Chapter 359 It's All Routines
At night, the two talked by candlelight.

Qin Lang was full of curiosity about Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was also full of curiosity about Qin Lang.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, whoever wins one can secure the world, this saying is only circulated in a small circle of celebrities.

It is well known that the one who wins Qin Lang wins the world.

So Zhuge Liang is very concerned, what kind of ability does Qin Lang have?
Is he going the way of a counselor or a general?
Zhuge Liang had already made plans for the hero in the world, who he wanted to assist, and there were not many choices among them.

As for who to follow, it depends on who gets better treatment and whether the time is ripe to go out.

"Brother Kong Ming, what do you think of the great trend of the sky?"

"What do you think, Brother Guan?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison, "Three points for the day!"

"Hahaha, when the ladle is white!"

"What about after three points of the world?" Qin Lang asked.

Zhuge Liang picked up the jug and said: "The one who wins Yizhou is the foundation, and the one who wins Jingzhou is the place to send troops. He can win the world. What do the officials think?"

"Kong Ming, I think Jingzhou is still the place of foundation, because the importance of Jingzhou is too obvious. Whoever wins Jingzhou will be targeted by the people of the world!"

Soochow has been staring at Jingzhou, and Cao Cao has been staring at Jingzhou.

It can be said that Liu Bei left Guan Yu as the city defender because he cared too much about Jingzhou.

Guan Yu was so brave that he deterred Soochow from invading, but he could only be a thief from thousands of miles away.
When is the time to capture Jingzhou?
Just like Cao Cao, five of the nine continents in the world have already fallen into his hands. After obtaining Jingzhou, they will be connected with the existing territory.

"The official's words are wrong. Jingzhou's terrain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as there is a strong general with [-] elite soldiers, he can defend a million troops. How can he lose it so easily? What's the problem with fighting the world?"

The two couldn't stop arguing, Zhuge Liang had his grand plan to spread his wings, and Qin Lang knew the development of history, so naturally no one could convince the other.

Although the two had different opinions, they became more and more speculative.

During Zhuge Liang's conversation with Qin Lang, the analysis of the general trend of the world in his head became more and more clear.

As for the three points in the world... Apart from Jiangdong, is there anyone in the world who can compete with Cao Cao?
But no matter who it is, if you want to do this, you must have my assistance.

In other words, Zhuge Liang's value is the foundation of this three-point world.

Qin Lang also knew that after Zhuge Liang thought about everything, he analyzed the forces of all parties and planned how to develop, so he would say that the world is divided into three parts.

At this moment, who would believe that the world will be divided into three points?
There are only two people.

After scoring three points that day, it will be the real unification battle!

The wine drank until midnight, and both of them were drunk.

Qin Lang took advantage of his drunkenness and asked: "Kong Ming said that the world is divided into three parts, but one of them is my elder brother Liu Bei and Liu Xuande?"

"The officials came to recruit me for Uncle Liu Huang?" Zhuge Liang kept pouring wine, drinking more than Qin Lang.

He claims to be unparalleled in resourcefulness, and today he finally met a discourse speculator with the same reputation.

After the two communicated, they felt that they had met each other and hated the lateness, and even their analysis of the general trend of the world was the same.

Although there were some arguments, it also benefited him a lot. As the saying goes, wine meets a bosom friend, wouldn't it be a pleasure to drink a thousand cups?

"If I say no, is Kong Ming trustworthy?"

"Hahaha, I originally thought that only with my assistance can the three points of the world be won, and Uncle Liu can occupy a place in the world. Now it seems that I have underestimated the heroes of the world!"

There was loss and relaxation in Zhuge Liang's voice.

What is lost is that since Liu Bei already has you and Qin officials, why do you want me, Zhuge Liang?
The thing to relax is, even if Liu Bei has you and Qin officials, I, Zhuge Liang, are still not afraid. I know that Liu Bei's biggest trump card is you, Qin Lang!

"Don't..." Qin Lang hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Brother Kong Ming, you think highly of me. I exhausted my energy just by wiping those three brothers' butts."

"Huh? Wipe...wipe...after the three of them go to the toilet, they still want you to..."

Zhuge Liang was so surprised that he almost spit out his wine.

Can your relationship be so good?

"Ah bah..." Qin Lang reacted instantly, but don't get me wrong again.

"Brother Kong Ming, when I say wipe the ass, I mean clean up the mess for them."

"Drink, let's keep drinking!"

I, Qin Lang, was sworn brothers with my three elder brothers when the feudal lords of the Eighteen Towns begged for Dong Zhuo in front of Hulao Pass.

How long has it been since you were chased and beaten by others? !

"To be honest, I'm indeed a little clever, but I don't have the intention to control the overall situation!"

"Brother Guanren is too modest..."

Zhuge Liang took a deep breath, staggered a little, and muttered to himself, "Brother Guanren, are you implying me that as long as I go out to assist Liu Bei, you will make way for me?"

Qin Lang raised his head to drink a bowl of wine, and muttered to himself, "Zhuge Liang, my mission is to help Liu Bei unify the world. If I want to unify the world, I will definitely not be able to do it alone!"

Qin Lang knew very well that the end of the Han Dynasty was a very special era, not an era in which the world could be unified by pure force.

The Han Dynasty was the first to establish a long-term stable regime, and it was also the first to be recognized by the people of the world.

No matter what you do, you can't escape the righteousness of the world.

If you want to stop the Wuhu chaos, it is easy to help Liu Bei unify the world.

It is much more reliable than coming to the end of the Han Dynasty and being the lord to unify the world.

Let's not talk about how Liu Bei is, what does it matter if he is really benevolent and righteous, or if he is hypocritical and loyal?

Can't Zhuge Liang see it?

Didn't he still go out to assist Liu Bei? !
We are all adults, we all wear masks, and we all have our own goals.

As long as everyone's ultimate goal is the same, don't care who is who!
"Brother Guanren, the time... the time is not yet!"


Zhuge Liang drank too much, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hehe..." Qin Lang smiled slightly, took out the photo of Huang Yueying in his arms, and threw it beside the wine table, then leaned to the side, and lay down in a more comfortable position.

I drank a little too much today, but I can't forget the business.

No matter how you choose, and no matter whether my coming will affect your judgment, I will definitely decide on this great marriage and favor.

the next day.

Qin Lang opened his eyes and stretched vigorously.

Zhuge Liang was sitting aside, holding that photo in his hand, looking at it obsessively.

Just kidding, after makeup, the photos taken by the beauty camera...

You are Zhuge Liang, so what if you are more intelligent than a demon?
Have you ever seen a photo of something so real?
Did you like it?
Do you know Dong Zhuo?Wang Yun?Cao Cao?
I haven't got the magazine out for you yet... Cough cough, don't take the magazine yet!

(End of this chapter)

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