Chapter 319 The Battle of Guandu
Cao Cao was silent for a moment, and told the soldiers beside him, "Go and invite Qin Lang first, then open the city gate and welcome Xu You to my residence!"

"No!" The soldier hurried away.

After returning from the ferry of the Yellow River, Qin Lang came directly to Guandu and joined Cao Cao.Now it is in the camp of the Guandu army.

Cao Cao returned to the big account ahead of time, and thought through all the details from beginning to end, in order to use the same and adapt to the ever-changing!

It's good that Xu You didn't see his plan. If he really saw it, he would be fooled. If he couldn't be fooled, he would be killed!

"Meng De, but Xu You and Xu Ziyuan are here?" Qin Lang came.

"Officer, why are you so calm? Could it be that you already knew that Xu Ziyuan would come?"

"Hahaha, Mengde doesn't need to think too much, it's better to listen to Xu Ziyuan's purpose first, and then make a plan. I'll cook wine for you two!"

Qin Lang is very clear about Xu You's purpose here, and also very clear that the climax of the Battle of Guandu is coming.

He is about to witness this exciting history, and his interest is also very high.

"Officer, you are an old man who speaks solemnly, so let's see what Xu You wants to say!"

"Prime Minister, Master Xu You has arrived."

"Okay, please hurry up!"

Cao Cao lifted the curtain himself and welcomed Xu You in.

After Xu You came in, he looked directly at the environment in the big tent. When he saw Qin Lang who was cooking wine, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Qin Lang, Qin Guanren, you are indeed at Meng De's place!"

When they rescued Liu Bei in the river, Qin Lang left with an excuse.

At that time, Xu You didn't think that Qin Lang had other thoughts, because the extremely beautiful man who was with him, and Zhen Mi, didn't leave with him.This is one of the important factors in his judgment.

It's just that until now, Qin Lang can still be seen here in Cao Cao, so it's a little different.

"Xu You, Xu Ziyuan, didn't you come too?" Qin Lang said.

"Qin Guanren, you seem to know why I came here?"

"Xu Ziyuan, do you know, do I know why you came here?"

"I know, you must know why I came here!"

"Hahaha, Xu Ziyuan is Xu Ziyuan, he is indeed Yuan Shao's most resourceful adviser!"

If Yuan Shao had listened to you, Cao Cao would have nothing to do now.

If Yuan Shao can defeat Cao Cao and bring victory, he may directly attack Jingzhou and Yizhou.

Yuan Shao is a pig teammate, no, apart from cheating and abducting, Yuan Benchu ​​is not even comparable to a pig teammate.

"Qin Lang, if you have the heart to conquer the world, I promise you to recognize you as the master, how about it?"

Xu You suddenly found that he had completely despised the heroes of the world, and he had a different feeling here with Qin Lang.

Qin Lang is right, I am the most resourceful adviser under Yuan Shao's tent, Tian Feng is nothing!
" two can chat very well!" Cao Cao's voice came faintly.

"Xu Ziyuan, are you here to look for me?"

"Qin Guanren, I found you, right?"

"The two of you are having a hot chat here. If it's a man and a woman, won't you be having sex in a while?"

"You two, who do you think I am, Cao Cao?"

"This is my place, okay?"

Xu You patted his forehead and said, "Yo, I forgot that Meng De is still here, I'm here tonight on business!"

"Meng De, Xu Ziyuan has come to join you and tell you about Yuan Shao's food storage place. It's called Wuchao, and Yuan Shao's million-strong army has all the food and grass there!"

"Officer Qin, you really know, you really know!" Xu You turned pale with shock.

He thought that Qin Lang would know that he was coming to defect, but he didn't expect that even his own information was clear.

How did Qin Lang know that Yuan Shao's grain and grass were placed in Wuchao?
Another method of the fairy family?
In this way, as long as you have Qin Lang, who can be an enemy of Cao Cao?
"Is that true?" Cao Cao asked in surprise.

An army of one million sounds very bluffing, but if the food and grass are set on fire, even an army of tens of millions cannot pose a threat.

