Three Kingdoms: The opening system forced me to marry Diaochan

Chapter 393 Your Concubine Can't Squeeze In

Chapter 393 Your Concubine Can't Squeeze In
Sun Quan hurried over, and as soon as he entered, he saw blood all over the ground. Sun Ce had already been helped to the bed, and his body was covered with silver needles.

Qin Lang stood beside the bed, sighing persistently.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with my brother?"

"Zhongmou, your brother used too much force, causing the wound to burst, and now he has passed out!"

"Ah? Excessive force?" Sun Quan quickly looked around, but there was no woman, "Bastard, who brought the woman in?"

Sun Quan was cursing, someone must have come to please Sun Ce, or it was a woman Sun Ce summoned to win over Qin Lang.

Anyway, brother, why did you fight to the point where the injury recurred?

The dinner party is almost ready now, if you exhaust Qin Lang's energy here, wouldn't my party be embarrassing?

The point is, your method is too fistful.

"Brother-in-law, is there something wrong with brother?"

"Pa..." Qin Lang stretched out his middle finger, bent slightly, and knocked on Sun Quan's forehead.

"Zhongmou, if you call me brother-in-law again, I will use my magic to transform you into General Huang Gai!"

"Sister... No, officer, you might as well just kill me!"

This time, Sun Quan was really scared.

In the past, the reason why Sun Quan was not afraid of Qin Lang was because I acted as a matchmaker for you, and I promised you such a flowery girl like me when I was eight years old.

What can you, Qin Lang, do to me?
As long as you don't kill me, even if you beat me up, I'm not afraid.

Now, Qin Lang actually said that he wants to turn me into General Huang Gai...

"A recurrence of Bofu's injury is more troublesome than a new injury. Within three months, he needs to take good care of himself!"

"Don't worry, officials, Cao Cao's attack on Jiangdong, I will definitely keep it a secret, and I will definitely not let my brother be affected by this!" Sun Quan said very seriously.

Qin Lang patted Sun Quan on the shoulder and said, "It's also an honor for Bo Fu to have you as his brother!"

"Hahaha, the officials are overwhelmed!" Sun Quan laughed. Anyway, Sun Ce is fine, just recuperating.

Three months is neither short nor long.As long as I survive for three months, I can still go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers.

The point is, when that time comes, I will definitely go back to visit the mountains and rivers, and don't let my elder brother misunderstand that I like rights.

Sun House.

Sun Ce's room was very quiet. Knowing that Sun Ce's injury had recurred, Wu Guotai came to take care of him immediately.

In the front yard, people come and go.

When Qin Lang and Sun Quan came over, their heads almost exploded.

What's the matter with this?
Popular now?
At the end of the Han Dynasty, the gatherings among the gentry needed to bring their wives?
What the hell... Qiao Xuan, why are you here too?And with a concubine!

"Brother Guanren!" Lu Su came over and bowed his hands, "Are you satisfied? You can choose the women who come to the banquet tonight, and they are all willing to do so!"

As soon as Qin Lang came, he became the focus of the audience.

A group of men stared at him without saying a word, but this group of women turned into hungry wolves in an instant, looking at Qin Lang was like staring at a little lamb that could not resist.

Everyone knows that as long as he climbs onto Qin Lang's bed and becomes the family's trump card, his future status will definitely rise with the tide.

For example, the Tao family in Xuzhou, even if the entire Tao family let the potters and Tao Ying die, they would not let their wives have an accident.

Your potters and Tao Ying died as soon as they died, and they had no effect on the Tao family.

But if the wives of the two of them died, it would be completely over.

Because people leave tea cold...

"Lu Zijing, is this a good thing you did?!" Qin Lang gritted his teeth.

"That's right, that's what I did!" Lu Su became more and more proud.

Did you see that the officials said it was a good thing!

Then I will show my credit again, have you seen Qiao Xuan, I informed him specially.

At that time, he immediately asked to come to the dinner party, and brought his favorite concubine.

Qiao Xuan even made a bet with me, saying that you will definitely choose his concubine, regardless of appearance or figure, just because of excitement!

I think so, but I can't admit it, so I bet against him 1000 taels of silver.

For this reason, I also brought my wife...

Lu Su moved away, and there was a pretty girl standing behind him.

The girl looked young and innocent, but her figure was very exaggerated.

"Officer, what do you think?" Lu Su smiled triumphantly, this is the confidence in my bet with Qiao Xuan.

The combination of a little girl and a woman...can't compare to your Qiao Xuan's concubine?
You are a concubine, and I am a real wife, not to mention that I am close to the water, and I can talk to the officials first, can you compare with me?

"Lu Su, you're not a good boy, son-in-law, come here quickly, or else, I'll go back and tell Big Qiao and Little Qiao!"

"Qiao Xuan, you and Lu Su are not disciplined. What did we say before that we can fight against Cao together only if we have both rain and dew. Do you two want to eat alone?"

"It's really deceiving, Ma'am, what are you waiting for, today is the time for you to change your destiny, go!"

"Hands are fast, hands are slow, and it is a chance for the immortals to come here. Thousands of troops have passed, but I am the strongest!"

Qin Lang looked blankly at the group of women rushing up, put his right hand into his trouser pocket, and touched the pirated hypnosis pen.

Lu Su in front of him had already been torn off by the woman who arrived first, his face was scratched, he was pressed to the ground, and began to trample on him.

But these women immediately acted as gentle as water, with affectionate eyebrows.

These appearances did not affect their impact at all.

Surrounded from all directions, it was like a thousand troops, unable to break through.

Qin Lang opened his mouth, looked at Sun Quan who had already escaped far away, opened his mouth, "Sun Quan, I hate you stars, you stars ×××"




Every time there was a loud noise, Sun Quan shivered.

"The attraction of a brother-in-law to a woman is simply rare in ancient and modern times. No, it should be said that there is no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future!"

"My lord, I seem to have heard the officials call your name just now, what nonsense..."

"Ah? No way?" Sun Quan looked at the room in disbelief. After a long time, he suddenly took a few steps back in fright.

"Wait, step back, I'll go too, this is my brother-in-law's dinner party, it has nothing to do with us!"

The gentry nodded in satisfaction.

The current scene, although different from what was discussed, is not waiting in line for Qin Lang to go in one room at a time.

Presumably there will be rain and dew...

It's so confusing, even if I didn't touch it, I said it did, how can you refute it?

So, everyone, hurry up, what if Qin officials don't like being watched?
The guarantee has been successful, everyone hurry up to study how to resist Cao Cao!
General Zhou Yu doesn't seem to be very active, we still have to persuade Zhou Yu, tonight... everyone will leave!

Only Qiao Xuan stood there in a daze, her concubine was blocked by many women.

There is no way, anyone will deal with the head bird.

Aren't you, Qiao Xuan, awesome? Aren't you married with two daughters? Aren't you exciting?
Let's make it impossible for your concubine to squeeze in, let's see if you are still awesome? !

"Officer, after today, if you don't talk to my wife for three days and three nights, I'll go to my daughter to complain, and none of us will have a better time!"

(End of this chapter)

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