Chapter 378
Zhou Yu was furious, my heart can accommodate the sea, how dare you tell me to be narrow-minded, you want to die, don't you?

You rob me of my love, do you want me to be magnanimous?
I saw the scene in front of me, and you still winked at me, Qin Lang, don't think that you saved Sun Ce and have a marriage contract with Sun Shangxiang, so I can't do anything to you.

Don't bully people too much, dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, and rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry!

"You two, don't go back to the backyard to avoid suspicion, I'm going to entertain guests!" Qin Lang said.


Da Qiao gave Xiao Qiao a hand. Although he felt that something was wrong, he saluted and hurried back to the backyard.

When there are only officials, we can show our charm to our heart's content.But when officials treat guests, we need to be more sensible.

Zhou Yu looked at Qin Lang's attitude, and then at the cautious appearance of these two women, and felt depressed for a while.

I've always wanted to lick, but I can't lick the goddess. Are you just ordering me at will?

"Be careful...cough cough, Gong Jin, but you came back because of Bo Fu's assassination?"

"Oh, Bo Fu was assassinated, you are quite at ease!" Zhou Yu sneered.

"Free and easy? You don't know how restrained I am, but you, what are you doing in Qiao's mansion?"

Big Qiao and Little Qiao have already made an engagement with him, and they have also printed a couple card on their foreheads, completing the task of fairy spectrum.

In public and private, in love and reason, they are all mine.

Zhou Yu is handsome and talented. He wields a hoe here every day. What if he really poachs the corner of the wall?
"I'm here to visit Joe..."

"Pull it down!" Qin Lang said disdainfully, "Zhou Gongjin, you can't even compare to me in one of the most favorite songs, how dare you always come to Qiao's mansion?"

"Qin Lang, don't bully others too much!" Zhou Yu gritted his teeth, the key point was that he was wrong.

What's more, whether it's right or wrong is second to none. If Xiao Qiao promised it to someone else, I would have snatched it long ago.

Does the Qiao family dare to stop it?

As long as Sun Ce doesn't stop him, who would dare to stop him?

Do you think Sun Ce doesn't want to snatch Da Qiao away?

But the two sisters, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, were promised to Qin Lang, a great talent who could win the world.

This is not the most important thing. Have I, Zhou Yu, ever been afraid of this person?

The most important thing is that Sun Ce's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang, may have been given to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang suddenly became Sun Ce's brother-in-law, and I can't go and grab Sun Ce's brother-in-law's fiancée.

Moreover, this big Qiao and Xiao Qiao get along very well with Sun Shangxiang, so where can I reason?
Even if I'm narrow-minded, it's because of you, Qin Lang, that I've been aggrieved by my heart, which is as broad as the sea.

"After Bofu's assassination, there will be turmoil. The old lady called you back to guard the overall situation, but you only care about your children's private affairs. I think Zhou Lang's reputation is not worthy of the name!"


Zhou Yu's chest was throbbing, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Lang's expression also became serious. For Soochow, Zhou Yu is the soul pillar of the military.If he put all his eggs in one basket and wanted to use force against Xiao Qiao, Sun Ce might not be able to stop him.

It's just that there is a couple stuck there, and I can teleport the two sisters to my side at any time, so I don't have to be too nervous.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang stepped forward, hooked Zhou Yu's shoulders, and said: "Gong Jin, why don't you have a wife? Let's focus on the immediate matter first. Cao Cao is about to hit Jingzhou!"

"Heh... Cao Cao won't matter if he takes down Jingzhou. Can his troops from the north go to the Yangtze River?"

Soochow's navy is invincible in the world. Even if you have a million troops, you can't fill the Yangtze River that has been winding for thousands of years.

Since I am already invincible, why do you use Cao Cao to change the subject?
I may not be able to snatch this little Qiao, but you, Qin Lang, I will find an excuse to kill him!
As long as I kill you, Xiao Qiao is still mine!
I don't care if you marry her, if it's not possible, I will follow your example, we just like women in the future.

Qin Lang frowned slightly, Zhou Yu has no Xiao Qiao now, how can Zhuge Liang motivate him to fight against Cao Cao?
It is also a great accident that Sun Ce is not dead.

This matter will naturally be resolved by Zhuge Liang. If Zhou Yu didn't marry Xiao Qiao, would Zhuge Liang be helpless?
With Zhuge Liang's intelligence, it is enough for him to face any situation.

Sometimes, the simpler and cruder the method, the more effective it is.

Liu Xie, who is the emperor, was beaten by me before, Xu Shu couldn't escape this fate, Zhuge Liang almost got my fist, and it would be okay to beat Zhou Yu up again.

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Yu suddenly felt a pressure coming from all directions, and this pressure came for no reason at all.

"Goodbye!" Zhou Yu turned and left.

After walking not far, the pressure on my body really disappeared.

This Qin Lang is not a mortal, what should I do?
Fighting with him, you can't play hard, and there is no time when he begs me?

Impossible, there will definitely be!
Qin Lang almost raised his fist, but Zhou Yu left. He couldn't help saying with emotion: "Zhou Lang is Zhou Lang. Except for being cautious and sensitive to dangerous auras, there is really nothing wrong with it!"

If Zhou Yu hadn't been tricked too much by Zhuge Liang, the Sun family would not have had to use the Yangtze River as a natural moat to live in one place.

Even though Lu Meng later crossed the river and won Jingzhou, the situation at that time was different from what it is now.

Now Liu Bei is a younger brother.

Liu Bei at that time was a big brother!
"Officer, official..." Diao Chan's voice sounded from the bottom of her heart.

"Sister, this is too much fun, why don't you ask people to call officials, I haven't tried it yet!" followed by Zhen Mi.

"You stupid girl, you want to grab everything, just wait and go!" Diao Chan was furious.

"Huh? Where did the woman come from? What are you shouting in the hearts of my family officials, be careful that I scratch your face!" Sun Shangxiang also popped up.

"Is it the elder sister who is away from the official? Da Qiao has met two elder sisters." Da Qiao is still so gentle and virtuous.

"Sister, why are you being so polite, we can close the door and release Sun Shangxiang!" Xiao Qiao feared that the world would not be chaotic.

Since Diao Chan can feel the existence of Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and Sun Shangxiang, they can certainly feel Diao Chan's existence.

Everyone refrained from talking, and everyone felt nervous.

Only Sun Shangxiang didn't care about these things, everyone was so tacit, never called the officials in their hearts, and only acted according to the hearts of the officials.

He finally came to Jiangdong, and he only stayed for a few days, and you started shouting?
Even if everyone is separated on average for a month, it can't be too much, right?
Qin Lang raised his head, shut up and said nothing, now everything is wrong, it is better to let the wind and rain blow away.

Ever since he completed the task of Fairy Spectrum, he knew that such a day would come, but he never thought that it would come so suddenly.

"You two must not be rude. The situation is complicated now. My sister must have something to call the officials!" Da Qiao said.

"My younger sister understands the truth. Officials, Liu Biao died of illness, and Cao Cao's army has also been dispatched. Now the situation is tense. My elder brother will take the people back to Jiangling. I can't go to Jingzhou, so I send you to Jingzhou City to express my condolences!"

"Liu Biao is dead? Jingzhou, I still have to go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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