Chapter 112 The Bride (3)
Zhao Hechen let out a muffled groan, pressed down on Duan Yunsu and remained silent, yearning for the fragrance on her body, he tightened his hands and hugged her tightly.

There was a "click" sound outside the window, and Duan Yunsu was startled. He raised his head and looked over there, only to see the red candle in the room flickering lightly, but saw nothing.

Duan Yunsu felt weird in his heart, reached out his hand to hold Zhao Hechen who was groping around, and said in a low voice: "Chenchen, be good, don't move."

Zhao Hechen hummed a few times in dissatisfaction, but really calmed down obediently.

Is there someone outside the window?But who is eavesdropping on this corner?

Duan Yunsu glanced at Zhao Hechen who was on him, and became a little suspicious. Could it be that Princess An sent to eavesdrop?This thought made Duan Yunsu angry and funny, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't resist it.

A quiet voice came from the window, only to hear a woman say: "I see that this matter must be completed? Did you hear it just now? The bride is crying for pain."

"Then why is there no movement now?" Ling Yi, a slightly fat woman, quietly put her ear on the window edge, listening carefully.

"Who knows what kind of tricks the young couple are playing in there, anyway, this matter is over, let's go back and report, and wait for the wedding money."

The fat woman could only nod her head when she heard the words, seeing that the bride didn't seem to reject the young master, it was a matter of course, and I don't know why Princess An was so worried.

The two of them lay quietly on the bed for a while, Duan Yunsu didn't hear any more noises, thinking that the man must have left too, he pushed Zhao Hechen and said: "Chenchen got up, it's so uncomfortable to press Susu. "

This idiot's body was all lying on top of her, and when she came back to her senses, she felt that it was difficult to breathe. Seeing that the person on her body didn't respond, she lowered her eyes, hey!This idiot actually fell asleep like this!
You were obviously very excited just now, why did you fall asleep after such a short time?

Duan Yunsu took a lot of effort to remove him from his body, and looked at him who was unconscious with a smile.

Zhao Hechen fluttered his long eyelashes lightly, and muttered softly: "Susu..."

Duan Yunsu pushed him and called him.The person on the bed frowned, seemed a little dissatisfied, and fell asleep again without opening his eyes after humming.

Seeing his naked body, Duan Yunsu pulled the quilt over and gently covered him. Hearing his shallow breathing, he nestled directly into his arms, stretched out his hand to caress that handsome face, and looked at the dim Candlelight, tiredness struck in a daze, and fell asleep together.

If Princess An knew about this incident, would she regret sending someone over?
The next day, Duan Yunsu only felt itchy cheeks and itchy body, and he opened his eyes under the unbearable harassment, only to see Zhao Hechen hugging her sideways, stroking her smooth back with one hand from time to time, and then rubbing his head against her face, smiling and squinting again and again.

Duan Yunsu froze for a while, only to realize later that she was already married. She relaxed, yawned, and said, "Morning Chen Chen."

"It's great that Susu is here." Zhao Hechen seemed very energetic today, his eyes were shining when he looked at Duan Yunsu: "Chen'er slept so comfortably last night, Chen'er has been thinking about Susu for a long time."

Speaking of last night, Duan Yunsu's face flushed slightly, seeing that he was being hugged naked in his arms at this moment, he felt a little embarrassed for a while.But when he remembered what happened last night, he was still a little curious, so he tentatively said: "Chenchen slept really early last night."

Zhao Hechen chuckled and counted with his fingers: "Chen'er couldn't sleep because he wanted to marry Susu, but mother said that he could only marry Susu after dawn. Susu was so happy at Chen'er last night."

Dare to love this guy who didn't sleep the night before the wedding?No wonder he was so tired last night, Duan Yunsu patted his head: "Good boy, remember to sleep well from now on."

"Miss, are you up?" The maid outside the house heard the sound and planned to come in to serve her.

Tinghe Tingzhu also followed as a dowry maid, but Gu Qiu, originally thinking that she was not young, planned to let her out.But Gu Qiu didn't want to, so Duan Yunsu followed her, and Hongye, the maid who was bestowed by Mrs. Duan, came with her.

"You guys wait first, get up now." Hearing this, Duan Yunsu got up, casually put on a coat, and pulled Zhao Hechen who was lying on the bed.

"Chenchen get up, Susu will dress you, but you still have to serve tea to your mother." Duan Yunsu has not forgotten this, the newlywed will go to visit her in-laws the next day, so she can't just stay here Make people laugh.

Seeing Duan Yunsu stand up, Zhao Hechen dawdled for a while and followed suit.If Zhao Fang saw this, he would be shocked. His young master can get up by himself!

Duan Yunsu found clean clothes, and put them on for Zhao Hechen casually, watching his eyes follow him, a little funny: "Who used to take care of Chenchen's dressing?"

"Fang Fang, Fang Fang also bathed Chen'er, served Chen'er food, and polished ink for Chen'er..." Zhao Hechen counted one by one, seeing that ten fingers were not enough, so he stopped chattering. He looked out the door curiously.

Why didn't Fangfang come in today? It's really strange.

When Duan Yunsu heard this, he was stunned. The maids and servants of this noble family are all divided into responsibilities. How dare Zhao Fang have the role of Shiquan's nanny, so he took care of everything?
She called out the door, and the waiting maids came in one after another, holding a washbasin and a handkerchief.Gu Qiu, who was at the side, also came in, looked at the wedding clothes thrown on the floor in the room, with a pale face, lowered his head and lowered his eyes to tidy up carefully.

Nanny Li came over early in the morning, seeing that the two of them hadn't woken up yet, and it was still early, so she waited outside.Now that I came in and looked at the situation in the back room, I felt confident, and the young couple was whispering intimately, so my heart was even more relieved.

She just said, the eldest lady of this family cares about the young master, so why would she dislike sharing the same bed with the young master?

Nanny Li walked forward, her eyes fell on the white cloth in the bed, she saw that there was no other trace except for wrinkles, her heart sank.But she couldn't say anything even if she was a nun, so she had to go forward and pick it up, planning to go back and hand it over to the princess.

Duan Yunsu turned his head and happened to see Nanny Li's slightly changed eyes, and then looked at the things in her hands, and then remembered this incident.The matter with Zhao Hechen last night was only in the middle of the way, and naturally there will be no redness before the last step, and she didn't have the heart to smear Prince An with blood, so she just left it like this, and will serve tea later I hope that Princess An will not give her face.

Duan Yunsu looked at Zhao Hechen who had already taken care of it, and said, "Chenchen, shall we go and say hello to mother?"

The two walked out together, and Duan Yunsu was half a step behind. Hearing from Nanny You who taught her manners before marriage, she was half a step behind her husband, which was a sign of respect for her husband.Even if she is an idiot, she doesn't want her husband to be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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