The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 136 Having a baby is a big deal

Chapter 136 Having a baby is a big deal (3)
Prince An is the head of the family, so he still has to think of a way to get rid of one or two of his illnesses.In case something really happened, there was also a backbone in Prince An's mansion.

"Young Madam, please go over there." Juyue came in from the outside and reported.

Duan Yunsu's thoughts paused halfway, and he put aside all the doubts and guesses in his heart just now, and asked, "What is your mother looking for me for?"

"The wife and young lady of Dali Temple Minister Yang are here. The princess wants the young lady to go out to meet the guests."

Duan Yunsu immediately got up when he heard the words, married into Prince An's mansion, and must also learn how to communicate in the mansion.Mr. Yang has never heard of it, so what is his relationship with the palace?

In the front hall, Princess An and Mrs. Yang were chatting happily, only to hear Princess An say: "Mrs. Yang, I haven't seen you for a long time. This princess has to take care of the trivial matters in the house, and I really don't have time to go out let's go."

Mrs. Yang smiled when she heard the words: "Didn't you marry a new wife, princess? Let her learn to run the house by the way, and you also have time to rest."

"I also have this idea, but you also know that this newcomer has just entered the house, so let her spend more time with Chen'er, so I can hug my grandson earlier."

Mrs. Yang covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Princess, are you in a hurry? Young Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao are still young, and it is not easy to have a child. I am afraid that there will be too many children, and you will not be able to take care of them." .”

Princess An loves to hear these words, if there are more grandchildren, the mansion will not be deserted.Thinking about it this way, the smile on Princess An's eyebrows became even stronger.

"Look at the two of us, we are just talking, and your girl has been left out in the cold." Princess An looked at Miss Yang who was sitting upright, and saw that she was wearing a long emerald green dress with pearls inserted diagonally in her bun The jasper hairpin, the crescent eyebrows are swept away, the eyes are downcast, and the face looks a little reserved.

"Qi'er is a little nervous when she sees the princess for the first time." Mrs. Yang said with a light smile.

"When Yunsu comes over, these two are about the same age, so they can let go if they want." Princess An looked out the door and asked, "Mother Li, why hasn't this Yunsu come here yet?"

"Mother, Yunsu is here, and I kept you waiting for a long time." Hearing a clear and beautiful voice, everyone looked up, and saw Duan Yunsu walking in from the door, moving lightly with lotus steps. Then he stood in front of the crowd and bowed to Mrs. Yang: "I've seen Mrs. Yang."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Yang Yuqi who was next to him, and said, "Hello, sister Yang."

Yang Yuqi hurriedly got up and returned the gift.

"My concubine is very lucky. Look at this man, he looks really good. I heard that he has good medical skills, but he really envies the eyes of others." Madam Yang sighed.

Princess An smiled lightly and said: "I think your Qi'er is very good, there is no need for Mrs. Yang to envy others."

Mrs. Yang forced a smile. Her daughter looks pretty good, but if this physical problem can't be cured, no one will look down on her.

"Princess, since Yunsu is here, I might as well just say it straight. I came to the palace today to ask your young lady to treat my Qi'er."

Princess An glanced at Yang Yuqi when she heard the words, and saw that there was nothing wrong with her normal face, she said: "The relationship between my palace and the Yang family has never been shallow, and if Yunsu can help in this matter, naturally it will not be too late." I'll shirk it. I'm just curious, why didn't Ms. Yang just go outside to find a doctor when she was sick?"

Mrs. Yang was overjoyed at first when she heard the words, but then she said in embarrassment: "The affairs of this daughter's family are always a bit inconvenient for the doctors outside. Besides, Qi'er is now at the age of marriage, so there should be no rumors."

In this way, Princess An fully understood that there are many taboos about this daughter's family, and it just so happens that Yunsu is a woman, so it is easier to speak.

When Duan Yunsu saw what the concubine said, he followed her words and said with a smile: "Then Yunsu will help Sister Yang to take a look. If Yunsu has a way, he will definitely do his best."

She walked up to Yang Yuqi, whose head seemed to be lowered even lower, and his eyes flickered with worry.Duan Yunsu also understands that some people are really ashamed to talk about this woman's illness, but she has nothing to do if she doesn't explain her illness clearly.Duan Yunsu asked softly: "Sister Yang, maybe tell me about your illness? Yunsu also has a better understanding."

Yang Yuqi faltered, blushing slightly, as if embarrassed.Seeing this, Mrs. Yang became anxious, so she spoke out on her behalf: "Qi'er's menstruation is considered normal, but for some reason, it has been more than three months, but this menstruation has not happened again, and she has taken a lot of supplements. The medicine for the body has not been cured."

When Duan Yunsu heard this, he already had a general idea in mind.This is a normal menstrual cycle, if you do not have menstruation for more than three consecutive months, it is secondary amenorrhea. Yang Yuqi is just before puberty, this situation is also normal, and it can be cured with conditioning.

"Sister Yang, stretch out your hand."

Yang Yuqi stretched out her hand according to the words, and saw that the hand was white and delicate but a little thin. Duan Yunsu took the pulse and heard the pulse condition was deep and weak. Then he saw that his tongue was pale, less mossy, and his face was white, so he asked: "Sister Yang, can you still do it?" Feeling dizzy and tinnitus? Guess your waist and legs are often sore, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Yuqi raised her head, glanced at Duan Yunsu, quickly lowered her head, and hummed softly.

Duan Yunsu looked at her and said with a smile: "Sister Yang, this illness is not considered a serious illness. It can be cured after taking medicine and conditioning. You don't have to feel inferior. If you adjust your mentality better, it will be easier to recover."

The people present were overjoyed when they heard the words, and Madam Yang was even more excited. If the menstrual event does not come, it will affect the woman's fertility. It is precisely because of this that she dare not invite outside doctors casually.Unexpectedly, Mrs. Zhao, who is so young today, said that it is not difficult to treat, so can she really let go of her long-term worries?

Yang Yuqi's eyes brightened slightly, and when he looked up and saw Duan Yunsu's confident smile, he let go of the worries he had been having all along.She only heard her ask softly: "Sister Yunsu, is my illness really not serious?"

Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows: "You've already called me elder sister, do I still want to scare you? You can't think too much in the future, it's not good for your health if you're too nervous. If you can, you can stay in the yard often If you walk around, your health will be better and your illness will be less.”

The maid next to her handed over the pen and ink, and Duan Yunsu wrote down Shudi, yam, Eucommia, Cuscuta, Caulis Spatholobus, Poria cocos and Angelica, etc., and marked four coins each, and handed it to Mrs. Yang, saying: "This medicine is sold every day." One dose a day, come back after seven days, and Yunsu will show you."

Mrs. Yang looked at the prescription, and saw that there were some common herbs on it, but she didn't keep using nourishing and expensive things like ginseng like those doctors before.She doesn't understand this thing, but seeing that this prescription is different from the usual ones, it must be effective, right?After all, the previous ones did not see much effect after drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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