Chapter 325 I'm Not Drunk

Cao Pi was the first to stand up and fell to his knees with a "plop".

"General Xu must have been drunk to commit such a foolish thing. I think of his past achievements, please spare his life!"

"My lord, don't plead for me. I didn't drink, and I beheaded Xu You!" Xu Chu straightened his neck and rolled his big eyes, and he knew what to do next.

Now, it is necessary to show this energy of two tigers to the fullest, so that the Lord will not kill me, and I can explain it confidently.

"My lord, you don't know, I don't want to kill him, I really don't want to kill that Xu You!" Xu Chu said again.

"Fart, you don't want to kill him? Could it be that Xu You begged you to kill him?!"

Cao Cao almost laughed out of breath, and I don't know if you, Xu Chu, really knew what I was thinking, or if you killed Xu You by mistake.

Why don't you just admit your mistake and let them find you a step down, wouldn't that be it?
Why are you here!

"My lord, don't tell me, Xu You asked me to kill him. I have never encountered such a strange request in my life, so I just killed him!"

"Xu Chu, why do you think I'm an idiot?"

Cao Cao didn't know whether to be angry or not, but Xu Chu, you dare to play tricks on me?

Even if I don't kill you this time, I have to make you suffer!
"Come here, hurry up, push it out and chop it up, whoever dares to intercede will even have a piece of it chopped off!"

"My lord, don't be unreasonable. Xu You really asked me to kill him. Many people can testify!"

"Get out, push down!"

There was a sudden chaos in the city lord's mansion.

"Ahem...Meng De calm down!"

Qin Lang coughed twice, and then looked at Xun Yu suspiciously.

What's the matter?Xun Yu, don't you intend to intercede with Xu Chu and give Cao Cao a step down?

How could Qin Lang know that Xun Yu had long been made into a frightened bird by Cao Cao. When discussing matters, he usually didn't say a word, and didn't listen to important matters that were not important.

At this moment, he felt that the surroundings were extremely chaotic, and he raised his head, his eyes still filled with bewilderment.

"What's the situation? Wait, stop, how dare you capture General Xu in front of the prime minister, and die?!"

"Fuck, Xun Yu, you are so awesome!" Cheng Yu secretly gave a thumbs up.

You didn't talk about pleading just now, but now that the prime minister has just finished speaking, whoever pleads will be hacked to death, you are so domineering, awesome, you are really awesome!
"General Xu, are you making the prime minister angry again?"

"Master Xun, I didn't do anything, I just chopped Xu You off!"

"Haha, it's no big deal. Why did the prime minister get angry with Xu Chu? You also know his character. He definitely didn't mean it. He just chopped it off... eh? Wait..."

At this moment, Xun Yu's whole body froze, "Xu Chu, what did you just say, did you chop Xu You?"

"That's right, Xu You asked me to cut it!"

"Fuck you, uncle, I believe you, prime minister, please kill Xu Chu!"

Xun Yu's face changed drastically, and he was full of slander.

From now on, even if someone kills someone in front of Cao Cao, as long as Cao Cao doesn't ask me, I won't say a word.

This is really, really deceitful!
"Xun Yu, what did you say, you asked me to kill Xu Chu?!" Cao Cao was stunned.

When Xun Yu spoke, Cao Cao was originally relieved, because every time Xun Yu could speak his heart.

This time, it should be the same, as long as there is an excuse to let Xu Chu's death penalty be avoided, and the living crime cannot be forgiven.

Cao Cao just wanted to find a way to go down, and let the world know that Xu Chu killed Xu You, not at his own instigation, but an accident.

But I have to show the attitude that I want to kill Xu Chu, otherwise the fool will not believe it.

"Prime Minister..." Xun Yu cupped his hands, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, when he raised his head, he happened to see Qin Lang giving him crazy winks.

"Ah! So it is!"

Xun Yu suddenly realized, "Prime Minister, the official Qin has something to say, just look, how many times he stopped talking!"



Qin Lang pointed to his nose, Xun Yu, you are really good enough!
Let me take the blame?
But it doesn't matter, we still know exactly how to give Cao Cao a step down!

This matter can be regarded as returning Cao Cao's favor.

"Meng De, can you listen to me?"

As soon as Qin Lang spoke, everyone fell silent.

"Forget it, it's you Qin official, I gave you a chance, what do you have to say?"

"Prime Minister, I don't want him to beg..." Xu Chu yelled loudly, holding his neck.

"Shut the fuck up!" Cao Cao took off his shoes and threw them directly at Xu Chu's face.

"Come on, shut his mouth, the prime minister doesn't want to listen to him anymore!"


"Umm... this smells so bad... um..."

"Officer, keep talking!"

Qin Lang shook his head, pretending to be helpless, and said: "Then Xu You uttered wild words on the city wall. Everyone heard it. Xu Chu shared the Lord's worries. Even though he made a big mistake, he cannot be sentenced to death!"

"Officer, if Xu Chu is not dead, how will the people of the world think of me, Cao Mengde?"

This is what Cao Cao is most worried about. Even if I would rather let the world bear the world than let the world bear me, I still need to recruit talented people so that I can continue to conquer the world.

The impact of this matter is really too great.

"Xu Chu murdered in anger after drinking, since it has become a fact, then we can only make up for it as much as possible, let Xu Chu support Xu You's parents and clansmen, guard Xu You's grave as punishment!

As for the opinions of the people in the world... Chen Lin, who wrote the article against thieves, was in Jizhou City. Let Chen Lin write an article to tell the world about this, so that people in the world can know your sincerity, Meng De! "

Cao Cao thought for a while, yes, this method is good!

In this way, even though Xu You is dead, we have enough face and can justify it.

It is said that a literati can write alive even for the dead, so let Chen Lin think about it more.

As expected of Qin Guanren, as long as you are here, I don't have to worry about anyone or anything!
"Xu You, my prime minister misses you drinking until you get drunk, and then you become confused..."

"Prime Minister, I'm not drunk!"

"I said you were drunk!"

"No, I'm not drunk!"

"Shut up, come on, let me get this reckless man drunk!"

A group of people carried wine jars and poured them into Xu Chu's mouth, and he was quickly drunk.


Xu Chu burped, "Prime...Prime Minister, I didn't want to kill him, Xu You really wanted me to kill him!"

"Not drunk yet? Then continue drinking, but after this time, Xu Chu will be fined from drinking for three years!"

Xu Chu was carried out drunk, and so far, the matter of Xu You's beheading came to an end.


Cheng Yu held the women's audition in the mansion, and the nobles in Jizhou City knew that the audition was for Qin Lang, so they didn't need to coerce them at all, but cooperated too much.

If Cheng Yu didn't choose which one, he would bring a lot of gold, silver and jewels to bribe him instead.

Just kidding, after Cao Cao captured Jizhou, everyone was meat on the chopping board. If they were killed, they might be killed.

But if the woman in the family is sent to Qin Lang's bed, wouldn't it be a gold medal for avoiding death?
Just like the Tao family in Xuzhou, it has continued in this way.

Cao Cao wanted to give the women in the whole city of Qin Lang the best chance.

Even, being ruled by Cheng Yu will not hesitate!

Anyway, it's a woman, Qin Lang can't tell whether she has been unspoken.

What if he could see it, would he like it more? !

(End of this chapter)

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