Chapter 331 You dare to stop me?

"General Xiahou, I will use magic to plastic surgery for you, but you have to remember that this magic can only be used on other people. That is to say, others see you as you are in this photo, but when you look at yourself in the bronze mirror, it is natural The original appearance!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, as long as others know how handsome this general is, that's enough!"

Xiahou Dun laughed loudly, and when he looked at Qin Lang again, he felt a little guilty.

What a good person this is, I treat him like this, but he repays evil with kindness, with a magnanimous heart...


Xiahou Dun choked up when he thought of the depths.

"Don't you want to take Concubine Dong Gui out of the city? Let's go, I will personally see you off!"

Xiahou Dun beckoned, and a secret whistle in civilian clothes ran from a distance.

With just one order, a train team soon came.

There is money, food, and guards in the convoy, and everything is well prepared.

"Hey, this general asks you, am I handsome now?!"

Xiahou Dun shouted and asked.

The soldiers following the convoy, looking at me and I looking at you, all swallowed and dared not speak.

Are you kidding me, this ugly face has the face to ask others if they are handsome.

But you are a general, to say you are handsome is against your heart, to say you are ugly, I am afraid you will be killed...

"Hahaha, look at General Xiahou, they are too surprised to speak!" Qin Lang said.

"I... am I really not ugly?"

Xiahou Dun's excited tiger eyes were tearful, and he quickly took out a small bronze mirror behind him, and looked at the mirror repeatedly.

While looking in the mirror, while holding a photo comparison.


Suddenly, Xiahou Dun suddenly knelt down, "The kindness that the officials of Qin have shown me is like a new one. I, Xiahou, have clear grievances and grievances. If you have kindness, you must repay it. One day, I will repay your great kindness!"

The point is, the selflessness of Qin officials is so touching.

Look at the handsome general in this photo, Qin Guanren gave me plastic surgery, but he is even more handsome than him!
From now on, wouldn't it be that I, Xiahou Dun, will be crazily sought after by all the women in the world?

I'm a little excited to think about it!
on the other hand.

When Concubine Dong Gui came out with the child, she still couldn't believe it.Qin Lang was about to take her to leave Xuchang swaggeringly, and Xiahou Dun personally escorted her.

But, what does Xiahou Dun's enigmatic narcissistic expression mean, and what eyes do you pick with me?
How disgusting!

After leaving the city, Xiahoudun stopped after sending him ten miles away.

"Officer, it's a big deal to go to Jizhou. After you come back, I will host a banquet for you!"

Xiahou Dun bid farewell.

He always thought that Qin Lang lived lonely in Jizhou, so he wanted to bring Concubine Dong Gui to Jizhou.

It's not that there are no beautiful women in a place as big as Jizhou, but no matter how big the world is, how many women can have the status of Concubine Dong Gui?

As a man, the feeling of pressing down on the emperor's woman must be different.


Qin Lang also told each other that with the convoy provided by Xiahoudun, it was much easier to send Concubine Dong Gui to the paradise.

That's right, Qin Lang is going to take Concubine Dong Gui to die and live in seclusion in a paradise, so as to avoid the disputes in this troubled world.

At the same time, after coming out of Xanadu, you can go directly to Jingzhou to meet Diao Chan.

In Jiangdong, across the river from Jingzhou, sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, barely counting the little girl Sun Shangxiang, are not far away.

Thinking about it this way, the pinnacle of life is about to arrive.

During this period of time, I have been teased by these women quite a lot. I, Qin Lang, am also a normal man!


In the carriage, there was a meowing, soft and trembling call.

"Ahem, I didn't hear that!"

Qin Lang tightened his grip on the reins, and looked into the distance without squinting.


At the same time, it can be seen from a distance that there is a burst of dust in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao appeared in Qin Lang's sight with a group of cavalry.

Qin Lang immediately drove his horse to the front of the convoy.

If Cao Cao didn't stop and led his troops to charge directly, he might be the only one in the convoy to survive.

"Donkey donkey donkey..."

After coming close, Cao Cao reined in the reins, covered in dust, red-rimmed eyes, and tired.

"Officer, you... you want to leave me?"

"Meng De, how did you know that I will return to Xuchang?"

At this time, Cao Cao was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the Yuan family, but he rushed back in Jizhou. Regardless of whether he would miss nothing, it would have an unnecessary impact on the battle situation.

Giving the Yuan clan a chance to breathe might change the situation, after all, Youzhou is still in Yuan Xi's hands.

Now the power of the Yuan clan has begun to shrink towards Youzhou.Once Yuan Shao died, Yuan Xi also dared to accept the power of the Yuan clan on a large scale.

But even so, Cao Cao still came.

"You Qin officials value love and righteousness. Even if you fly away as a butterfly, you will return to Xuchang City!" After Cao Cao finished speaking, he looked at the carriage in the center of the convoy.

"Concubine Dong Gui and that child, stay in the carriage!"

You, Qin Lang, were able to escort me thousands of miles back then, how could you let your own son go?Cao Cao still has this certainty.

As everyone knows, when I got the news from Cheng Yu, I almost ordered that all the women in Jizhou City be beheaded!

"Since you already know what happened, you must know that I am going back to the training place outside the world, so why come back with great fanfare to see me off?"

"Officials, Concubine Dong Gui is the noble concubine of the great Han after all, and the child is nominally the child of Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty. It is better to keep these two in Xuchang, so as to stop the rumors in the world!"

Cao Cao didn't answer the question.

You violated the law of cultivation, and if you want to return to the other world, it doesn't mean you won't come back.

When the time comes, will you come to me, or to Liu Bei?
Do you really think Cao Cao is a fool?
You clearly knew that there would be such consequences, and you followed Cheng Yu to the banquet, which already explained everything, so I can't see through your inner thoughts?
So what charm does Liu Bei have that makes you miss him so much, and so does Guan Yu!
I can let you go because I can't stop you, but Concubine Dong Gui and the child must stay in Xuchang.

Just because, I am Cao Cao!

In the compartment, the curtains were partly opened.

Seeing Cao Cao through the gap, Concubine Dong Gui trembled with fright. If it wasn't for that figure in front of her, she might faint.

"Officer, don't give up on me..."

At this moment, Concubine Dong Gui's heart also changed.

This figure gradually filled in, and Liu Xie... When he watched her being strangled to death, he couldn't do anything except limp on the ground.

No, he can do it, but he dare not!
It is true that Liu Xie is the emperor, and I am also Concubine Dong. It is true that I must be loyal to the emperor, but I am a woman after all.

That day, when Cao Cao ordered someone to strangle me with white silk, I had already done everything that should be done for the great man.

From now on, I am no longer Concubine Dong Gui, I am just the daughter of the Dong family...

(End of this chapter)

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