Chapter 379 You are finally here

The reason why Qin Lang wanted to go to Jingzhou was because he knew very well that it was unrealistic for Liu Bei to flee with so many people.

That's why he was overtaken by Cao Cao, and that's why Zhao Yun went out seven times and entered Changbanpo. Zhang Fei yelled and broke the bridge.

Everyone in the world is feeling the strength of Zhao Yun's force and Zhang Fei's majestic momentum, but they don't know how dangerous all these will be.

Now that history has undergone changes in details, if Liu Qi fails to save people in time, Liu Bei will be completely cold.

Jingzhou and his party are going, at least they can delay Cao Cao for some time.

Even if we can't delay, we have to go to Liu Bei for help. At least, we must rescue Mrs. Mi.

Now that Liu Biao is dead, no one will entertain his wife anymore, right?

You can go with confidence, go boldly, and go without any scruples.

Xiao Qiao is unruly and willful, and Sun Shangxiang is also like a vicious little tiger, but these two women still understand the overall situation.

A man is a man, he must make contributions and have the world in his heart.

Only in this way can they be able to keep them. Since ancient times, beauty has been a disaster, and how can a man without strength have beauty?

How many other people's wives did Cao Cao rob?
"Diao Chan has admired all of you sisters for a long time, looking forward to meeting you!" Diao Chan is ready, if she wants to be the boss, she will have to make sacrifices, and in terms of Dadu, she must take the lead.

"Sister, please be polite. Whether Da Qiao stays in Jiangdong or goes to Jingzhou to meet her sister, everything is up to the officials!" Da Qiao was not to be outdone.

You were the first to be with the official, but there are three people on my side, and one is my own sister.

I don't want to compete with you for the position of boss, but you can't think that we are easily bullied.

At least that girl Sun Shangxiang, now only I can hold her back.

Qin Lang's mood is like riding a roller coaster, rolling rapidly all the time, it's too scary, it looks harmonious on the surface, but in fact there is something in the words!

Thinking of Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao sisters, getting together at night...

Cough cough, that girl Sun Shangxiang didn't think about it for a while, she was too young, so she still couldn't do it.

"Shoot, rascal!"

"Hee hee, Sister Diao Chan will be shy too. I think it's very interesting for the five of us to be together. They're not my opponents anyway!"

"Officer, you and I are not married yet!"

"Sister, stop pretending. Both of us have given the officials drugs. We have done everything. Isn't it just that there are two more women, how can it be better than you and me? My sister, but I can feel each other's feelings. feeling!"

"Qin Lang, tell me clearly, I'm so young, I'm bigger than Xiao Qiao!"

"Sun Shangxiang, you... You are so young, what's the use of growing up so big, officials like small and exquisite!"

"Officer, don't pretend to be dead here, come out now, do you like big ones or small ones!"

This time, Qin Lang was named, and he really couldn't avoid it.

"That, um, big and small, I like them all."

"Hehe, Sun Shangxiang, look, the officials like it!"

"Sister, after the officer woke up that night, he really kept staring at me, and didn't look at you much!"

"Big Joe, are you still my real sister?!"

Qin Lang clutched his forehead, looked up to the sky and sighed, it's over, if you start today, you won't be able to live a peaceful life in the future.

At the same time, Sun Shangxiang went directly to Qiao's residence.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also came out, and Sun Shangxiang deliberately stood upright, walking up and down in front of Xiao Qiao.

This matter is not powerful, but it is extremely insulting.

Xiao Qiao almost cried out of anger, but she couldn't beat her, and she couldn't swear, so she had to vent her anger on Qin Lang.

I don't care, help me make this place bigger before you go.

Otherwise, I will cry in your mind every day, annoying you to death!
Qin Lang thought for a while, even if it is a matter of getting bigger, it doesn't happen overnight, it takes a long time to help.

How is it possible in a short time, unless it is pinched and swollen.

Such a small girl, can she do it?

Liu Biao is the lord of Jingzhou, one of the feudal lords, the funeral after his death is naturally second only to the emperor.

It's just that in this troubled world, with Cao Cao's imminent attack and the strife between sons and sons, Liu Biao's death has become a tool that can be used.

Liu Qi had already traveled far to Jiangling, and the position of son of the prince fell on Liu Cong.

But Liu Cong was young, so he knew personally that the power in Jingzhou had been controlled by Mrs. Cai and Cai Mao.

At this time, Cai Mao was desperate.

He did not hesitate to take advantage of Liu Biao's death and let Liu Bei bring Qin Lang to express his condolences because Cao Cao was coming.

Even if there is an important town in Jingzhou, he is not sure that he can stop Cao Cao's million-strong army.

So he thought of a way, the only way, and that was Qin Lang.

With Qin Lang here, he can resist Cao Cao's army of millions, and he can also turn defeat into victory and compete for the world.

This method was also proposed by Mrs. Cai.

She received a letter from her sister, saying that Qin Lang had gone to Baishui City, and told the daughter of the Huang family about a marriage.

When she heard the news, Mrs. Cai almost exploded in anger. If it wasn't for the elder sister's husband's family, she would have led the troops to Huang's house.

My little feet, which have nowhere to rest, were still waiting for officials to knead them wantonly, but he went to Baishuicheng.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, no matter how confident I am that I can win Qin Lang, I have to meet him first.

At this time, Liu Biao died. As for whether Liu Biao really died of illness or how he died, no one knows.

Anyway, Liu Biao is dead, and you, Liu Bei, will come to offer condolences.

It was Liu Biao's last wish to let you bring Qin Lang. If you can't bring it, then your reputation of benevolence and righteousness will be lost.

At the same time, Qin Lang finally did not bring Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and Sun Shangxiang because it was not safe.

Jingzhou is the center of the battle, and it will be dangerous at that time, how to protect the three women?

There will still be Diao Chan and Zhen Mi at that time, and it will be the safest to stay in Jiangdong.

At this time, the situation is solemn, and the war is imminent.

Liu Biao's death at this time was also a great blow to Jingzhou's morale.

Liu Biao's coffin was placed in the mansion, guarded by soldiers, and there was an endless stream of mourners, most of whom were nobles in the city.

Even these gentry were forced here by Cai Mao's troops.

No one outside the city dared to approach Jingzhou.

In Jingzhou City, the central city where the Three Kingdoms competed for supremacy, appeared in Qin Lang's eyes for the first time.

Liu Biao died, and Liu Bei began to flee, so it was not far from Cao Cao's arrival in Jingzhou.

Standing in front of Liu Biao's coffin, all eyes gathered,

Especially Mrs. Cai, who was dressed in white with white flowers on her hair.

Looking at this young and handsome young man with short hair and such a unique temperament, he gradually became infatuated.

In the back of my mind, the man who has always existed but couldn't see clearly merged with the person in front of me.

"Qin Lang, you are finally here!"

(End of this chapter)

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