Chapter 56
"You kid, don't be ashamed of your face, come on!"

The black and thin man finally couldn't bear it any longer. He thought to himself that he had given Pei Yan enough chances, but he was still stubborn. Whether it was a mule or a horse, he had to show his sword and gun to know.

"Okay, grandpa can't wait any longer!"

The short fat man rubbed his palms, and rushed towards him seemingly recklessly, but when he got close, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed Pei Yan with great power.

Ji Chonglian narrowed her eyes slightly, but she couldn't help poking her eyes out curiously. It was impossible for Pei Yan to just sit and wait for death.

Sure enough, when the short and fat man's claws were covering Pei Yan's face, he suddenly moved, not to mention how fast he moved, even in Ji Chonglian's view, he just moved the index finger of his right hand with the other without haste. The Chinese food is close to each other, just pointing upwards, but it just hits the palm of the fat hand of the short fat man.


Hearing a cry of pain, the short fat man was sweating profusely from the pain, and he flew back in fear, and his palm was raised in a strange posture, and his fingers were like Several cartilaginous caterpillars.

"Fat, what's wrong?"

Although the black and thin man roared vigorously, he took a step back at the moment of his move, leaving room for the short fat man to go up first.

"My hand... my hand is useless..."

The short fat man was sweating coldly from the pain, and the veins on his forehead were bulging. When he looked at Pei Yan again, it was as if he had seen a hell Shura.

Pei Yan was dressed in a black robe, standing with his hands behind his back, and the corners of his lips curled up into a cold and evil smile like poppies blooming. When Ji Chonglian saw him from the side, his silhouette was more three-dimensional and stern, like a delicately carved sculpture. The iceberg, the whole person actually flaunted a kind of silent domineering!

"now you!"

Pei Yan's eyes shifted slightly, the black and thin man couldn't help but shiver, but it was too late for him to back off.

Two teeth-stinging "clicks" sounded, and Ji Chonglian had already closed her eyes tightly in advance. Looking up at this moment, the black and thin man fell against the wall in pain, with both palms hanging down strangely at the wrists , obviously folded.

Pei Yan's movements were quick, and when Ji Chonglian came back to his senses, two wretched men, one thin and one fat, had been tied up by him and hung upside down on the beams, and Pei Yan even forced him to find out Qi Zhan's whereabouts .

Ji Chonglian took a slight look at the two of them, and found that they were very depressed and frustrated. After all, she never expected that they would lose to a young man.

"Uncle Pei, right now we..."

Ji Chonglian moved slightly and tugged at Pei Yan's sleeve.

"You wait here, don't run around if you have nothing to do, I'll go and check the situation."

Pei Yan's face was solemn, and he looked back at Ji Chonglian, seeing her hesitant to speak, at first he didn't want to talk to her, but seeing her pleading appearance, his heart softened, and he said: "If you have anything to say, say it!"

"My maid, Biyuan, got separated from me. She wears light blue clothes. Please help me find her. If there is a chance, I will see if my eldest aunt and elder sister are well."

I didn't know Pei Yan for long, but Ji Chonglian already knew that he didn't like mother-in-law's people. When he asked something, she said it angrily. Right now, there are many thieves in the backyard, and she also knows Pei Yan Carrying her is really a burden, it is better to stay here and wait for news.

"I'll keep an eye out."

Pei Yan nodded, and glanced at the two men again, they shrank their necks unconsciously, lowered their eyes and dared not look at them.

Pei Yan raised his foot to leave, but found that the corner of his clothes was being grabbed, he turned his head in surprise, Ji Chonglian bit his lip, stepped forward and said in a low voice, "You... Be careful!"

No matter what the thin black man said is true or not, if the backyard is really occupied by a group of them, wouldn't it be very dangerous for Pei Yan to go there?
Even if he can fight again, two fists are no match for four hands, let alone being besieged?
Thinking of this, Ji Chonglian couldn't help but feel worried. Anyway, Pei Yan is the only life-saving straw she can hold on to now, and she doesn't want any accidents to happen to him.

Pei Yan nodded, and when he turned around, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and with a touch between his feet, it turned into a black shadow and gradually disappeared.

Ji Chonglian was silent, and then turned her head to look at the two men hanging upside down on the crossbeam, and scratched gently on the jaw with her thumb and index finger unconsciously.

The situation was too urgent, and Pei Yan didn't have time to question them in detail. He only got a general idea of ​​the location of Qi Zhan and the others and left first. Then she was left here, so naturally she would have a lot of time to ask everything she wanted to know.

"You two uncles, although you have broken your hands, your tongues are still good. If you are in a hurry, you may as well answer a few questions for me."

Ji Chonglian walked slowly to a distance of three steps between the two of them. From her position, she could clearly see the knots that Pei Yan tied for the two. Feeling more at ease, the corners of his lips slowly evoked an inscrutable smile.

"Little girl, if we don't talk about it, what will you do?"

The short fat man seemed to have had enough of being useless with Pei Yan just now, and now he couldn't help but look at Ji Chonglian with a trace of resentment, if it wasn't for the little girl in front of him, how could he have picked up that evil star Pei Yan.

The black and thin man pursed his lips tightly. Although cold sweat was pouring down his forehead from a headache, he no longer dared to underestimate the innocent-looking little girl in front of him. Even seeing her smiling face, his eyes tightened even more, and his heart fainted. A layer of fear floated up.

Ji Chonglian slowly pulled out the plain silver hairpin with a row of pearl flowers embedded on her head. A little silver light shone on the tip, which looked very sharp. She gently placed it on her wrist, with a smile on her lips, like a blooming summer lotus, "I I've heard people say that the best way to die is not to kill him with a knife, but to let him feel that the life he lost bit by bit can never be redeemed and redeemed, do you... want to try it?"

The corners of Ji Chonglian's lips smiled softly, and there was even a gentle look of anticipation in her eyes, calmly as if she was talking about the weather today, not how to end a person's life.


The black thin man and the short fat man looked at each other with horror in their eyes. They couldn't believe that such words came from an eight-year-old girl. What kind of bad luck did they encounter today? What kind of wonderful couple?
Ji Chonglian is not joking, she really knows how to make a person feel the fear in his heart until death, this is seen in a detective novel, the criminal's favorite method of killing is to hang the victim up, cut open his Wrists and ankles, let him hear the sound of his own blood falling drop by drop, this is definitely a double torment both psychologically and physically. Yes, the victim was terrified during this process, lingering in fear of death, and couldn't close his eyes until he died.

(End of this chapter)

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