The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 135 Having a baby is a big deal

Chapter 135 Having a baby is a big deal (2)
Song Ping didn't hear the two whispering words, but seeing his wife tell Yunsu, he was puzzled: "What's wrong? What did you two say again?"

Fang Yu stared at Song Cheng directly, and even he complained. When he got married, he should have let her go and teach Yunsu about men and women, but he said he wanted to take care of the face of the general's mansion!
Song Ping was stared at inexplicably, thinking that her temper had become much weirder since she became pregnant, so she touched her nose and didn't speak, just accepting it.

Seeing her husband in such a daze, Fang Yu felt very unhappy.She directly whispered a few words into her husband's ear, and winked in Zhao Hechen's direction, sitting and waiting for her husband's response.

Song Ping was surprised at the beginning, but now he is a little embarrassed. Seeing his wife waiting leisurely, he put on a smiling face towards Zhao Hechen and said, "Chenchen, how about we go out and talk? Yunsu wants to talk to uncle Mother whispers, let us big men talk about big men."

Big man topic?Duan Yunsu looked at the appearance of his uncle and aunt just now, and he had already guessed in his heart, and he was very ashamed and annoyed.It's really annoying to make people worry about her husband and wife.

She touched Zhao Hechen's head, looked at those black bright and pure eyes, and couldn't help but soften her voice: "Chenchen will stay with uncle for a while, Susu will go to you later, okay?"

Zhao Hechen twisted his body unwillingly, pursed his mouth, and glanced at Song Ping, but found Duan Yunsu's disapproving gaze, so he had to stand up with a bit of resentment.

Watching the two of them go out, without waiting for Fang Yu to speak, Duan Yunsu said, "Auntie, I understand what you mean, but we can't blame Yunsu for this..."

"Don't blame you, who do you blame?" Fang Yujian would not be fooled by her appearance: "Knowing that your husband is in such a situation, you still need to take the initiative in this matter, otherwise how long do you want to delay?"

Unexpectedly, even his aunt helped Zhao Hechen to speak, Duan Yunsu said hesitantly: "Yunsu took the initiative, on the wedding day..."

"And then, why didn't it work?"

"Master, he fell asleep..."

"Then what happened later, you have been with him for so many days, is it possible that there will never be a chance?" Fang Yu did not expect to let her go.

Duan Yunsu choked, and said, "Yunsu was prepared on the day of the wedding, but then he lost the courage..."

"You, you." Fang Yujian looked at Duan Yunsu's shy look, and said bluntly: "Look at you, you were always bold in the past, what are you afraid of? I don't care about Auntie, if you haven't met with me this month Zhao Hechen is in the same room, so we will take you two out of the palace, believe it or not, I will lock you two directly in the room, I don't think the princess will blame her."

Duan Yunsu was embarrassed.

The death order was issued here, and when the two men came back, Song Ping smiled wryly at Fang Yu, with helplessness on his face.This niece and son-in-law are really powerful, no wonder it didn't work out, maybe Princess An is even more sad than him?Ugh……

The two returned home in a carriage, Duan Yunsu blushed slightly, and looked at Zhao Hechen from time to time.Zhao Hechen only thought that Susu like this was really fun, so he stretched out his hand and pushed her away, imitating Duan Yunsu's kiss, and kissed her heartily for a while.Duan Yunsu was taken aback by Zhao Hechen's increasingly sophisticated kissing skills, and stretched out his hand to push away the handsome face that came in again.

This guy is a quick learner.

"Chenchen, don't make a fuss, you're almost home." Duan Yunsu helped her slightly messy bun, sat upright and said.

Zhao Hechen didn't follow her, the lady was so sweet and soft, she couldn't bear to let go.He blinked his eyes, looked at Duan Yunsu's rosy lips, his heart itched, and he spontaneously leaned forward again.

The carriage stopped suddenly, Zhao Hechen lost his balance, and slapped Duan Yunsu's lips violently, Duan Yunsu only felt a pain coming from his lips, without even thinking about it, this fellow bit her again .

Now it's all right, the corners of his lips swelled up, and Duan Yunsu was overjoyed.Is this idiot doing it on purpose? How do I get out of the car with my appearance?

"Miss, the palace is here." The maid outside the car announced.

"Understood." Duan Yunsu replied lightly, looking at Zhao Hechen's silly face, his deep black eyes were just looking at her like this, the small look of his eyes really made Duan Yunsu unable to get angry, and directly from Jumped off the car.

"Miss, wait for Chen'er, Chen'er didn't bite Susu on purpose." Zhao Hechen got out of the car while yelling, and Sa Yazi caught up with Duan Yunsu, and she didn't want to let go.

The remaining maids and guards stared, what did the young master say, did they hear correctly?So it turned out that the young master they were stupefied with was the one who took the initiative?Ouch, the young master is really amazing!

When I returned to the mansion, I wanted to pay my respects to Princess An. Seeing Duan Yunsu's appearance, the princess was very happy. Her son is still very good, so let's make persistent efforts. This grandson will come out sooner or later.

Seeing the smile on Princess An's face, and remembering what his aunt had said to her, Duan Yunsu felt that life would not be easy in the future.And look at her husband, he didn't know what to do, she was the only one who was nervous, the pressure was really layer upon layer.

The small days in the palace were peaceful, but there seemed to be some disturbances in the court.When Duan Yunsu heard that the crown prince was reprimanded and withdrew his right to assist in state affairs, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Is this news true?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"That's right, the prince is also thinking of the common people, but I didn't expect that there would always be some people stirring up trouble." Gu Qiu was a little furious when he heard the news.She doesn't understand the affairs of the court, but the prince is kind to the uncle and the young lady. Now seeing the prince being reprimanded, she always feels unhappy.

Duan Yunsu narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect someone to care so much about Poppy, if it's purely because he doesn't like the prince and wants to make trouble, it's fine, but if it's planned by someone with a heart, it's really dangerous.The prince has always acted properly, why is the emperor reacting like this now?

Why do the turmoil in the DPRK always stop and start again?I think that was why she went to Jiangzhou that day, and her grandfather just said that there was something wrong with the court, but now this is going to cause another disturbance?For some reason, Duan Yunsu always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and always felt that something would happen to the court.

"Then what will the prince do now?" Duan Yunsu said as he fiddled with the teacup on the table.

"This servant has never inquired about it. I heard that the prince has been in the East Palace, and the emperor asked him to re-learn the book of scriptures." Gu Qiu paused, and continued: "Miss, I heard that King Cheng has entered the capital. I want to be permanently stationed in Beijing.”

Become king?She is not familiar with this person.Duan Yunsu's head is light, it is really unpredictable that this king who has sealed off the land can still stay in Beijing.

The matter in the court is really complicated, Duan Yunsu turned his head and glanced at Zhao Hechen who was seriously painting, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.If Zhao Hechen was a normal person, he would definitely be involved in this turmoil. The status of Prince An's Mansion itself is special.I only hope that the court is safe and secure, so that she can live on in her small life.Only Cathay Pacific can ensure the safety of the people, and now she has a deep understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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