The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 134 Having a baby is a big deal

Chapter 134 Having a baby is a big deal (1)
She was thinking in her heart that Fang Yu was pregnant, and it would be great for Yunsu to be happy.Thinking of this, Princess An's whole body became energetic, as if she saw her grandson greeting her.

"Mother Li, hurry up and pack up some presents, and send a carriage to take Yunsu and Chen'er there." Princess An took Duan Yunsu's little hand, and said with a smile: "You have to watch Chen'er, if Nao Teng directly asked Mr. Song to teach him a lesson, and the president will definitely remember."

Duan Yunsu was a little confused by the sudden enthusiasm, how could he know the little idea in Princess An's heart.

Zhao Hechen was directly stuffed into the carriage by Princess An, and before leaving, he still whispered a few words in his ear, which made Duan Yunsu puzzled for a while, what was he talking about, why couldn't she know.

When the carriage slowly drove to the Song Mansion, the young servant who received the news first hurriedly opened the gate and led the two inside.

He secretly looked at the man next to Duan Yunsu, and saw that he was wearing a crescent-colored gown and high-tie hair. He acted with willfulness in his movements, handsome and handsome, and he didn't look like a half-fool.He rubbed his eyes involuntarily, for fear that he might be mistaken.

Seeing Duan Yunsu, the happiest thing was Fang Yu. When she saw Duan Yunsu's figure, she stood up and held her back, and said with a smile, "Yunsu is finally here. The last time I went to the palace It's a pity I didn't get to see you."

"Some things have been delayed, so why don't you hurry over to see my aunt?" Duan Yunsu smiled back, his eyes fell on her stomach, and said, "Is the baby okay? Let Yunsu take the pulse?"

Fang Yu stretched out her wrist when she heard the words. She heard that the fetus was unstable in the first three months, but she didn't dare to move too much. There is also a doctor in the mansion, so it is easy to ask for a safe pulse.

Duan Yunsu was very happy to hear the steady pulse, and said with a smile: "My aunt is in good health, this baby is very normal, and if I take good care of it, there will be a fat baby left."

Fang Yu stretched out his hand to caress her belly, her eyes were full of soft light, her face was rosy, she was no longer as pale and helpless as when she first met at the birthday banquet, Duan Yunsu couldn't help but sigh when she saw it, how much has been relieved by this pregnancy people's hearts.

"Where's Uncle? I don't know when you'll be back?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"I'm afraid it's too soon, it's time to come back from the palace."

The two talked happily, and Zhao Hechen who was on the side didn't see his fierce grandfather, so he was overjoyed. Seeing Fang Yujian touching his belly, he asked curiously, "Susu, what is Auntie doing?" Woolen cloth?"

Duan Yunsu said with a light smile: "My aunt is pregnant with a baby, and she will be able to come out to meet Chenchen in eight months."

Baby?Zhao Hechen stared curiously: "Then Susu, where is Chen'er's baby? Where is Chen'er's baby?"

Duan Yunsu choked, his face turned red, and Fang Yujian next to him covered his mouth and smiled softly.

"Hahaha, what baby? Yunsu, you're pregnant too?" After hearing a loud laugh, uncle Song Ping walked in, still wearing an official uniform, presumably he had just returned from the palace.

Duan Yunsu is embarrassing, where did this baby come from? It's not that Zhao Hechen was yelling here in surprise.

"How good is the baby today? Are you making a fuss?" Song Ping stroked Fang Yu's stomach and asked with concern.

Fang Yuyan pulled off his hand with some embarrassment, there is still someone here, why is he so affectionate: "Today is fine, the child has always been very good."

"In my opinion, it's better to invite the mother-in-law to stay here for a few days. There is no experienced elder in the house, and I'm afraid the nanny you invite is not dedicated enough. You should be careful at this time."

Fang Yu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, if she could invite her mother, then she would be taken care of in everything, and someone would point out the taboos, she would be very happy.It's just that on the side of my natal family, is my mother free to do it?Fang Yu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I think it's better to forget it. Mother is busy, so let's hire two more experienced nuns."

"You don't have to worry about this matter, I will arrange it myself, and you just take good care of the baby." Song Ping came to a conclusion directly, and helped her sit down gently, her cautious appearance showed the tension in her heart.

Duan Yunsu felt a sweetness in his heart when he saw the two getting close.The uncle and uncle were able to have this child, and the persistence between the two has also been affirmed, and the grandfather doesn't have to worry too much when he is old.

"Yunsu has been married for a while, but do you plan to have a child as soon as possible?" Song Ping asked, looking at Duan Yunsu who was sitting properly.

"This... Yunsu thinks it's better to let it go." Duan Yunsu stammered.

Seeing that Duan Yunsu looked embarrassed, Song Ping stopped asking.But no, everything depends on fate, the child will come when it is time.

"Susu Susu, why does my aunt have a baby, but Susu doesn't have a baby?" Zhao Hechen opened his eyes wide and asked innocently. voila.Huh?Where is the baby? Why didn't Chen'er see the baby in her stomach?

Seeing Zhao Hechen's appearance, Song Ping smiled loudly and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely have a baby if you get married, as long as you are always intimate... ouch."

"In front of Yunsu, there's no taboo in speaking." Fang Yu pinched him and said with a coquettish stare.

Duan Yunsu smiled dryly, Fang Yujian looked at her embarrassing expression, and suddenly became a little puzzled.Yunsu used to like to tease others before, but he never got angry, why is he showing such an expression today?The more Fang Yu thought about it, the more wrong it became, and he couldn't help but look carefully, only to see that Duan Yunsu's face was ruddy, and his body should be well-groomed, but his brows were not as shy as a newlywed's, let alone as coquettish as a post-mortem. .

Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, could it be that the two are still in the same room?
"Yunsu, you..." As soon as the words were on the lips, Fang Yu was suddenly embarrassed. She leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Yunsu, tell Auntie honestly, you and Zhao Hechen haven't married yet?"

Duan Yunsu was taken aback: "Auntie, how do you know?"

Seeing that the idea in his heart was confirmed, Fang Yu couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. He reached out and poked her on the forehead, and said angrily, "I think you are usually very smart, why are you so confused about this matter?"

"Don't poke Susu, Susu will hurt, Chen'er, please." Zhao Hechen put his arms around Duan Yunsu directly, pouting his red lips and really blowing, his eyes full of seriousness.Such an intimate gesture made Duan Yunsu a little embarrassed.

Fang Yu looked at the two of them with a look of indignation.Isn't this a good time?Since they are all married, why did they miss that step?I am not afraid that my mother-in-law will have opinions.

No, Yunsu hasn't been raised by a mother since she was a child, so as an aunt, he must talk to her properly.

(End of this chapter)

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