Chapter 357
"Blind daters, go away, go home and hide the food, I guarantee that tomorrow the Jingzhou army will leave soon before they have time to recruit!"

"Everyone listen to Mr. Wolong, go home quickly!" An elder with a cane took the lead and dispersed many villagers.

Only a dozen young and middle-aged men were left behind to wait for orders.

"My friend, can someone help me?" Zhuge Liang asked.

Qin Lang shook his head, "Mister please!"

Even an army that came out to conscript soldiers and food would have to have thousands of soldiers and horses. How could these dozen or so young and middle-aged men help?

"Then I will be disrespectful!" Zhuge Liang saluted, and then led the people to walk outside the town.

Qin Lang looked at the back of Zhuge Liang leaving, touched his chin, and fell into deep thought.

There is no record of this incident in history, nor in the wild history of Romance, maybe there is, but I have never seen it.

In fact, it is very easy to solve this matter.

As long as you find the general who came out to conscript this time, and hypnotize him with a pirated hypnosis pen, you can solve this matter.

It's just that Zhuge Liang doesn't have a pirated hypnotic pen. If he doesn't need to inherit the power of the system, how can he help the villagers escape this catastrophe?
"Then let's see Zhuge Wolong's strength!"

Qin Lang found an inn and rested comfortably all night, only waiting for a good show the next day.

As for whether Zhuge Liang can solve this matter, Qin Lang has no doubts. If the famous Mr. Wolong cannot even handle this matter, it will be too damaging to his reputation.

As for what to do...

Qin Lang was also thinking about how to make a powerful opponent retreat without any strength under his hands.

After knowing yourself and the enemy, confirm your purpose and clear your mind, then the solution will come naturally.

Empty city plan?
This is unrealistic!

The opponent of the empty city plan must be someone like Sima Yi.

Like Jingzhou's soldiers, using an empty city strategy is tantamount to courting death!
It's better to be rough and scare them away.

You can use the strategy of driving away the wolf and chasing the tiger. The tiger is a Jingzhou soldier. As for the wolf...of course it is Cao Cao!
Now the whole world knows that after Cao Cao has digested Yuan Shao's territory, he will make a big move, and the first target must be Jingzhou.

It is because of this that Jingzhou will kill chickens and collect eggs for military conscription.

As long as there are traces of Cao Cao's sentries outside the village, and the false appearance that the army is about to arrive, these Jingzhou soldiers will definitely flee.

They have collected enough food, and even if they leave now, they can complete the task. Under such conditions, it is even more impossible for them to stay.


It's almost dawn now, and it's too late to make arrangements now.

Qin Lang suddenly remembered that when they separated, Zhuge Liang took the dozen or so villagers to the outside of the town.

The crouching dragon and phoenix chick who wins one can be safe in the world, and the reputation is really well-deserved.

After daybreak, Zhuge Liang led a group of villagers to stand in an open space, waiting for the soldiers from Jingzhou to arrive.

When Qin Lang came over, Zhuge Liang still had the expression that everything was under control.

"Did you rest well last night?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"The scenery here is picturesque and the air is fresh. Compared with my hometown, it is simply too suitable for a vacation!"

Qin Lang stretched his waist and looked around, "Brother Kong Ming, did you use a plan to drive away wolves and tigers?"

"Oh? It turns out that my friend has already made up his mind, and he trusts me too much!" Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

Since you already knew the solution to this matter, but let me use it, don't you worry that I can't think of it?
Driving away wolves and chasing tigers has two meanings in different situations.

That is, wolves and tigers are both real. When the tigers attack, they have no ability to resist, so they go to lobby the wolves to attack the tigers in order to protect themselves.

Under such circumstances, it will involve counterintuitive, bitter meat, provocative generals, lures, joint verticals, etc., which can make the pack of wolves attack.

As for how to mobilize the wolves, it depends on the ability.

Strategies in this world have never been proposed, the most difficult thing is how to implement them.

We must know that the world is changing and accidents may happen at any time.

As for the other kind, it is as it is now, the tiger is real, and although the wolf is also real, the wolf is not here.

In this case, it is necessary to have an extremely detailed control over the human heart.

To create a pack of wolves out of thin air, the premise is that the Jingzhou army is afraid of Cao Cao, and this prerequisite already exists.

But every detail must be done to the extreme, after all, the Jingzhou army is not a fool.

The plan has been laid out, whether it will be successful or not, the next step is the most critical!
"Kong Ming, the Jingzhou army has indeed confiscated a batch of food, do you think they will believe that it is all the food!"

"No, the villagers will definitely have stored food!" Zhuge Liang shook his head, not to mention that those people are not fools, even if they are fools, they would not believe it.

"If that's the case, why isn't there a grain of food here? If you don't take a grain of grain, you will expose your rebellious heart, so why don't you have to take some more!"

Qin Lang pointed to the open space, it was actually a very simple matter, even if you want to fool people, you have to live with face.

You don't need too much, but taking out too much means that the first grain collection is too little.

Give others a step down!

I can't bring any food back, what if I become angry from embarrassment?
There is such a little food, which means that although I did not give all the food for the first time, I also gave a large part.

If you obey your military orders like this, you are always embarrassed to force it, right?
"What my friend said is very true, but I have ignored this matter!" Zhuge Liang reacted instantly, and immediately arranged for the villagers to carry food.

It doesn’t take much, just make sense!
After daybreak, a group of soldiers came to the town under the leadership of a head of a thousand households.

"General, the last food in the town is here, please take a look at it!"

The old man, with the head of a thousand households, walked to the side of the grain to check.

"The number is so small?" The chief of the thousand households frowned, "Did you lie to me and disobey the military order?"
"General, how dare I wait for a group of people?"

"I'm sorry you don't dare, but I still have to go through the motions and search for it!"

The head of the thousand households nodded in satisfaction, yes, the people in this town are still very cooperative.

As for taking them all out?
Even if I take it again, the general will not believe it!

"General, since this year's grain is about to be ripe, how can I be stingy with some old grain? But the general wants to search, but he can't go to the field, and he can't damage the crops that are about to mature!"

"Nonsense, when did this general send troops to destroy the crops?"

"Not the general? Who would that be?"

The old man was trembling, the panic on his face, the struggle in his eyes, it was true.

This acting is incredible!
"They picked it up outside the town, please take a look at it, General!"

There are lost water bottles, daggers, and some scattered things.

The head of the thousand households was shocked, and said: "Where did you find it, take me to have a look!"

A group of people went to the fields outside the town with great fanfare.

Seeing the food that had been pressed out of the human figure, and looking at the style of the kettle and the dagger, the face of the head of the thousand households became even uglier.

Now that the food is almost ripe, the time is ripe for Cao Cao to go south.

It is said that the food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses move, but what is faster than the food and grass is the sentinel who detects intelligence.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao's sentries had penetrated deep into the border of Nanyang.

Doesn't it mean that Cao Cao's army is coming soon?

(End of this chapter)

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