don't know if it is true.

The official once said that his green plum boiled wine is the best in the world.

When you hire someone to do something, you have to show your attitude first, there's nothing wrong with it!
Guan Yu's mansion has become lonely, and Qin Lang's mansion is also quiet.

"Clap clap clap..."

Cao Cao personally stepped forward to knock on the door.

After a while, Qin Lang came out.

He had just returned from outside the city and was about to change his clothes when he went to Cao Cao to inquire about the follow-up arrangement.

But I didn't want Cao Cao to come to the door directly.

"Officer, now is not the time to stay behind closed doors. I have concerns, do you know?"

"But because of the lack of food and grass?" Qin Lang asked.

Because in the history that Qin Lang knew, on the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao was known by Xu You because of the lack of food, which triggered the follow-up.

In the confrontation between the two armies, the lack of food and grass is absolutely fatal!
"Hahaha, officer, don't underestimate my Cao Cao's family background. Although the war has never stopped and I can't recuperate, I still have no problem with the food and grass in my hands for another year or so!"

"Ah? What? You have enough food and grass?"

Qin Lang said in surprise: "How can you have food? You should have no food!"

"Oh? What do you mean by this?" Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Officer, what do you mean... let me pretend that there is not enough food and grass, let Yuan Shao know about it, and deliberately lure him to send troops to rob food?"

"After he cuts off the food, we send people to sneak into the team, find Yuan Shao's food storage place, and cut off his food?!"

"Hahaha, it really is a good plan, officer..."

Cao Cao held Qin Lang's arm, pressed it hard, and clapped it hard.

You really are an all-rounder!
Those who win Qin Lang win the world, this sentence is really true!

All my sacrifices, all my sacrifices, as long as this victory is won, it will be worth it!
Don't sleep tonight, tonight... I have already asked my two wives and Xun You's wife to come together!

"Ahem...Cao Mengde, are you doing this again?"

"Okay, officer, I already know, you like the feeling of being a bitch and setting up a signboard, or the feeling of being sneaky, I... pretend I don't know the head office, right?"

"How about I give up the mansion and you go to my mansion, won't it be more exciting?"

"Or, I also stay in the mansion, so I will give you the room next to me, and I still pretend not to know, how about it, isn't it interesting?!"

Finally, Cao Cao let out a long sigh, "You still know how to play, I... feel ashamed!"

(End of this chapter)

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