Chapter 114 The Bride (5)
"My sister is wrong. Qi Er's marriage must be carefully considered. The most important thing is that Qi Er can like it. Does Qi Er have a sweetheart? Why don't you tell me and listen." Princess An smiled. , looking at Concubine Wen with a slight coldness in her eyes.Even if the matter of finding someone could not be dragged on, then she thought about prolonging the marriage, and it would not be easy to ask for a day in the palace.

How could she not see Wen Yuanyuan's thoughts?Now that Chen'er is married, I'm not afraid of you making trouble in this matter again.

I just heard Zhao Heqi reply: "In matters of marriage, the parents are the ones to decide, and everything depends on the mother."

Princess An was quite satisfied with his answer, she nodded and said: "Since this is the case, let's discuss this matter again, sister, do you want to go with me to see the prince?"

Originally, I was planning to eat, but since these people are in front of me, I should not be in such a hurry, it is really off-putting.

Concubine Wen naturally responded when she heard the words, and looked at the three people who had taken a step ahead, with a stern expression on her face: "Qi Er, I can see that this time when Yun Su married, she Yin Fu became hard again." How much. Let's take a good look at it, don't let this daughter of this family harm our plan."

Zhao Heqi should be right, looking at Duan Yunsu's back, thoughtful.

Prince An lived in the Muqing Court all year round, and because of his health, he hardly ever went out.Yesterday was the day of Zhao Hechen's big wedding. Prince An dragged his sick body to preside over the ceremony, and exhausted his energy.

Yesterday, Duan Yunsu was covered with a hijab, so he couldn't see it. Today, he was shocked by Prince An's appearance.

I saw that Prince An's face was almost transparent and pale as he hadn't been out for a long time, and he looked even more haggard with a sick look, his bones were bony, and his temples were a little gray. A man in his forties turned into more than 50 by tossing look like.

"My lord, Chen'er and Yunsu are here to see you." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Princess An called softly.

Prince An opened his eyes, his eyes were cloudy and lifeless, he turned his head slightly to the direction of Zhao Hechen, and smiled with difficulty: "This is Chen'er's wife? She looks really good."

Hearing this, Duan Yunsu took a step forward, bent down and bowed: "I have seen my father."

"Okay." Prince An smiled gratifiedly, with a kind face on his face: "Chen'er has a companion too, and I don't have anything to worry about in my heart."

Princess An heard the words and said hastily: "This Chen'er is married, and will have a grandson in the future, but I still have to worry about you."

Prince An forced a smile, he was aware of his physical condition, it was hard to say whether the grandson could see it or not.He looked at Zhao Heqi who was standing beside him, and asked, "Has Qi Er put his heart into his studies recently? This year, he will get good grades in the scientific examination."

Zhao Heqi took a step forward: "Father is good at recuperating from his illness, the child will definitely live up to his expectations."

Listening to Prince An's tone of voice, Duan Yunsu always felt that there was something wrong. Seeing that Prince An seemed to want to end his worries, this was not a good sign.

"Father, can you let Yunsu take a look?" Duan Yunsu asked softly, but looked at Princess An.She knew a little about medical skills, and felt strange seeing Prince An's symptoms, and wanted to study it carefully.

Princess An was slightly stunned, and then remembered that her daughter-in-law is a medically skilled person, and she saved Chen'er's life, so she couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in her heart: "Yunsu, do you know what disease the prince has?"

Duan Yunsu shook his head: "Yunsu doesn't know yet, he just wants to take a closer look, and he can always see something."

"Oh? The eldest young lady still has such abilities? The imperial doctors in the palace are all helpless." Concubine Wen looked at Duan Yunsu with a darker gaze. Duan Yunsu's medical skills may not be able to do anything. How powerful it is, don't worry about it yourself, take a look and make plans.

Duan Yunsu took Prince An's pulse. It is true that the pulse is weak, but the physical symptoms are different from those common ailments she has encountered in daily life.It was obvious that Prince An's appearance was abnormal, but he couldn't see anything.But poison?Duan Yunsu shook her head slightly, the poison would erode the internal organs, but it didn't look like it, and she didn't dare to make a decision for a while.

"The imperial doctors who died in the palace said what's wrong with the lord?" Duan Yunsu frowned with a serious look on his face. Doctors who can enter the palace can be regarded as experts in the apricot grove, so you might as well listen to other people's diagnosis first.

"It's just that the lord's body is very short. It seems to be related to the old illness in the past, but no one can explain the specific reason. The mansion has been using ginseng to raise it. It looks like this." Princess An sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Look at the appearance of the prince, he is clearly seriously ill, otherwise he would not be bedridden all the time, but every imperial doctor does not know the key to it, except for those prescriptions for health, the rest dare not say more open.

"I'm not sure if I look at the young lady? Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked about the results of other people's diagnosis and treatment." Concubine Wen was a little disdainful, but she also breathed a sigh of relief. If she was really cured, then When the prince wakes up, what else can their mother and son get!
"Concubine Wen is right on point. Yunsu is not a god. You can know the root cause with just a glance. Now I'm really not sure." Seeing Concubine Wen was about to sneer, Duan Yunsu chuckled again Interrupted: "But since other imperial doctors are prescribing prescriptions for health maintenance, then Yunsu has a better idea."

"Do you have a solution?" Princess An couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard that, the prince's illness can be cured a little bit, just like the prince can only lie on the bed now, if he can sit up, it will be considered good for her It is a great joy.

"Yunsu can give it a try. After Yunsu finds the cause, he will start to cure it."

The confidence in Duan Yunsu's eyes made Princess An seem to see hope. If it can be cured, then Prince An's mansion will not be what it is today.

Concubine Wen couldn't see Prince An's happy look the most. Seeing that the two had a happy conversation, she sarcastically said: "Young Madam is not afraid to flash her tongue when she says this. I understand that you just came in to please your mother-in-law." , but you can't use the prince's illness as an issue."

"Concubine Wen, my concubine is looking at you, but she doesn't want the prince to get better? Why do you have to refute every word Yunsu says?" What does it mean to please your mother-in-law, but you intend to provoke your relationship with your new daughter-in-law? ?

"That's right, what are you interrupting when Susu is talking?" Even Zhao Hechen, who was standing quietly, suddenly jumped out, glared at Concubine Wen, his cheeks puffed slightly, and he snorted unwillingly.

Seeing her son's displeased look, Princess An secretly sighed in her heart.Chen'er seemed to be very concerned about all matters related to this Yunsu, and he didn't see this kid defending her like this on weekdays.

It is undeniable that Princess An still felt a little bit jealous of her new daughter-in-law in her heart, but I am afraid there will be more of this in the future, so I don't want to do these silly calculations.She only heard her say: "Chen'er, Yunsu, since you have paid your respects to your father, you should go to the palace to thank the decree. Don't make a laughingstock for others, saying that Prince An's mansion doesn't understand the rules."

(End of this chapter)

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