"Meng De, that's true!" Xu You sighed.

Immediately afterwards, Xu You told Yuan Shao why he didn't believe him and wanted to kill him, all in full detail.

I told Yuan Shao that Cao Cao was short of food, but he didn't believe me, what should I do?
"Qin Lang, oh Qin Lang, you are really clever!" Cao Cao didn't even know how to describe it.

I thought you set up the situation of insufficient food and grass just to trick Yuan Benchu, and by the way, find out where he stored his food.

Who knows that I am still no match for you. In this plan, there is even sowing dissension. Xu You came here because of this matter.

Before Yuan Shao could react, he asked Xu You to trick the Wuchao guards into opening the gate. This battle will seal the world!

"Wait, my lord is always confused, but sometimes he has a flash of inspiration, and he will definitely send troops to attack the camp at night!" Xu You said.

"If he comes, it's exactly what I want!" Cao Cao smiled, since he knew he was coming, of course he had to do his best to be a landlord.

Xu You defected to Cao Cao overnight, which was the trigger for Yuan Shao's turning point.

Without any hesitation, Cao Cao immediately assembled his soldiers and horses, and under the cover of night, he charged towards Wuchao.

Outside the Wuchao camp, the horse's hooves were wrapped in cloth, and the horse's mouth was tied with a rope.

A group of soldiers had already pulled out their weapons, and Xu You stepped forward in the group and came to the gate of the Wuchao garrison.

Guandu Camp.

Zhang Liao and Xu Huang jointly set up an ambush, waiting for Yuan Shao to bring someone to kill him, so that he can counter-kill him!

Yuan Shao dispatched an army of [-], led by Yuan Xi, to attack at night.

When they came to a narrow road, suddenly countless soldiers rushed up, not only blocking the front and back roads of the army, but also shooting indiscriminately with lighted sharp arrows.

The fire soared into the sky, and the [-] army had no ability to resist despite their intentions and unintentional changes.

Qin Lang watched this shocking scene not far away, the fire reflected the night like day.

10 people were wailing terribly in the fire. This tragic scene seemed to make people live in hell.

That's horrible……

Even when he was fighting with modern weapons as a mercenary, he had never encountered such an astonishing scene.

The wars between the ancients, the blade to flesh between cold weapons, and the battles with modern hot weapons are similar in some places, but there are essential differences in some places.

This battle, Yuan Shao lost again.

The land of Yanjin.

Yuan Shao nervously waited for Yuan Xi's battle report. Although he believed that the battle would be victorious, he was still a little nervous because it involved the general trend of the world in the future.

Until the sky brightened, Yuan Xi was covered in black smoke and ran back with some remnants of soldiers.

Seeing Yanjin City from afar, Yuan Xi gritted his teeth.

"Yuan Shao, even if I'm not your own son, I've still been called your father for so many years. Why did you send me into Cao Cao's trap? Are you trying to use Cao Cao's sword to kill me?"

Yuan Xi's suspicion was justified. In his opinion, the fact that he was not Yuan Shao's son was a great shame to Yuan Shao.

It is impossible for Yuan Shao to let others know that he has been cuckolded and has been a cheap father for so many years.

That being the case, if Yuan Shao wants to kill his son, he must have a reason, and he can't just kill him.

But with Cao Cao's knife, there is no need for reason.

Even, in the name of avenging his son, he could boost his morale!
"Yuan Shao, you took such pains to kill me that you even sacrificed [-] troops to be buried with you. You are so ruthless!"

If you say it wasn't intentional, I don't believe it.

I have heard that Xu You gave you an idea, not to let you sneak attack Cao Cao's big tent, but to sneak attack Cao Cao's grain storage.

I just believed in you too much and believed that you were my father, so I obeyed your orders.

The result is... If you are unkind today, don't blame me for being unrighteous tomorrow.

Yuan Xi did not return to Yanjin City in the end, but took his remnant soldiers and headed towards the direction of the Yellow River.

He wants to return to Youzhou and gather his troops again. This time, he wants to take himself as the master and conquer the world!

(End of this chapter)

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