Chapter 392 You Are Too Irritable
Qin Lang took the boat all the way to Jiangdong.

He also did not expect that Liu Bei had already begun to think about his son's succession in the future.

But in fact, whether it is Liu Bei Baidicheng Tuogu, or what will happen to Adou in the future, he doesn't care at all.

His task is to help the Kingdom of Shu to unify the world and avoid the Eight Kings Rebellion after the Three Kingdoms returned to Jin. The strength of the Han people was too reduced, and the Hu people found an opportunity to invade China.

As for who Liu Bei will pass on the position, it doesn't make much sense to him.

Even replace it when necessary.

This is Qin Lang's long-awaited awareness.

Jiangdong has a very strong atmosphere.

Under the oppression of Cao Cao's million-strong army, everyone is waiting.

The military people waited for the order from the lord and Zhou Yu, whether to surrender or fight to the death.

Those gentry, as well as Sun Quan, were waiting for Qin Lang.

Sun Quan didn't want to surrender, he didn't want to go to Xuchang to be that caged bird.

So he agreed with Lu Su's proposal, as long as he can guarantee the safety of those gentry, everyone will be able to fight against the enemy, so why not fight?

As for whether Qin Lang has this influence, no one will doubt it.

Another news came from Jingzhou that Cao Cao was going to send Liu Cong and his mother, Mrs. Cai, to Xuchang to accompany the king.

But because of Qin Lang, Mrs. Cai is still living in Jingzhou so far, and even Liu Cong is only under house arrest in Jingzhou.It is said that Mrs. Cai took Qin Lang down at Liu Biao's funeral.

On this day, Qin Lang arrived.

When Sun Quan got the news, he took all the civil and military officials and representatives of the gentry to greet him outside the city, and there was a crowd of people.

Sun Quan stood at the front, followed by Lu Su.

"Sir, I heard that Cao Cao held an unprecedented banquet for my brother-in-law, should I learn it too?"

"My lord, for extraordinary people, extraordinary things can be done, I will inform them, and let them all bring their wives to the banquet at night!"

"Well, you hurry up and prepare, remember, you arranged this matter, I don't know!"

"Why is this? It's a great favor to let the officials know that this is your idea, why not?"

"Ahem...I'm afraid that my sister will kill me!"

"So that's how it is..." Lu Su smiled wryly, you are afraid of being killed by your sister, but I am not afraid?

This matter can't be hidden, because among the representatives of the gentry behind him, there are people from the Qiao family.

Fortunately, Sun Shangxiang stayed at Qiao's house every day these days. The venue of the banquet must be at Sun's house, and there was still a time difference in between.

Start the banquet first, and then I will go outside to avoid the limelight.

It is the best policy for me to come back after defeating Cao Cao.

Lu Su knew it was impossible, but he couldn't help but find a way out for himself first.

When Qin Lang arrived outside the city, he saw Sun Quan at a glance.

I haven't seen him for many years, Sun Quan is already a teenager, and I can vaguely see his expression as a child, and feel that this kid is even more sinister.

"Brother-in-law, I haven't seen you for many years, are you here all right?"

"Boy, I haven't seen you for many years, and you still deserve a beating!"

Qin Lang directly strangled Sun Quan's neck. I didn't beat you before because you were too young. Now you can beat anyone casually, and you can't beat anyone bad.

"Zhongmou, your brother's injury hasn't healed yet?"

"My brother's injury healed quickly, but he didn't heal. My mother was worried about my brother's health, so she called me back to take charge of the overall situation!"

Hearing this, Qin Lang took a deep look at Sun Quan.

Unexpectedly, after he rescued Sun Ce, it was Sun Quan who presided over the overall situation.

It's just that this battle is too big, what's the matter, you want to kidnap me morally?

"Brother-in-law, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Lu Su, named Zijing."

"I'm down here, Lu Su, I've met Qin officials, damn it!" Lu Su clasped his fists in salute.

"Brother-in-law, damn it!" Sun Quan laughed triumphantly.

Your hometown dialect means that there are high-level people here, and it has now spread all over Jiangdong.

But you don't know how eager the people of Jiangdong are to hear the word "reliable" from you Qin officials.

Only what you Qin official said is the greatest honor.

"Officer, the young master has prepared a dinner today, so you don't want to go to Qiao's house, how about going back home with me?"

"Another dinner party?" As soon as the dinner party was mentioned, Qin Lang thought of Xu Chang, but after another thought, Jiangdong was thousands of miles away from Xu Chang, so the dinner party should be a normal dinner party.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the dinner, explore the background of these gentry in Jiangdong.

When Zhuge Liang comes, you can also provide him with some information.

When they arrived at the mansion, Sun Quan and Lu Su went to prepare the dinner party. Because of the sudden idea, there was quite a commotion.

Originally, I wanted to hide it from Qin Lang in order to have a surprise effect. It happened that Qin Lang wanted to visit Sun Ce, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Sun Ce's injury healed quickly, and now he can get out of bed and take a walk.

After going through a death calamity, the aggressiveness on Sun Ce's body almost disappeared.

Qin Lang also sighed in his heart, the living Sun Ce definitely had a huge impact on the change of history.

"Bo Fu, you are in good spirits!"

Sun Ce's face was still a little pale, and it would take a long time to recover from such a serious injury.

He is not the same as Mi Zhen, Mi Zhen was only shot with an arrow at that time, and received timely treatment.

Sun Ce had many wounds on his body, and it took a long time. If he hadn't been in good health, he might not have been able to wait for Qin Lang to come to rescue him.

"Officer, I have heard that you saved me!"

Sun Ce was very excited, this is a life-saving grace!

How can I repay you, if not, you let me marry Da Qiao, and after I turn her into a woman, how about giving it to you?
cough cough...

Sun Ce coughed twice, and the words came to his lips, but he put the thought back in time.

If Qin Lang mentioned this matter, he would definitely agree.

But he can't take the initiative to bring it up, otherwise he will be suspected of stealing his friend's wife.

It's just why the officials never mentioned this matter, are the rumors wrong?
"You have been recovering from your injuries recently. Is Sun Quan in charge of Jiangdong?"

"That's right, my son is still young, but Brother Quan is young and promising. I can rest assured that he will take charge of the overall situation!"

"Hurry up and pull it down. Cao Cao's million-strong army has arrived at the riverside, and the letter of surrender has also been sent. You also let Sun Quan take charge of the overall situation?"

"Officer, you... what did you say?" Sun Ce was a little confused. How long have I been injured?

Did you bring such explosive news when you came here?

Cao Cao's army of one million has reached the river, what about Jingzhou City?Didn't it also belong to Cao Cao?
Fuck, such a big matter, you actually kept it from me?
Sun Quan is going to do something!
Qin Lang observed Sun Ce's reaction, he told Sun Ce this on purpose.

The purpose is to prevent Sun Quan from standing at the decision-making level of Soochow.

Sun Quan is a sleazy kid, he seems to have a good reputation, but in fact he is useless at all.

Apart from a reputation for knowing people and making good use of them, what is left?

Besides, Sun Quan's so-called knowing people and making good use of them is not all forced out, it's not that he knows how to employ people, but that he can't use them!

"Bastard, Sun Quan, go and call Sun Quan, poof..."

Sun Ce spat out a mouthful of old blood, and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Qin Lang touched his head helplessly, I just want you to clean up Sun Quan, why are you spouting blood?
Fuck, the wound is open?
Are you too irritable?

(End of this chapter)

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