Chapter 113 The Bride (4)
But Zhao Hechen didn't want to anymore, he looked around, but he didn't see Duan Yunsu, he turned his head with a "hey", and saw Duan Yunsu following him leisurely, walked back in two or three steps, grabbed her little hand , the red lips were slightly puckered and complained: "Susu is so slow."

Duan Yunsu looked at the maids and servants coming and going around him, and really looked at them quietly.She looked down at the holding hands, feeling sweet but a little embarrassed in her heart.This holding hands was nothing to her, but helplessly, this was ancient times, so she struggled lightly, seeing that the guy was holding on tightly, she followed him.

Princess An was sitting in front, watching the two people walk in hand in hand, with an intimate look on her face, and her face softened a bit.

Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen walked in together, seeing that Princess An was the only one in the flower hall, he was a little taken aback and quickly realized.

The newlyweds serve tea to meet the elders in the family, and get to know the aunts, uncles and nephews in the family, but the population of Prince An's Mansion seems a bit thin.As far as she knew, Princess An only gave birth to Zhao Hechen, and side concubine Wen gave birth to Zhao Heqi. Those concubines had never seen each other before, let alone had any children.The population of the royal family and nobles is so simple, but it is really confusing.

Seeing the newcomer come in, Nanny Li took out the futon she had prepared in advance and put it in front of her, and Juyue also came over holding a teacup.

Duan Yunsu knelt on the futon, reached out to take the tea cup and raised it in front of Princess An: "Mother, please drink tea."

Princess An is not that mean person, and she won't follow the example of the little family to do things that embarrass the new daughter-in-law. She has lived her life by herself, so why not if she can live in harmony?

She took Duan Yunsu's tea with a smile, took a sip, took out a jade bracelet, handed it to Duan Yunsu, and said: "This is an item from my palace to my daughter-in-law. Since Chen'er is also married, I will hand over this bracelet to you. I only hope that you and Chen'er can live in peace and harmony, and don't let down Chen'er's wishes."

"Follow my mother's instructions and repent."

"Get up, and call me mother with Chen'er in the future, it sounds more intimate."

"Yes, mother." Duan Yunsu looked up at Princess An, and seeing that she looked pretty good, he asked, "I don't know when should Yunsu go to offer tea to my father?"

Princess An heard the words and said: "My lord, he is not feeling well. I wonder if he will wake up now? You can go with me later. After seeing the lord, you two still have to go to the palace to thank you." .”

Duan Yunsu responded hastily, seeing that Princess An did not mention the matter of the red handkerchief, he felt a little relieved.

"Have you eaten yet? Stay here and eat with me."

Before Duan Yunsu could reply, he heard a voice from outside the door.

"Yo, sister, am I late? The bride has finished serving tea." I saw Concubine Wen walking slowly, and there was a man beside him, it was Zhao Heqi.

Concubine Wen looked Duan Yunsu up and down, and saw that she was wearing a light red dress, whether she was happy or flamboyant, she had a pretty face and thin makeup, which made people's eyes shine.This idiot, he is really a idiot, and he actually married such a daughter-in-law.

"Qi'er, come and meet your sister-in-law yet." Concubine Wen said.

Zhao Heqi took a step forward, his eyes gliding around Duan Yunsu.This piece of Yunsu seems to be a little more beautiful than when we met that day, I saw his eyes twinkling slightly, and for some reason, he bowed his hands and said, "I have seen my sister-in-law."

Zhao Hechen, who was originally quiet, suddenly stretched out his hand and hid Duan Yunsu behind him, staring with extreme vigilance: "Don't look at me, Susu." This man's eyes are so annoying, Chen'er doesn't like it!
Concubine Wen squinted at Zhao Hechen, who was playing with his petty temper, and said, "Young master seems to be in good spirits today? Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Chen'er slept well." Zhao Hechen seemed to think of something, and looked back at Duan Yunsu happily: "Susu, it turns out that it's really comfortable to take off naked and sleep."

Duan Yunsu blushed, reached out and pinched him.Zhao Hechen let out a "wow", regardless of the people present watching, he turned around and hugged Duan Yunsu, twisted his body and said: "Susu is good or bad, don't pinch Chen'er."

Duan Yunsu didn't expect that this guy had a lot of skill in acting like a baby, so he smiled dryly when he saw other people's eyes.

"The relationship between the young master and the bride is really good. Sister, I see that you are about to hug your grandson?" Concubine Wen covered her mouth and smiled, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Princess An's face darkened: "Whether the grandson is the grandson or not, it depends on the fate, where we can have the final say."

"Ah, why did my sister say that? This couple is loving, and the child is not far away. Could it be that the eldest young master and the eldest young wife have not performed the ceremony of husband and wife?" Concubine Wen giggled, remembering the girl's report this morning, Said that the veil on the new bed was clean, and sneered: "Could it be done, but why didn't this veil leave a mark? Could it be that you..."

Concubine Wen's words can be understood by anyone with a brain. There is no redness on the handkerchief, but there are two possibilities, one is that the two people have not performed the ceremony of husband and wife at all, and the other is that the bride is naturally unfaithful.

"Side concubine Wen, don't talk nonsense. Chen'er is not sensible, so naturally this matter has to go with the flow." Princess An's eyes flickered slightly, this Wen Yuanyuan's hands and feet are really long, even Chen'er's yard has her people?
Duan Yunsu didn't expect that Princess An would speak up to protect him, and put all the responsibility for the matter on Zhao Hechen's ignorance, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.On the first day the bride came in, the mother-in-law was willing to protect her like this, and I should be thankful.

Zhao Heqi, who was standing quietly by the side, had a flash of eyes when he heard the words, and looked at the two people who were dependent on each other, with a smile on his lips, and his eyes on Duan Yunsu were even more wanton.

He's just a fool, married a daughter-in-law and doesn't understand the beauty of a daughter-in-law, it's really wasted.

"Sister, I came here today, but there is one more thing. Now Qi'er is already [-] years old, but you haven't found a good family yet? If you are too busy to take care of my sister, then there are many suitable for my sister's family." Yes, do you want my sister to do her part?" Concubine Wen's eyes on Princess An were not friendly, and she had reminded her many times about Zhao Heqi's marriage.

She knew that Yin Fuding was dragging her back like this on purpose, but she wanted to let that fool marry a wife and have children first, so that she wouldn't put her on her head.This has been going on for several years, and Qi'er is already at this age, in someone else's house, she would have hugged her grandson long ago!

Her Zhao Hechen couldn't marry a wife, yet he actually held down his own son and refused to let him marry him. What's the reason for this!
She, Yin Fu, was standing in the royal family, and Qi Er wanted to call him mother, if it wasn't because the royal family tree was not easy to access, she would have been able to make a good plan a long time ago, how could it be like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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