The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 144 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten

Chapter 144 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten (4)
"Hey, Chenchen, don't be angry, can Susu take you back?" Duan Yunsu coaxed softly, and put his arms around his body. Sure enough, Zhao Hechen shook his body a few more times, and passed out like this !
Duan Yunsu's eyes sank, and Princess An was shocked when she saw it, and hurried over to support him, her voice trembling with nervousness: "Yunsu, what's wrong with Chen'er?"

Duan Yunsu's face turned slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Mother, I'll explain it to you when I get back."

Zhao Hechen, who was originally domineering, fell down as soon as he said it. Concubine Wen groaned in her heart. After all, she was just a useless fool. She must have been deluded just now, and was actually bluffed by him: "Princess, you Did you leave like this? Qi Er didn't give me an explanation for his injury?"

"Explanation?" Duan Yunsu sneered: "Zhao Heqi wanted to murder Yunsu, and I'm waiting for an explanation. Concubine Wen, don't worry, I will come to the door sooner or later."

Princess An and Duan Yunsu Zhao Hechen went back, behind the rockery, a red shadow came out leisurely, blocking in front of Concubine Wen.

"Who are you!" Concubine Wen was shocked.

"Who am I?" Ji Su smiled: "Isn't Concubine Wen planning to plan the palace, the news should be clear, how come she doesn't even know me."

Concubine Wen looked at the hostile look of the other party, and was secretly startled. This man talks like this, but has such a great connection with the palace?Why didn't I find out any news.

Zhao Heqi, who was behind, had already sobered up. Seeing that the person in front of him was looking at him with disdainful eyes, he was furious.I was beaten by a fool just now, and I was already humiliated, but now there is an inexplicable person who wants to see his joke?
Zhao Heqi's expression became ruthless, and he stretched out his hand to attack Ji Su. The latter's eyes sank, and his hands flashed. Then Zhao Heqi felt another pain in his chest, and a gust of blood gushed up his throat, and he fell down on the ground. land.He withdrew his hand, drawing a perfect arc on the bright red sleeves, and said lightly: "You want to touch me? You don't even look at yourself."

Then Zhao Heqi was shocked, this person is actually quite skillful!When did such a powerful person come out of the palace, if they became the help there, it would be troublesome.

"Young master, I'm being rude. He Qi will definitely come to apologize some other day..." Before Zhao Heqi finished speaking, Ji Su directly interrupted him with a wave of his sleeve.

"Look at you, I really don't have the desire to talk, young master, so you don't have to worry about it. What is my identity, young master, as for hooking up with you?"

Zhao Heqi's eyes flashed fiercely when he heard this.

Ji Su has been in Prince An's Mansion for more than eight years, so she knows the situation of the Prince's Mansion, Zhao Heqi's meaning couldn't be more obvious.But how could he agree, he found something more interesting.

Ji Su narrowed her eyes and looked in the direction of Duan Yunsu and the others, and suddenly smiled charmingly.He didn't expect to come here today, what a coincidence, he didn't see what happened in front of him, but he happened to see Zhao Hechen's astonishing appearance, it was really surprising.This Zhao Hechen's ability to beat people is not small, shouldn't he guide him well, he looks talented, don't waste that energy.

Beating people or something is really the most fun.

Ji Su curled her lips into a smile, and disappeared into the garden in an instant. Zhao Heqi looked at the corner of the red clothes, his eyes dimmed and dimmed, and he didn't know what to think.

In Chaojin Courtyard, Zhao Hechen lay on the bed and passed out. Duan Yunsu stepped forward to check his pulse, but he did not loosen his brows.When Princess An saw it, she felt even more nervous.From her point of view, Yunsu's medical skills are much better than other doctors, with this expression, but Chen'er's condition is not very good?
"Yunsu, what's wrong with Chen'er?" Princess An asked worriedly.

"I fainted for a while, but I can wake up after lying down for a while." Duan Yunsu tucked in the quilt for Zhao Hechen and stood up.

"Yunsu, why did Chen'er look like that today?" She was startled when she saw it today. Although Chen'er is stupid, she has always been very well-behaved. Didn't she often get bullied because of this in the past? Such a big temper like today.

Duan Yunsu sighed and said: "Mother, Yunsu has seen Chenchen in such a situation several times, probably because he saw Yunsu being bullied, and became so agitated when he was stimulated."

She took a look at Princess An and saw that the latter was not unusual, and then said: "Chenchen just taught the other party a few times domineeringly, and he can recover after calling out, but these two times, he is not the same. Yunsu is a little worried about fainting."

When Princess An heard this, her heart tightened and her eyes felt hot.She saw it just now, Zhao Hechen fell down without warning, but what happened to his body?Chen'er's mind is not good anymore, if there is any accident, how will she live?
"Mother, there is one thing Yunsu doesn't know, I hope mother can tell Yunsu the truth." Duan Yunsu frowned and said, "Chenchen's body has been poisoned? It was Yunsu who picked him up in Jiangzhou at that time." The pulse condition is not normal, but recently the pulse condition is extremely stable as if nothing happened. Today Yunsu took the pulse, but vaguely found something wrong. "

Princess An was shocked, there is such a thing, Chen'er usually looks healthy, why is this pulse condition so abnormal?I just heard her say: "Mother has been with Chen'er all this time, logically speaking it wouldn't be the case, but if it was really done by someone with a heart, how could we easily find out? Besides, even if it is a chronic poison, after so many years, Chen'er My son's health should be bad."

Even Princess An didn't know about it, so it was very difficult.What Princess An said was also reasonable. If she knew that Zhao Hechen was in poor health, she would definitely seek medical treatment everywhere, so how should Zhao Hechen's situation be explained.

"Little lady, why bother so much? The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. The more you think about it, the less you can find the answer. Why don't you come and have fun with me first?"

Who else could speak in such a tone, Duan Yunsu didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Ji Su who had come.Seeing the man in red slam the object on the table with a "bang", Duan Yunsu looked up.

There were a few books lying on the table. She looked at Ji Su suspiciously, but saw his eyebrows raised: "Young lady, you forgot it so quickly? This is the book I found for you, my lord. Are you going to ask for it?" How to thank me?"

Duan Yunsu remembered it all at once. At first, she thought that this man was just talking so casually, but she didn't expect his movements to be surprisingly fast.It was only the second day, and the book was brought over.Duan Yunsu walked over and flipped through it casually, looking at the seal of the Palace Zhongyuan Pavilion on the book, the corners of his eyes twitched.Did this person really steal the book out of the palace like this?
But she is not in the mood to watch it now, Zhao Hechen's situation is tugging at her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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