The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 129 Chen Disease

Chapter 129 Chen Disease (2)
"Where are the aunts? But there are some movements." Duan Yunsu thought of the second aunt who was imprisoned. If that person has the ability to come out, it will be even more interesting.For Duan Changzai, Second Auntie has gone crazy, she can do all kinds of cruelty.

"It's quiet over there. After Gu Yu said it, Mrs. Duan put down her words directly, saying that there has never been a concubine in Xiguo who can abide by the rules of being a courtier, so let those people be more peaceful." Gu Qiu said.

Isn't this just right, the mistress should have settled down a long time ago, and broke those people's minds.But now that the young lady is already married, no matter what kind of fuss over there, it won't hurt the young lady.

Duan Yunsu got up leisurely from the beauty's couch, turned his beautiful eyes lightly, and said: "How is the second younger brother doing recently? I heard that the prince said that there will be an imperial examination this year, have you prepared well?"

Gu Qiu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the young lady to ask this.Duan Yufang is the concubine of the General's Mansion, not a concubine or the elder. She has been in the General's Mansion for many years, and she has seen that Duan Yufang is not taken seriously. Why is it that the young lady has a crush on him?There is also the third miss, Duan Yunrong, who also takes good care of her.

"Miss, Gu Yu never mentioned this, but the second young master is not outstanding enough in the mansion, you say that the old lady..." Gu Qiu frowned, with some doubts in his heart.

Duan Yunsu smiled indifferently, and said: "It doesn't matter if the old lady doesn't care, but the second brother's talent can't be overwhelmed. You can find a chance to send a letter, so that the second brother and the third sister can come to the palace for a while." Come on, I haven't seen you for a long time, so we can get together."

Regardless of Madam Duan Kao's thoughts, she wanted to help Yu Fang during this period. The Duan family does not have a son-in-law yet, and Duan Yufang is already sixteen after his birthday.After passing the provincial examination, you can take the national examination. Duan Yufang's talent is not small. Now that he is still young, he is not afraid that he will not have the opportunity.

Gu Qiu silently complied, looking at her young lady's roving eyes, she knew what the young lady was thinking again.What is long time no see?Didn't I just meet the third lady when I came back last time, the lady didn't find a good excuse, she always likes to say so casually every time.

Duan Yunsu waved away the maid in the room, remembering Zhao Hechen who was still taking a nap, looked up at the time, turned around and went into the back room.

Zhao Hechen was lying on the bed, the thin brocade quilt was rolled into a ball, sleeping soundly.Looking at the crushed handsome face, Duan Yunsu felt itchy in his heart, and stretched out his hand to pinch it. The servant couldn't stop being harassed, he hesitated in a daze, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

When Duan Yunsu saw him, he stretched out his hand to pat his face and said, "Chenchen woke up, if he sleeps again, he won't be able to sleep tonight."

I remembered that two days earlier, this guy was full of energy at night because of taking a nap, he kept grabbing and touching her, making her sleepless all night.When she woke up the next day, the maid who was serving her saw the blue shadows in the eyes of the two of them, secretly making various guesses, which made her very helpless.

Zhao Hechen grabbed the things that harassed him, opened his eyes in a daze, only to see his wife was looking at him with a smile, his mind was shaken, and he grinned with red lips and said good morning.

"It's early, it's afternoon now." Duan Yunsu pulled him up angrily, Zhao Hechen smelled the fragrance of the lady's body, leaned forward, pressed Duan Yunsu unsteadily, stretched out his hand Then he took her to the bed: "Susu doesn't sleep with Chen'er, why doesn't Susu sleep with Chen'er? Isn't Susu sleepy? Susu Susu..."

Duan Yunsu was so upset by his nagging, he got up late today, so naturally he didn't want to sleep, why so many.

"Susu will accompany you from now on, get up quickly, didn't you say you want to show your mother your rabbit?"

After Duan Yunsu finished speaking, he didn't hear Zhao Hechen's return, but instead heard a soft and charming voice.

"Tsk tsk, it really is a young couple, but they are really tired."

Duan Yun was startled, she looked back and saw Ji Suzheng in a red dress, sitting on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed, holding melon seeds in one hand and making a "click" sound.

Why did this person come in, but I didn't hear a single sound!
"Little lady, if you look at me like this, I will misunderstand you." Ji Su raised her eyebrows and threw the melon husk casually.

This fellow finally stopped calling himself a "slave family"?Duan Yunsu looked at him in surprise, and saw that although he was wearing a red dress, it was a man's attire, tied with three thousand blue silk and red belts, and his long and narrow red phoenix eyes were still extremely charming.

"Little lady, are you dumbfounded? Today, the young master is a man."

Could it be that you can really be a woman?Duan Yunsu rolled his eyes secretly, fortunately he and Chenchen hadn't done anything intimate, otherwise he would have watched them all.

"What are you doing here?" Duan Yunsu turned around and helped Zhao Hechen tidy up his clothes. Although he was a proton, she knew that he could run around, but breaking into her room made her very annoyed.

"What am I here for?" Ji Su straightened her boneless body when she heard the words, and then tilted down again after not being able to hold on for a while: "I don't know who took my white rabbit. I was bored, so I came to look for it." Fun."

"So that's Mr. Ji's white rabbit?" Duan Yunsu looked surprised: "I was just wondering why this nice rabbit has such a weird appearance. It turned out to be Mr. Ji's thing. The so-called The object resembles the figure of the host, this explanation is true."

Ji Su didn't understand the meaning of Duan Yunsu's words, but he didn't have the slightest strange emotion. Instead, he was even more joyful when he knocked on the melon seeds: "That's natural, my things are always unique."

Seeing people say that the white rabbit belonged to someone else, Zhao Hechen became anxious and shouted: "The rabbit is not yours, you are very bad to the rabbit, Chen'er will not give it to you."

"Hey, Xiao Chen'er, have you lost your temper? When did I treat the rabbit badly, my lord? Can you kill a fat rabbit if you don't see it?" Yunsu's goosebumps trembled.

"Young Master Ji and Chenchen know each other?" Duan Yunsu hasn't figured out how deep the relationship between the two is. Before meeting this person, he really hadn't heard Chenchen mention it once, but looking at the appearance of these two people, It seems that he doesn't want to look like he has only been in contact once or twice.

"Young lady, are you going to make me jealous? That's right, who made me look good, but I only like women."

Ji Su's words made Duan Yunsu's eyes twitch, he was just curious, when did he get jealous?

Seeing Duan Yunsu's expression, Ji Su was in a good mood, reached out and grabbed two handfuls of melon seeds, but found that the melon seeds had been eaten, sighed, clapped her hands and stood up: "My lord, I have been in Prince An for so many years, how could I not Do you know Xiao Chen'er? It's just that Xiao Chen'er turns around and runs away every time she sees me, making the young master so lonely."

(End of this chapter)

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