Chapter 118 Returning to the door (1)
Nanny Li thought for a while and said, "But you want to call the young master over to ask?"

"How to ask about this matter, Chen'er can know what, why not ask Yunsu." Princess An sighed again, her son's bridal chamber is more annoying than his son's inability to find a marriage Worry.

"Princess, tell me, the young master can't, and the young lady can't either? I heard from the servant girl who entered the house that the clothes were scattered all over the floor. The two of them fell asleep naked. Is there anything else that can't be done?"

"Madam Li, what do you mean..."

Nanny Li smiled, and the brilliance in her eyes flickered: "Why don't the concubine teach the young lady directly, wouldn't that save trouble?"

When Princess An heard that she had spat on her, she was a little embarrassed and said: "How can a mother-in-law teach a new daughter-in-law about this, let alone a newcomer who has just entered the house, so don't scare her."

This is a good idea, but it's not suitable to put it here, can this be regarded as forcing Duan Yunsu and Chen'er to have sex?If the Song family knew about it, they might have come to the door.The most suitable thing is that the two people are willing to make things happen, but she is anxious!

"Yes, it's their blessing that you are sympathetic, wangfei." Seeing wangfei's tangled appearance, Nanny Li also found it a little funny.Again, the concubine had expected that this would not go well, and she should have been prepared in her heart, why suddenly she couldn't think about it now.

"Princess, let's put this matter aside for the time being. The servants will see that there is still something to do." Li Nanny poured a cup of tea for Princess An, looked at the puzzled look of the princess, and continued: "In the past, the young master didn't like it. That's all for the maid, now that there are new people in the yard, and the young lady brought not many people, so we have to arrange a few to go there?"

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot." Princess An was afraid of her head: "In the past, it was fine if Chen'er didn't want to, but for a newcomer to pass through the door, he didn't even give him a maid, but it's not right. You Look, is there any suitable maid in my house?"

Since the concubine didn't intend to add someone to the young master, then this girl should choose these quiet, honest and smart ones.Nanny Li thought about all these people, and said: "Princess, I see that the second-class maids in the room are not bad, and the young lady is already useful, so let's add a few more third-class maids." How about waiting for the girl to pass by?"

Princess An nodded: "It's been a long time, Li Madam, go and see, is Yunsu here? Come back and let her come to me."

I just saw that only Chen'er came back alone, but I was taken aback. I don't know why the emperor left Yunsu behind.When I asked Chen'er, Chen'er just said something about the hospital, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Princess, please see the housekeeper." Juyue came in and reported.

Princess An frowned. Didn't everything be arranged in the morning? Why did you come here at this hour?
"Come in."

The housekeeper of the palace is surnamed Fang, who was brought up by Prince An. He is half a century old now, but he behaves well. He walked in and bowed his hands. Princess An waved her hand and said, "Get up, I don't know what the housekeeper is now." Come here, what's the matter?"

"My concubine, just now my side concubine wanted to pay 500 taels of silver to the account to repair the yard for the second young master. The servant saw that there was a lot of money, and he didn't see the token of the concubine, so he came over to ask."

"What!" Princess An threw down the teacup in her hand with a bang, and said in a deep voice, "500 taels of silver? Her side concubine Wen is really good at talking like a lion, Zhao Heqi is not happy, how can she repair the yard properly? !"

Steward Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and when he came in, he expected the princess' reaction like this, so he explained what he heard: "Concubine Wen said that the second young master is going to prepare for the scientific examination, and the Xicheng courtyard is not quiet enough. Elegant, afraid of disturbing the second young master's mind."

When Princess An heard this, she became even more angry. The prince only mentioned the matter of the imperial examination this morning, and Concubine Wen couldn't wait to find a reason for it, but she really didn't take Yin Fu seriously!

"Go and tell Concubine Wen that after finishing the marriage, there is not much money left in the mansion. If it is too noisy, then the concubine will reluctantly remove the maids and servants in her courtyard, so as to save worry It doesn't take much effort."

The housekeeper groaned secretly when he heard the words, this concubine cannot be offended, but Concubine Wen is also very powerful, so he must be scolded for replying like this.You fight against each other in the master, but there are still a group of slaves like them who are suffering.

"Mother, don't get angry, be careful." A delicate voice came, and Princess An raised her eyes to see Duan Yunsu, and her face eased slightly.

Duan Yunsu smiled again and again, walked in with striding steps, and said, "Steward Fang, tell the concubine that if this is to become a big event, you must first work hard and work hard. How can the second brother be connected?" This small problem can’t be overcome? Besides, if the money is spent now, how can I get some money for my second brother in the future, don’t you think so?”

Butler Fang hurriedly bowed and nodded, thinking about how to reply to Concubine Wen's words.

"You go down. If she thinks it's not the case, let her come and find this princess in person." Prince An's mansion waved him away impatiently, turned to look at Duan Yunsu's well-behaved appearance, and felt a little bit in his heart. Feel a little relieved.Fortunately, my daughter-in-law is facing her, otherwise it would be really annoying.

"Mother, are you looking for me?" Duan Yunsu had just returned to the second gate, and was invited over by the maid, saying that the concubine wanted to invite her, but she didn't know why.

Princess An listened to the question, and immediately forgot about Concubine Wen Cai just now, looked at Duan Yunsu's rosy face, recalled what happened yesterday, and said, "Why didn't Yunsu have sex with Chen'er last night? "

Duan Yunsu only felt his face turn red, and even his ears were hot. He didn't expect Princess An to be so direct when she spoke. Her mother-in-law asked about the affairs of the room, which was really annoying.She squeaked and replied: "Mother, it was Chenchen last night... he went to bed first when he was sleepy."

"Then you mean..." Princess An's eyes lit up, and suddenly she saw hope again.Could it be that what the two wives heard last night was true?It's true that Chen'er was able to fall asleep in the middle of the bridal chamber, it's really unseemly!
Seeing Princess An's look of wanting to ask more questions, Nanny Li hurriedly cleared her cough, and Princess An came back and smiled dryly.It's good to know this thing, but don't explain it too clearly.Thinking of this, Princess An grabbed Duan Yunsu's little hand and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was, and she smiled happily: "It was hard for you to take care of Chen'er yesterday. Mother will cook for you tonight. Let's make a good soup together."

good soup?Duan Yunsu is embarrassing, but is she thinking wrong?
After returning from Princess An's side, as soon as he stepped into the room, a black shadow pounced on Duan Yunsu.

(End of this chapter)

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