Chapter 320 Sending You Spring and Autumn
It was not until noon the next day that Yuan Shao got the battle report ahead.

The [-] troops were devastated by the fire, and the food and grass stored in Wuchao were taken away by Cao Cao, and those that could not be taken away were also burned down.

He was so high-spirited when he sent troops from Jizhou, he led millions of soldiers, could swallow the sun and moon, and sweep the world!

As a result, three battles were fought and nearly 30 people died.

The remaining 70 troops have no food, and without food, these soldiers will mutiny within seven days.

What's more, they have already plundered all the resources along the way during their march, and they will not be able to grab them any more.

If he couldn't transport the food in a short time, let alone continue to fight, it would be good if he could keep himself safe.

But in a short time, where can we gather so much food and grass, and ask Cao Cao to show mercy?

That's bullshit!

"Tie Cao, you are the biggest villain in the world, even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go!"

Yuan Shao spat out a big mouthful of blood, his body limp on the ground, and he passed out.

Now it is meaningless to find out where Xu You went, how Cao Cao knew that Wuchao had stored food, and how he was able to enter Wuchao with a small team.

Yuan Shao was seriously injured and fell into a coma. His food and grass were burned to the ground.

The fall of such a huge army cannot be brought back even by gods.

After all, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao at Guandu. At this time, he got enough food and grass, and captured countless soldiers.

From this moment on, a fundamental change took place in the offense and defense between the two sides.No, at this time, it should not be said that it was a change of offense and defense. It should be said that it became Cao Cao's pursuit of Yuan Shao.

On the other hand, Guan Yu took Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Mi, and Xu Shu's mother to the border between Hebei and Henan.

Thirty miles further on, there is a county seat. When you arrive at the county seat, you can inquire about the news of your eldest brother Liu Bei. The brothers will finally get together again, which is really a little exciting to think about.

Guan Yu rode on a red rabbit horse, stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly reached out to stop the carriage.

"Second uncle, why did you stop?" Madam Gan asked.

Although after arriving in Hebei, the danger will be much smaller, but there is no place in the world that is not chaotic, and the danger is small does not mean that there is no.

"Madam sister-in-law, don't worry, some thieves dare to invade Huwei, I will definitely let them come and go!"

Guan Yu raised his head in disdain.

I, Guan Yu, killed Hua Xiong with warm wine, Sanying fought Lu Bu, killed Yan Liang and punished Wen Chou, and passed five levels... I even developed the ability to shock people with my eyes.

What kind of opponents are those? They are all famous generals in the world.

Some thieves...hehe...if they have the courage to act in front of me, and the officials come to you in the future, I will definitely treat it as if I didn't see anything.

Guan Yu also has his own ideas. When he finds his eldest brother, whether the officials come to see you or not will have nothing to do with me!
Some chaotic voices came from the front, and a young but very tough bandit rushed to the front with a phoenix sword in his hand.

The blade of this knife is narrow and long, more than one meter long, and the handle of the knife can only hold two hands tightly. It is an uncommon weapon.

Just a bandit, but also has such ability?
Guan Yu sat on the red rabbit horse, opened his eyes, but did not see any movement, just stared hard!
"Hey? What's the situation? Come here again? Aren't you afraid I'll stare at you to death?"


The bandit rushed up to Guan Yu and suddenly felt something was wrong.

What's the situation with this person? It's unusual at first glance!

This handsome war horse...

This seemingly powerful Qinglong Yanyue Saber...

This green gown, green hat...

This big dark red face...

This arrogance that regards the world as nothing...

My knife almost hit his nose, how dare I be so calm...

This breathtaking look...

This intimidating aura...

As if, as long as he makes a move, I will lose my head!
Fuck, who the hell is this guy?
I'm so scared!
Guan Yu was tense, holding the hand of the bronze sword at his waist, almost scratching his bald skin.

If these thieves are taking a step forward, he will make a move. He can't hide when the knife comes, right?

Fortunately, the power of our eyes really had an effect!

Look, stop everything!
I stare... I continue to stare... What the hell am I still staring at!

"I am Zhou Cang, who are you...?"

The bandit leader was named Zhou Cang, who used to be a soldier, and he was also a brave general.

It was only because there was no place to stay after the defeat that he took some of his subordinates and turned them into bandits.

During the period when they were bandits, they did not rob the poor or kill their lives, but they always found trouble with rich businessmen or officials.

In this era, those who dare to travel to various places to do business have huge escorts.

The official also has an army escort, which is not something ordinary bandits can provoke.

Not only was Zhou Cang's life difficult, but he also lost many brothers.

Today, I saw a carriage coming from a distance. It is undoubtedly a rich family. There is no guard yet. It is simply a cooked duck sent to the mouth.

After all, which poor family can sit in a carriage?
But who knows...

"Green hat, red face, Qinglong Yanyue knife... Gudong..."

Zhou Cang thought of someone, and fell to his knees on the ground with a "plop".

" are the legendary Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang?"

"Hehe..." Guan Yu stroked his beard in satisfaction, how about it, no one can resist my staring eyes skill.

"Yes, I am Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang!"

Zhou Cang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly kowtowed three times to Guan Yu, and said: "The last general is under the command of General Zhang Bao of the Yellow Turban Army. He rose up to form an army because he was dissatisfied with the oppression of the gentry. After General Zhang Bao died halfway through the battle, I will meet you again." There is less than one loyal lord, only to lead a group of brothers to gather between the mountains and forests!"

The more Zhou Cang said, the more excited he became, and even big drops of tears flowed out of his tiger eyes.

If a man cries, it is either ridiculed or shocking. Zhou Cang is obviously the latter.

"Ever since I heard about the general's acts of loyalty, I have been fascinated by the general every day and night, and I have regarded the general as a god. It must be God's mercy. This is how I met the general. The general Zhou Cang is willing to follow the general and fight for the general all his life! "

Guan Yu was very surprised. Didn't he think that my reputation has already reached this point?

Or in other words, my staring ability is more terrifying than I imagined?
I... so moved!
Zhou Cang is also a loyal person, if I, Guan Yu, don't accept you, wouldn't it be a breach of justice in this world?

"Strong men, please rise up. From now on, you will be by my side, fight the world with me, and help the Han Dynasty!"

"Thank you, General!" Zhou Cang was overjoyed.

Guan Yu accepted the younger brother, thinking that he would give a meeting gift, but he was ashamed of his pocket.

Besides, it would be too boring to give money to such a loyal little brother.


"Zhou Cang, I have a copy of Spring and Autumn, which has been with me for several years, and I will give it to you today!"

In life, it is not enough to only kill people on the battlefield. You have to study and be a scholar.

Zhou Cang was even more excited, but a general gave him a book. What does this mean?It shows that Guan Yu put his mind into the meeting ceremony!

"Don't worry, general, from now on, this Spring and Autumn Period will be carried close to your body, and you will never leave it!"

(End of this chapter)

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