Chapter 57
Ji Chonglian is not a murderer, but she doesn't need to show mercy to the two men in front of her.

If Pei Yan hadn't appeared, her fate could be imagined now, why did these two people ever think of showing mercy to her?

"Who will come first?"

Ji Chonglian approached the two of them while speaking, and put the cold hairpin on the black and thin man's wrist, "You only have one chance, if you don't want to say it, then watch yourself bleed to death!"

" won't!"

The dark and thin man's expression changed, but he was still struggling. He was betting that Ji Chonglian was just threatening them, and he didn't have the guts at all.

"Who says I can't?"

Ji Chonglian sneered, clenched her teeth, and there was resentment in her eyes, "When you treated Miss Jin like that, did you ever think about what would happen to her? If you caught me in your hands, would you let me go? And Bi Yuan...if something happens to her, ten times of death will not be enough for you!"

"Or... you come to try?"

Ji Chonglian's eyes turned, and the hairpin lightly slid across the short and fat man's wrist, like a cold poisonous snake spitting out its core. He only felt his whole body congested, and he couldn't stop shaking, begging for mercy repeatedly: "Little aunt, grandma, I said Isn't it okay? Whatever you ask, I will tell the truth!"


The black and thin man reprimanded, and the warning in his words was very obvious.

Ji Chonglian snorted softly, obviously not paying attention to the black and thin man, but only looked at the short fat man, and said in a low voice: "Who are you guys? Why are you here?"

Thinking that Ji Chonglian was going to ask something, the short fat man heaved a sigh of relief, but a trace of nervousness flashed in the black and thin man's eyes.

"Honestly, if it's not true, I'll punch a hole in your wrist!"

The hairpin in Ji Chonglian's hand pressed against it again, and the short fat man felt a little pain, and hurriedly said: "We are refugees from the Northland, and the Northland was hit by a disaster, so we came to the South!"

Speaking of this, the short fat man winked at the black thin man triumphantly, but before the smile on his lips was lifted, he already felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and he couldn't help letting out a miserable scream.

"You are lying!"

Ji Chonglian said calmly and without the slightest emotion, she had already pulled out the hairpin stuck in the short and fat man's wrist firmly with one hand, seeing the blood gushing out, she was slightly taken aback, but the expression on her face was tense, Ye did not allow himself to show a trace of fear or cowardice.

"Tell me!"

Ji Chonglian's eyes turned to the black and thin man. She is definitely not a cruel and bloodthirsty person, but if there is no blood, how can these people speak the truth.


The black and thin man gritted his teeth, feeling cold sweat dripping down his face. He didn't expect Ji Chonglian to do what he said, without mercy. He didn't have the slightest delicacy of a famous girl from a famous family, and he was like a female villain.

But right now, people are swordsmen and I'm fish, how dare he say no, in order to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, he has no choice but to say it.

" are really thieves among the refugees?"

Ji Chonglian raised her eyebrows. At first, she was sure that the short and fat man was lying because of the skills of the two of them. Ordinary people would practice martial arts if they had nothing to do, or they were peasants. There is no trace of a simple and honest farmer in the air.

Even if natural disasters and man-made disasters will change a person's temperament, there will always be some essential things left, but these two people don't have it at all. Ji Zhonglian can only be sure that their nature is like this, at least it has been like this for a long time, definitely not a few Months can make it.

"How many of you are there?"

Ji Chonglian's eyes turned to the short fat man, he trembled, and rushed to say: "Our brothers have more than 100 people, and some refugees have surrendered to us, and there are at least three hundred in total... Good girl, take care of me." Wrap the wound, if you continue to bleed like this, I will almost die..."

Humpty Humpty had a crying face at the end, he really didn't want to watch himself bleed to death.

"What are you afraid of, you have a lot of blood, you can't die!"

Ji Chonglian gave Humpty a white look, wiped off the blood from the hairpin on his gray cloth shirt, turned her head and sat aside thinking.

Refugees are different from these thieves. They may only come together with these people because of their livelihood. They should not dare to do real murder and arson, but those who have gone wild and committed crimes cannot be ruled out.

If these people really surrounded the outer courtyard and isolated it from the outside world, what should they do?
Is it to sit and wait for death, or to rise up and resist?

These thieves don't have many people, and they don't dare to really fight with the government. Presumably, they expected that there would be many big families coming to worship on the day of Guanyin's birthday, so they secretly arrested them, and maybe they wanted to exchange some ransom. And then moved to another place without anyone noticing.

Who knows how many crimes they have committed along the way, why no one knows?
Ji Chonglian frowned and fell into deep thought.

Half an hour passed, and Pei Yan finally came back here with a serious face. Ji Chonglian was overjoyed, and rushed to greet her, "What's the matter, how's the situation outside?"

Pei Yan shook his head, and simply told Ji Chonglian what he knew.

The situation outside is more severe than he thought, and thanks to the remoteness of this place, no one has found it yet, so Ji Chonglian will be fine.

He cautiously sneaked into the side courtyard in the south corner, and he really saw Qi Zhan and the others were tied up and trapped in the house, their lives were safe for the time being, and there were two people guarding there. He didn't want to startle the snake, so he looked around again, thinking Grasp the overall trend.

The female relatives had already been gathered in one place, and the remaining sons and daughters of the family were also tied up one by one. He couldn't tell who was who, but he probably knew that these people would not act rashly for the time being.

Someone hijacked the abbot and closed the gate of the backyard, but everything in front was as usual, but at noon, the number of pilgrims gradually decreased.

It is impossible for him to save the two sides by himself. If he really starts to scare the snake, he doesn't know if it will cause the other party's danger.

Seeing that Pei Yan didn't speak, Ji Chonglian said what she asked, "They are thieves who mixed in with the refugees, but there are only 100 of them, and there are still two hundred or so refugees. If these people are suppressed, those refugees should Nothing will happen!"

Pei Yan looked at Ji Chonglian in surprise, how did she find out about this?

He glanced at the two pale-faced men who were hanging upside down on the beam. The bright red on the short fat man's wrist had already solidified, but there were a lot of blood on the ground, presumably someone had tortured him.

"You did it?"

Pei Yan raised his eyebrows. He knew that Ji Chonglian was not an ordinary girl. She had courage, courage, and a little cleverness. This was not the first time he had seen her.

(End of this chapter)

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