Chapter 380 Survivor?
Qin Lang was surprised that Liu Biao was already dead, so there must be no such mess at the funeral, right?
But this Mrs. Cai, hey, is really young, much more beautiful than Huang Chengyan's wife.

"Ma'am, Mr. Liu has passed his sixtieth year. This is a passing away. Please don't be too sad!"

"Thanks to the officials for seeing me off, if my family officials know, they will die without regret." Mrs. Cai bowed lightly, her gentleness made the eyelids of those around her twitch.

Qin Lang quickly took two steps back. What he said sounds so awkward.

What is being sent off by officials, if my officials know...

This is the first time that Qin Lang has the urge to change the name.

Now that he arrived in Jingzhou, he had to wait for Liu Biao to be buried before leaving, not to mention that Qin Lang still had the idea of ​​delaying Cao Cao, so he stayed.

At night, the sky is full of stars.

Mrs. Cai returned to the room, washed and dressed, a pair of little feet soaked in hot water, like creamy white jade, soft and boneless, plump and round, without blemish.

Cai Hao came to the door, but did not dare to come in, "Sister, Liu Biao has just been buried, are you sure you want to make a move tonight?"

"Hehe..." Mrs. Cai smiled, and said, "Wouldn't it be more exciting? In front of Liu Biao's corpse, he forcibly took possession of his wife. Who in the world can do this?"

"Well, ahem..." Cai Mao quickly bent over, even if no one saw him, he still felt a little hot.

My sister is really good at playing, so I have to give it a try even if I look for a chance.

It is curious where these skills are learned.

Madam Cai stood up, and the maid immediately took out the gauze and wrapped it around her legs. "At the beginning, Tao Qian used his daughter-in-law and used the excuse that she was his wife, so he won Qin Lang, but how can Tao Qian compare with me? With Qin Lang's knowledge, can ordinary women be eye-catching? He should have pursued psychological The limit!"

"Then I'll wait for good news from my sister!"

Cai Mao left, and he wanted to go back quickly, walking bent over all the way.

It seems that the fate of the Cai family is still in the hands of my younger sister, and I have to continue pretending to be a grandson.

On the other hand, Qin Lang was lying on the bed, thinking about whether to start the teleportation and teleport Diao Chan over.

Since that night, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi were together every time, and they hardly slept for a long time at night.

Instead, Qin Lang missed the days when he gently embraced Diao Chan and fell asleep.

But he was also worried that Diao Chan and Zhen Mi were together, and doing so would definitely cause conflicts.

"Da da da……"

There was a knock on the door.

The brows of the moon are already late at night for ancient times.

Someone knocked on the door at this time, what's the situation?
When she opened the door, she saw Mrs. Cai standing outside, looking very pitiful and hesitant to speak.

This outfit, simple yet generous, suits the current situation.

But what happened to the layer of tulle on the legs, the faintly visible skin, the scent of flower petals after taking a bath just now...

No, come again?

Madam Cai looked at Qin Lang's astonished appearance, she was proud in her heart, but her face was even more pitiful, like a frightened little rabbit.

"I dreamed of officials..."

This sentence is also a pun, I don't believe it will not touch your heart.

Qin Lang took two steps back, "What kind of routine is this, survivor?"

How did Mrs. Cai know?

This series of magazines has not been redeemed once. How could Mrs. Cai know this series? Could it be a talent?
If Cao Cao were here instead, he would have had a nosebleed.

Just when Qin Lang was in a daze, Mrs. Cai entered the room.

"I ask the officials to use the fairy art, can I let the concubine meet her dead husband again?"

Mrs. Cai stood in front of the bed, pleading.

"As long as the officials agree, I am willing to pay any price!"

A person who is in love with his dead husband, begged you for you, and is willing to give everything. With such a character, such a scene, combined with your hobby of Qin officials, how can you control it?
Or... Mrs. Cai shed tears, she simply pretended to be too sad to stand still, and lay down on the bed.

Crying with suppressed voice, her beautiful figure kept rising and falling with the crying.

This pair of small feet, yes, this is the trump card, dangling beside the bed, trembling.

"Come on, why don't you jump up?"

"Huh..." Qin Lang took a deep breath, quietly walked out of the room, and closed the door.

Turning around, I found that the outside was full of soldiers, even on the roof, and the spear was almost stabbed in the face. ,

When did it come, just in such an instant?
"Ahem, the sun is so bright tonight!" Qin Lang coughed twice, then turned and returned to the room.

As soon as he closed the door, he found something soft and warm on his back.

"Officer, when I stood up, I sprained my foot, would you like to rub it for me?"

"Ma'am, Mr. Liu's bones are not cold yet!"

Qin Lang took a deep breath immediately, reached into his sleeve with his right hand, and took out the pirated hypnosis pen.

I'm... not as good as a beast!
The next day, three poles in the sun.

When Cai Hao came, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the soldiers all over the yard and the door that was still closed.

My sister is a good trick, and I finally succeeded.

But it's almost noon, and it hasn't come out yet, so the impact is a bit bad.

According to the intelligence report, Cao Cao's army has reached the territory of Jingzhou, and it seems that they have entered the land of no one.

Those small cities simply surrendered directly to welcome Cao Cao's arrival.

Cao Cao seems to be carrying the general trend of the world, and he is invincible in the world.

In the huge land of Jingzhou, there is only one city left in Jingzhou, which can fight Cao Cao.

Cai Mao originally thought of surrendering, but until now, he finally felt that he had some chance of winning.

Who made me have a good sister!
The military situation is on fire, so it is better to quickly call Qin Lang out.

What's more, the influence is really bad. Even if you want to spend all day together, you have to wait for Liu Biao's funeral to end, right?
Those elders of the Liu family, although they are not threatening, they are annoying!
"Da da da... Official Qin, have you ever slept well?"

Cai Mao knocked on the door, the corners of his mouth raised.

I'm also a man with tricks, have you slept well?This sentence will let you know that you owe my Cai family a favor.

"Crackling..." Qin Lang opened the door, his eyes were dark and his clothes were torn.

"Hehe, this is the rhythm of not sleeping all night!"

Qin Lang stretched his waist, who knew Mrs. Cai's willpower was so strong, after hypnotizing her, she became even crazier.

That's under hypnosis. How deep is this woman's obsession with herself?

"Brother-in-law, where is my sister?" Cai Mao said.

"Stop, General Cai, why is it your brother-in-law?"

Qin Lang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, I understand, you have to ask me to mourn Liu Biao, the purpose is for this matter, right?

I don't understand, don't say I didn't do anything, I just did everything, so what?

What kind of mentality do you people have?
If it wasn't for delaying Cao Cao's footsteps, I would have left in the dark, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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