The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 130 Chen Disease

Chapter 130 Chen Disease (3)
"Chen'er didn't run away. It's clear that you were chasing Chen'er." Zhao Hechen pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, and put his arms around Duan Yunsu, unwilling to let go.This person is so annoying, every time he appears suddenly, it makes Chen'er jump in fright.

Duan Yunsu knew that Zhao Hechen would not lie, this person probably wanted to tease Zhao Hechen, and Zhao Hechen would run away if he was dissatisfied, so his impression of him was not good.In addition, that place is a forbidden place, and it is impossible for Chenchen to go there every day, so it is normal that he has not been mentioned.

"Master Ji, Chen'er likes this white rabbit so much, I wonder if I can give it to Chen'er?" Duan Yunsu laughed.

This thing was snatched back first, and only now did you tell him about it when you came to the door?Ji Su also smiled coquettishly at Duan Yunsu, walked forward leisurely, reached out and poked Duan Yunsu's forehead: "Little lady, is this trying to win someone's love?"

Duan Yunsu was dumbfounded by this poke, he was not familiar with him, how could this person make such a move?Zhao Hechen's reaction was even worse, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to push, stared at the other party angrily, then turned his head and wiped Duan Yunsu's forehead desperately, with an angry voice: "Don't touch Chen'er's Susu. "

That Ji Su didn't expect that Zhao Hechen, who was as soft as a white rabbit, would make a move. He was stunned for a moment, and was pushed back a step, but stood firmly again, looking at Duan Yunsu's blushed forehead, Suddenly he was happy: "Xiao Chen'er is good at temper, I'm just touching it, your wife is still yours, so why worry?"

"No! Not for half a second! Give the rabbit back to you, Chen'er doesn't want to see you!" Zhao Hechen yelled at Ji Su.

Ji Su had never seen Zhao Hechen like this before, every time he met Zhao Hechen, it was only in the forest, watching him foolishly playing with himself, he never thought that Yunsu would be like this in his heart important.He looked at Duan Yunsu thoughtfully, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "Miss Duan is very talented, but I don't know if she cares so much about Zhao Hechen?"

When he came out of that place, he was used to seeing intrigues, and when he came to Prince An's mansion, he saw this simple Zhao Hechen, who had no scheming or calculations, simple and clean, and he liked to get along with him.Ever since he learned that this Zhao Hechen had also married a wife, he had guessed more than once, which family's daughter it was, was he really going to plot against a fool?
Duan Yunsu saw that the person in front of him spoke indifferently, and he was no longer confused as before, so he couldn't help but take another look at him: "Young Master Ji has noticed how I treat Chenchen, so why bother to ask?"

Ji Su chuckled, thinking that she was too busy to keep up with things, but she didn't expect that she still cared about other people's family affairs.He only heard him say: "I heard that Miss Duan is proficient in medical science?"

Unexpectedly, this person changed the subject suddenly, Duan Yunsu was vigilant in his heart, and said: "It's not proficient, didn't you see that I haven't even cured the illness of the prince and Zhao Hechen?"

Ji Su's eyes sank, the prince was already sick to the bone, how could it be so easy, and Zhao Hechen's stupidity is not necessarily a disease, so how can we compare these two things.But the days are still early, and he doesn't need to be in a hurry, he has been in Xi Country for nearly eight years, so what if he stays longer?

Hearing this, he stopped talking, walked leisurely, saw the rabbit nest placed in the corner, and walked over without saying a word.

I saw that the rabbit's nest turned out to be a glazed round basin, with soft satin material placed on it, and a layer of flower petals sprinkled on top of it.Ji Su raised the rabbit with its small round eyes, and laughed mockingly: "Well, you're a beast, it's no wonder you're willing to go home, so life here is so comfortable?"

The white rabbit stomped on hearing the words.

But Ji Su snorted: "Master, I didn't treat you badly. Seeing that you are pregnant with a baby, I will show kindness once, and I will deal with you well later."

When Duan Yunsu saw that Ji Su was actually talking to the rabbit, he couldn't help but glanced curiously, only to see that the lazy white rabbit replied back, and was even more surprised, this rabbit must have already become a spirit!

I saw Ji Su leaving through the window after saying that, and Duan Yunsu walked to the window without even seeing a corner of him.What Princess An said is true, this Ji Su's martial arts must be extremely high, it is really strange that such a powerful person is willing to be a proton in Xi Country.

It's just that Duan Yunsu couldn't take care of anything else in his mind.

At night, Zhao Hechen said he felt dizzy and uncomfortable, Duan Yunsu reached out his hand to touch his forehead, and found that he had a fever.

Just about to feel the pulse, the servant's hand retracted, Duan Yunsu grabbed it and said: "Chenchen is sick, Susu will show you, don't be naughty, do you know?"

Zhao Hechen was full of reluctance, but he still obediently listened to Duan Yunsu's words, his eyes followed Duan Yunsu closely, unwilling to let go for a moment.

Duan Yunsu listened to his pulse, and finally let go of the anxiety in his heart. Zhao Hechen just had a low-grade fever, and there was no other abnormality, as long as he took the medicine.

She called Gu Qiu, wrote down the prescription, and explained carefully: "Go outside and grab three pairs of this medicine, and you must fry it yourself, don't let other people take advantage of it."

Gu Qiu is a little puzzled by his young lady being so careful, but it's not wrong to think about being on guard.Miss's mother was secretly changed medicine and finally died of illness, the water here in Wangfu is deeper, who knows if someone just happened to have this idea.

Gu Qiu rushed to grab the medicine when he heard the words, and Princess An over there heard the news and came over too, with a nervous expression on her face: "Yunsu, is Chen'er alright?"

"Mother, you don't have to worry too much, Chenchen is just a common fever, and it can be cured after taking a few medicines."

After hearing this, Princess An breathed a sigh of relief, but she still couldn't let go of the worries in her heart, and said, "Why is Chen'er suddenly sick?"

Duan Yunsu was also puzzled: "I have been with him today, and I have never been exposed to wind or cold. Yunsu, who has no warning, can't figure it out."

"Since you've been with him all the time, maybe I'm overthinking. It's not uncommon for some illnesses to come on suddenly, as long as they can be cured." Princess An also reached out her hand to feel Zhao Hechen's forehead. It's not too high, and the frown is loosened.

Gu Qiu quickly picked up the medicine, and Duan Yunsu opened it to take a closer look, and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he let her go out to make the medicine.Duan Yunsu turned around and looked at Zhao Hechen who had fallen asleep in a daze, and asked, "Mother, there is one thing Yunsu doesn't understand, why Chenchen doesn't seem to like others to diagnose his pulse?"

Princess An heard this with a long sigh and said: "It's also mother's fault. After Chen'er's brain broke, I was unwilling to seek medical treatment everywhere. I have had many pulse tests, but there is no progress at all. In this way, mother is also Impatient, she sheds tears secretly every day. Although Chen'er has a small mind, she also understands, and she knows in her heart that it is because after those doctors have spoken, her mother's mood has changed, and she is not willing to let the doctors come and see her every time she comes and goes."

(End of this chapter)

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