Chapter 356
"Ding, Xiao Ai reminds that the succession system is activated, the main task is to inherit Zhuge Liang's unparalleled wisdom, this task is the most advanced task in the Three Kingdoms period, there is no prompt, no clue, how to light up Zhuge Liang's hero spectrum, all depends on the owner to explore !"

"If the mission is successful, you will gain Zhuge Liang's wisdom. If you fail the mission, you will lose the chance to inherit Zhuge Liang forever!"

"Ding... Master, please pay attention to controlling consumption. When the system thinks that the master cannot complete the repayment, the right of inheritance will be cancelled!"

"Ding, Xiaoai reminded... the owner owes money????????"

"One, ten, one hundred... ten million, one hundred million, fortunately, although it is still a question mark, at least it has not exceeded the unit of one hundred million!"

Qin Lang seemed relaxed, but actually he was clenching his teeth tightly.

This is really not the Nandong, nor the Japanese Yuan, nor the currency that is weighed by the catty of any small African country.

When the system solves the question mark, what should I do if I owe 99 million?
According to the degree of cheating of the system, it is very possible to make troubles in it.

The intelligent embodiment of the system is Xiao AI formed from the [-]D model.But this Xiaoai has been pursuing materialization, so he is not moral.

In private, Xiao Ai does not know how much the price of the items in the system inventory has been raised, and the middleman makes the difference, a profiteer, a complete profiteer!
Qin Lang got off his horse and walked towards the place where the crowd was panicking.

Qin Lang still has short hair and a heroic appearance. He is not as tall as Zhuge Liang, but he is not far behind Zhao Yun.

Although he has lived in this era for a long time, his temperament is still different from the people of this era.

A stranger, leading a horse, quickly caught the idea.

These people were even more panicked, and even wanted to flee in a hurry.

"Old man, why are you so vigilant?" Qin Lang blocked the way of an old man.

This person is only over 30 years old at most, but he looks old and ugly.

If it is a wealthy family, it can be better maintained.

However, the people are poor, and they become old when they pass thirty.

"Young man, are you the general of Jingzhou who came to collect food and soldiers? I am too old to be a soldier!"

"Don't worry, old man. I'm a student. I've traveled so far. I heard that there are many people on the mountain. I came here to pay a visit. I'm not here to recruit soldiers!"

"So you are a student?!"

The old man was obviously frightened. Qin Lang was wearing a Confucian gown, so it was impossible for him to be recruited.

Conscription in this era is almost a matter of directly robbing people, even under Liu Bei's hands.

Every family with three members will get one member, each family with six members will get two members, and three members will get one member.

The reason why the population is kept is not because of kindness, but because the population needs to be kept for the next use.

If people run out, who will plant the land to produce food, and who will continue to reproduce, even if they get the world, so what?
"Young man, you are so young and Lisheng, you will definitely be targeted at the first time, this is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go!"

Qin Lang nodded, bowed his hands and saluted in thanks.

The old man persuaded him to leave at the first time. He was considered a kind person, and it proved that the folk customs of this place were quite simple, which added a lot of goodwill to people. It is no wonder that Zhuge Liang would live in seclusion here.

"Old man, since it is a conscription for soldiers and food, then no one can stop it, but why is everyone so flustered, as if it is the end of the day?"

"Little brother doesn't know, the young people in our town have been expropriated long ago, but they still want to confiscate all the food, regardless of our life or death, this is really a crime!"

The soldiers from Jingzhou had already arrived, and every household also took the usual standard of grain requisition and hid the remaining grain.

But this time after the food collection, they did not leave, and continued to collect food. Tomorrow, soldiers would come down and search for food from house to house.

"Why? Doesn't Liu Biao of Jingzhou know that this is killing the chicken to get the egg?"

"Young man, you don't know something. Cao Cao is about to call. Those officials and lords who care about our lives? If they don't conscript us, why don't we wait for Cao Cao to conscript us?"

The old man sighed, even if he escaped by luck this time, so what?Still can't escape the next battle.

Their fate is all in the hands of others.

One Nian Sheng can continue to live in humiliation, waiting for the next exploitation.

A thought of death is a pile of bones, and from then on it will be a lonely ghost.

"This is, the dead people are suffering, and the people are also suffering when they are prosperous?"

"It's good that the dead people are suffering, and the people are suffering too. My Zhuge Liang, whose name is Kong Ming, who is my friend?"

Qin Lang's clothes, temperament, and leading a tall horse are too conspicuous.

At this time, horses are strategic materials, more valuable than iron.

Those who can travel on horseback are definitely not easy.

What's more, Qin Lang is now alone, with no entourage and no guards, which is even more different.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, and his handsome face showed a look of "I have seen through you a long time ago".

Needless to say, he must have worked for some prince and traveled all over the world in search of talents.

It is said that Cao Cao had two troops, one walked in the mountains and fields, dug graves, provided him with military expenses, and conquered the world.

The other team wandered among famous mountains and rivers, and specially recruited celebrities to serve them.

Sometimes in the dark, celebrities who refuse to serve him are even assassinated.

Because if you are not for yourself, you may be an enemy!

"Sir is Zhuge Kongming, Mr. Wolong?" Qin Lang clasped his hands together, but his heart was full of interest.

How far can Zhuge Liang's true talents and learning reach?
Jingzhou soldiers and horses came to recruit soldiers, still with the attitude of killing chickens and taking eggs.

At this time, Zhuge Liang has no soldiers, only a feather fan, and a group of people who have no power to restrain chickens. Is there any way to solve the predicament?

"Since you are Zhuge Liang, can you solve the crisis in the town? Let me see your wonderful plan?"

When Zhuge Liang heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

This person is extraordinary, he should not be an ordinary person, but why did his temperament suddenly change so aggressively?

Could it be that this person came looking for me?
Or, is this a test?

However, since you came looking for me, do I want to be with you?

If you want to test me, should I fight?
Wait, the reason why the people invited me down is to solve the immediate problem.This person seems to be unnecessary, is it intentional?

If I don't solve this matter, I will violate the original intention of going down the mountain.

But after solving the matter, it seemed like showing his skills to this person.

Interesting, I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time!

"Brother, I think you are a good-looking talent, and you are not an ordinary person. Since you passed by here, it must be fate. I wonder if I can help you?"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

If you want to know my ability, Zhuge Liang, then you must have the corresponding ability to be considered qualified.

"Heh..." Qin Lang also laughed.Since you sincerely challenged me, I will mercifully agree to you!

You, Zhuge Liang, are obviously still so young, so you insist on showing a mature and steady look, so that people will really want to beat someone up!

"Okay, let the folks go home now and hide the leftover food, okay?"

A group of people listened in a cloud of fog, and all turned their heads to look at Zhuge Liang.

For them, Zhuge Liang is more reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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