Chapter 119 Returning to the door (3)
"I heard that Lanyue is the second-class maid beside the princess?" Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Lanyue answered rightly, just now she thought that Madam didn't want to see her, but she didn't expect Madam to know about her.

"In this case, I will mention you as a first-class maid and serve in the room with Gu Qiu." After Duan Yunsu said lightly, his body froze, and he patted Zhao Hechen's hand that was stretched out on her lap.

That Lanyue couldn't help being overjoyed, and hastily bent down to salute.The rest of the maids asked Gu Qiu to make arrangements without saying anything more.

It was time to go back on the third day. Thinking of Duan's house, Duan Yunsu suddenly remembered something, and suddenly got up and walked to the back room.Zhao Hechen, who was leaning on her body, was about to fall to the ground with two yells, stretched out his hand and waved it twice randomly, but in the end he did not escape the fate of being thrown.

Duan Yunsu turned around angrily and amusedly and helped him up, seeing the sad eyes he was looking at her, he suddenly giggled.

What a dork!
She walked to the dressing cabinet, reached out and opened a box, a dark jade pendant was in a pile of shining jewelry, it was really not outstanding.But the high value of this thing is not comparable to these jewelry.

Duan Yunsu took it out, it was the talisman he got at the General's Mansion that day.She found a red string, put it through the hole that already existed, waved to Zhao Hechen, hung the thing around his neck, tied a knot again, and said, "Chenchen, don't lose this thing." Don’t let others see it, you know?”

Zhao Hechen nodded because he didn't understand, Susu gave it to Chen'er, of course Chen'er would keep it, and no one would show it to him!

Duan Yunsu stuffed the Fu Pei into his clothes, patted it properly, and felt relieved when he saw that nothing was showing.

This thing must be of great use, otherwise Mrs. Duan wouldn't be so nervous.Perhaps her grandmother has already guessed whether she also knows the unspeakable secret of the General's Mansion, and Chen Yu has already returned to the palace, and the emperor has not seen any reaction these days. It's not that talkative person, it's not appropriate to keep this talisman on her body.

Since it is a valuable item, others should not have expected that he would actually put it on the body of an idiot who might lose it at any time.

Maybe Duan Yunsu didn't expect what kind of situation his inadvertent actions would bring to the Xi Kingdom in the future.

It's been three days since getting married, and today is the day to return home.Duan Yunsu got up early, pulled Zhao Hechen out of the bed, and helped the half-asleep idiot to dress and freshen up.Looking at his sleepy eyes, Duan Yunsu really had the urge to let him go back and sleep again.There is no one in the general's mansion who is looking forward to her return, so it is meaningless to wake up so early.

Helpless, Princess An didn't think so, she prepared the ceremony for the bride to return home yesterday, and put it on the carriage long ago, waiting for the two to set off.

The wheels were whirling and turning, Zhao Hechen was finally jolted awake, opened his confused eyes and looked around, then remembered what Susu said last night about going back to her mother's house.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Zhao Hechen jumped down, stretching out his hand and waiting to pull Duan Yunsu down.Duan Yunsu looked at his bright smile, his shining eyes under the sun, his outstretched hand as delicate as white jade, his heart warmed, and he pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

Duan Yunsu was really surprised that many people were waiting outside the general's mansion.Back then, Duan Yunshang didn't get this kind of treatment when he returned home, but because of his status as an idiot?

Duan Chang was looking at the two people holding hands, his eyes flickered slightly, his daughter really couldn't figure it out, why did the Qi family look down on such a good person, and chose this fool by chance, now look He still looks as happy as ever.

"Yunsu is back, come in quickly." Mrs. Duan glanced at the two of them, then turned and walked towards the door.

When everyone heard the words, they actually followed Mrs. Duan and walked in without waiting for the newcomer to enter.Duan Yunsu chuckled, I really made it difficult for you, and I still waited here for a long time if I didn't want to.

After the crowd dispersed, Duan Yunsu was very surprised that there was only one person left in front of the door.

The man in front of him had a stern face, and he couldn't hide the arrogance in his eyes. Looking at Duan Yunsu, he couldn't help but sneered slightly: "Miss Duan, I didn't expect you to degenerate into marrying a fool."

A vein twitched on Duan Yunsu's forehead, she never expected to see this person again.Yuan Chushang once killed Duan Yunsu.

If he didn't show up, he really forgot, he was only focusing on dealing with the second aunt, and this person was also the murderer.

"Young Master Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you going to enter the mansion, or are you planning to come out?" Duan Yunsu asked casually when he saw him standing outside the door.Duan Yunshang has been abandoned by the Prime Minister's Mansion, and is staying in the Qinglian Nunnery at the moment, why is this person here?
When Yuan Chushang saw Duan Yunsu's calm expression, and then glanced at the hands they were holding, his heart felt furious.This piece of Yunsu was very rare to him at that time, and he wished to appear in front of his eyes all day long.It's just that his pampered temperament is really annoying, and his lack of talent makes him lose face.

On the contrary, her younger sister, Duan Yunshang, is so gentle and pleasant that he really likes him, but he didn't expect that woman to be jealous.

Now, in just a blink of an eye, this section of Yunsu turned around and was gentle and considerate to other men. The women of this section's family are really bad!
"Miss Duan, although you failed to marry me, you don't have to be so self-deprecating. With your status, why do you marry such a person, even if you used to be a concubine, wouldn't you be better than him?"

This section of Yunsu looks very good, but now that I think about it, it's really a mistake.If she is a concubine, she won't lose the face of the prime minister's mansion, and it's really wonderful to be able to embrace a beauty. Why don't I think of a way to carry her into the mansion?

The wanton gaze looked Duan Yunsu up and down, as if this person was naked in front of his eyes, the anger in Duan Yunsu's heart burst out little by little, and when he went out, he met scumbags, which really ruined her mood .

"Susu, who is he?" Zhao Hechen who was beside him looked at him warily.

"Don't pay attention to the unimportant person, let's go in?" Duan Yunsu pulled his hand and motioned to go in together.

Zhao Hechen followed Duan Yunsu, his dark eyes were always on Yuan Chushang, and the defense in his eyes was obvious.

What does it mean that Susu failed to marry him, Susu has always been Chen'er's!
Seeing Zhao Hechen's stupid look, Yuan Chushang sneered in his heart, and his eyes were full of mockery.Just this fool, did he really think that Duan Yunsu would take a fancy to him?If it weren't for the influence of power, who would care about you as a fool!
This look made the silent Zhao Hechen suddenly angry, he intuitively saw that this person was very upset, he clenched his fist and swung it over without warning!
(End of this chapter)

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