Chapter 358 You Are a Real Bull

Since Cao Cao's soldiers and horses are about to arrive, we can't continue to waste time here. Let's not talk about the emergency of the military, just talk about our own life, which is still very important.

The head of a thousand households is very prestigious in front of the people, but he is not even a fart in front of Cao Cao's army.

Even if there is still food left in this town, it won't be too much. If so, it's time to go!
"Pass down the order, withdraw the troops and return to Jingzhou immediately!"


After this military order went down, the villagers were all relieved.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly and shook his head slightly.

A group of stiff-headed soldiers didn't feel any sense of accomplishment in victory.

The general walked back a few steps, then stopped suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

What's wrong?
But I just can't tell!
When he stopped like this, everyone was immediately frightened and did not dare to breathe.

If this matter is exposed, it will be a disaster of death.

"General..." Qin Lang cupped his hands and said, "Cao Cao's troops are about to attack, we have already brought out all the food, can you ask the general to stay and protect our lives?"

When Cao's army came to attack, a group of people did not expect the soldiers to stay, but instead expected the soldiers to leave. This is definitely a big flaw.

"General, you can't leave!" Zhuge Liang reacted immediately.

"General, help!" The old man was the second to react, and fell to his knees on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the villagers fell to their knees in a large area.

"Well, that's right, brothers, withdraw!"

A group of soldiers left the town at a very fast speed with that little food.

The crowd jumped for joy.

The remaining grain is enough for them to live until the new grain matures.

The lives of the whole town were saved.

As for what will happen when Cao Cao's army attacks, no one can guarantee.

In this era of war, it is not easy for anyone to live, and no one knows when someone will suffer bad luck!
"Thank you, Mr. Wolong!" The villagers rushed to thank him.

"Everyone, it's not only my credit for scaring away Jingzhou soldiers this time, it's also thanks to this friend's help. Otherwise, I'm in danger!"

Zhuge Liang showed admiration on his face. The two had never met each other, but they cooperated so tacitly, which gave people the feeling that they had known each other for a long time.

"Friend, why don't you go to my grass?"

"It would be a beautiful thing if I could see the hermit's place!"


Zhuge Liang personally led the way, and the two came to the reeds in the mountains.

The scenery here is beautiful. There is a small stream flowing in front of the reeds, and plump fish jump out of the water from time to time.

This scenery, this layout, and this arrangement are several times stronger than Xu Shu and Mr. Shui Jing's hermitage.

In front of the grass reed, there is a bamboo pavilion built.

The two sat facing each other, and a bookboy was cooking wine beside them.

Zhuge Liang's feather fan swayed lightly, with a calmness unlike his age.

In the most common terms, if this person is a companion, then it is too reliable.

"Brother, did you travel here? I don't know where else in the world you have traveled before?"

"If you ask me that, I've been to quite a few places!"

Qin Lang put down his wine glass, stood up, and turned to face the vast mountain...

"Chang'an before Dong Zhuo moved his capital, Cao Cao's hometown Chenliu, Yanzhou, the east of the Yangtze River and the north of the earth, not only the important town of Xuzhou, but also the old capital Luoyang, the new capital Xuchang, the Yuan family's Jizhou, and occupying the main road of the world Jingzhou..."

Qin Lang counted so carefully, since he came to the end of the Han Dynasty, he has really been to many places.

As the saying goes, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles...

Zhuge Liang was in awe, and said: "My friend is indeed a man of insight!"

In this war-torn era, if a person dares to go to so many places without dying, he must have real talents.

"Dare to ask my friends, what do you think of the general situation in this world, who is the master?" Zhuge Liang asked again.

"Brother Kong Ming, don't you know who is the Ming Lord?"

Qin Lang shook his head, you, Zhuge Kongming, know the general trend of the world best, and you have already made a choice.

The reason why it is still hidden from the world is just that the time is not enough.

"You seem to know all my thoughts, who are you?!" Zhuge Liang also stood up and walked to Qin Lang's side.

The two stood side by side, looking at the sky together, a place they could never see again.

"If you guess who it is, I will not get drunk with you tonight, and if you can't guess who I am, I will not get drunk with you, I have the qualifications?"

"Hahaha... Qin Lang, the famous assassin hero, the loyal man who sends friends thousands of miles away, of course has the qualifications!"

"Kong Ming, you really recognized my identity, how did you recognize it?"

Do you have a picture of me too?This is also impossible, you can't be like that layman, what do you think?

I didn't show any flaws either, you can't just meet a stranger and guess he is Qin Lang, right?

Zhuge Liang stopped the feather fan, put his hands behind his back, and smiled lightly, "Liu Bei has already arrived in Jingzhou, Qin Lang will definitely find him, this is one of them!"

"The plan is unparalleled. When I arranged the plan to drive away wolves and tigers, I intentionally left a loophole. As expected, you discovered it. You control the subtleties of people's hearts, which is outrageous. This is the second!"

"I asked where you traveled. What you said completely overlapped with the place where Qin Lang appeared in the rumors. This is the third!"

"Combined with your uniqueness, there is a [-]% certainty that you are the legendary immortal, Qin Lang, Qin Guanren!"

"Wait, did you intentionally leave those flaws today? You don't have to worry about guessing wrong and harming those people? With these, you dare to confirm my identity?"

"No..." Zhuge Liang shook his head, "I said, I'm only [-]% sure, and the remaining [-]% is because I observed your appearance and speculated with the power of gossip, and found that you shouldn't be here. World!"

"Lying... lying trough..."

Qin Lang's breathing suddenly became a little heavier, this is so... can it be guessed?

Isn't this a bug?
Just based on my appearance, you can deduce that I am not from this world?

Liu Bei, with the help of such a great talent, you still can't win the world.

You are better than Yuan Shao, I am afraid that you are better at acting and knowing how to obey...

As for Zhuge Liang, you are a real bull!
"That's right, I'm from Fangwai, and I've entered the world of mortals, so of course I'm not from this world!"

Qin Lang quickly explained, and then looked at Zhuge Liang nervously.

If you can deduce that I'm from the future, I'll take Diao Chan and Zhen Mi home immediately, and we won't do the task!
"That's right, that's why I think you're that otherworldly fairy!"

"Hahaha, you're right!"

Qin Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, you, Zhuge Liang, are still a mortal. I'm afraid you believe in immortals in the world, and you don't believe that anyone can travel here in the future.

However, with so many Zhuge Liang who are wise and close to demons, can I make a routine?

Huang Yueying, Huang Yueying, your vision is really high!

(End of this chapter)

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