Chapter 326

Cao Cao rectified his army, he wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and with all his might, wipe out Yuan Shao's remaining forces.

At the very least, none of Yuan Shao's three sons can stay!
If not, with the influence of the Yuan clan, it is certain that they will revive, and it will become a serious problem for the confidants.

Although Yuan Shu was killed by Liu Bei at the beginning, Liu Bei was his subordinate at that time and was sent out by him to carry out this task.

Now that Yuan Shao was seriously injured and died, he, Cao Cao, still had to bear the blame. The Cao clan and the Yuan clan had already feuded deeply, and there was no room for relaxation.


Qin Lang was dragged to the mansion by Cheng Yu for a banquet, Cao Cao naturally knew what was going on, and was also fascinated.

But Cao Cao didn't go together, because he received a message, which he didn't want Qin Lang to know.

Liu Bei led five thousand cavalry, fled to the ancient city, and joined Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, wanting to use the ancient city as the foundation and take the opportunity to develop.

The Yuan family is already a grasshopper after autumn, as long as they pursue it in time, they will not be too much of a threat.

As long as the Yuan family is not given a chance to breathe, Cao Cao is sure to annex it completely, and the rest is to send troops to attack step by step, occupying one place by one.

But Liu Bei became a thorn in his heart, one was pulled out, and then a deeper thorn went in fiercely!

The thorn didn't stick in it and didn't move, but it was still stirring violently inside, causing people's blood to pierce.

That's why Cao Cao forcibly endured the throbbing in his heart.

Officer, all the women in Jizhou are a reward for you, so I won't join in the fun.

Early the next morning, tens of thousands of troops left Jizhou and went straight to the ancient city.

Cheng Yu's mansion.

After the army invaded Jizhou, Cao Cao occupied the city guard's mansion, and his generals and counselors naturally also occupied the mansion.

Cheng Yu took up the largest area, and it couldn't be more suitable as the audition site.

It is conceivable that Cheng Yu's plan is not a whim, but a long-term preparation.Even if this incident didn't happen during the day, I'm afraid I would find an opportunity to mention it to Cao Cao.

Cheng Yu is confident that Cao Cao will agree.

Because there are so many women in Jizhou City?Qin Lang is an immortal, and it is impossible to occupy all of them.

The rest, the most beautiful one, can be given to others?

Qin Lang didn't want to come at first, but Cheng Yusheng pulled him so hard that he almost broke his sleeve.

It almost became the so-called addiction to broken sleeves...

The reason why Qin Lang followed was because he suddenly had an idea that Liu Bei went to the ancient city to join Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, so he should leave too.

Tonight is a very good opportunity, otherwise, even if the sleeves are ripped off, it is impossible for a decent person to attend such a banquet.

"Officials, you and I will not return tonight without getting drunk!" Cheng Yu was very happy, but a little bit disappointed.

I'm glad that you Qin officials won't reject my kindness tonight, will you?
What is disappointing is that it is impossible to bring a family with you when you lead troops to fight. My wife and concubine are both in Xuchang.

Even if Qin Lang couldn't refuse today, his wife would not be able to get into Qin Lang's bed, which is really not beautiful.

However, fortunately, the wives of Xun Yu and others were not there, let alone Guo Jia. Since the last dinner, it is said that the illness has become more serious, and he will never be able to afford it.

You deserve it, who told you to take four concubines forcibly in one night in order to steal the limelight from me.

A normal person would be exhausted, let alone you, a sick child!

I have to say that Xun Yu is shrewd...

His wife is quite old and has no concubines, but the wife of his eldest nephew Xun You has succeeded.

Moreover, with Cao Cao's matchmaking, he was with Mrs. Bian and Mrs. Huan. This is a great favor!

After this incident, Cao Cao still regarded Mrs. Huan and Mrs. Bian as his wives, and did not mean to give them to Qin Lang after divorcing his wife.

This matter seems very subtle.

It is said that there are four great irons in life, and one of them went whoring together. The relationship between Cao Cao and Qin Lang is ten times closer than this.

In front of the gate of the mansion, Cheng Yu thought in a daze, standing on the steps staring at the ground in a daze.

Today's selection of women is really an earth-shattering scene!

"Master Cheng, what are you thinking?" Qin Lang patted Cheng Yu's shoulder, muttering to himself.

"This person surnamed Cheng doesn't have any conspiracy, does he?"

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Or pour sweat medicine to make those women confuse me?"

"Or as long as I step into this mansion, I will be raped directly?"

Qin Lang really understood how tough women in this era are.

From the two daughter-in-laws of Tao Qian in Xuzhou, to the two wives of Cao Cao later, and then to Mrs. Mi of Liu Bei, each is better than the other!
"Hahaha, don't blame officials, I just thought of today's audition... Yes, the word audition is a real image, officials are great talents!"

"Don't flatter, talk about things!"

"Okay!" Cheng Yu directly pushed open the door, and suddenly a strong scent of rouge came over his face.

Huanfei Yanshou, mature and young, or tall, or delicate and cute...

These are all natural beauties, different from the modern ones who have been knifed on their faces.

It is said that the agility of every woman's face is not comparable to that of ordinary women.

"Officer, this kind of scene is not only shocking the past, but also unprecedented, what do you think?"

Cheng Yu looked at the scene in front of him and stretched out his arms, as if to embrace the entire sky.

Such a big scene is supported by me alone, come on, praise me!
Qin Guanren, although my wife is not inside, you must admit this love!
Qin Lang nodded his head, it really is astonishing.

Among the millions of people, in the largest city in Yizhou, two hundred women were selected, and most of these two hundred women came from wealthy families.

"Cheng Yu, thank you!" Qin Lang raised his middle finger.

I am in history now, and I will be a part of it.

Everyone pursues a name that goes down in history, and I am no exception.

But now, Qin Lang seems to have seen how he will leave his name in the history books!

How to describe it specifically, Qin Lang didn't even dare to think about it. Compared with this, Cao Cao's obsession with women is really too childish!

What a great excuse to leave!

In Huanzhugege back then, couldn't the concubine Xiangfei also turn into a butterfly and fly away!
And I, among the crowd of women, can disappear with the wind...

"Hahaha, as long as the officials like it!"

Cheng Yu imitated Qin Lang and raised his middle finger. This is another gesture of an official's hometown. It will definitely become popular all over the world together with the word "reliable" who lamented that there is an expert here!
I, Cheng Yu, can brag to others wherever I go, but we are the ones Qin Lang personally pointed at with his middle finger!
"Officer, please!"

"Brother Cheng, please!"

"Officials please first!"

"No, Brother Cheng please first!"...



(End of this chapter)

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