The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 145 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten

Chapter 145 Chen went crazy, Qi was beaten (5)
On the contrary, Princess An was not calm anymore. She looked at Duan Yunsu, then at Ji Su who was standing aside, frowned and said, "When did Mr. Ji get so familiar with Yunsu? This book is written by Yunsu." I asked you to find it?"

Ji Su raised her sword eyebrows when she heard the words, and said with a coquettish smile: "I'm familiar with it after a while, and I picked this book specially for Yunsu."

Duan Yunsu's forehead twitched when he heard the words, is this person pretending not to understand the meaning of Princess An's words?If you don't speak well, you want to secretly add to the chaos.

"Mother, Chenchen's rabbit belongs to Mr. Ji, so Mr. Ji will often come to find Chen'er. The book contains some things that Yunsu wants to learn. Since it is hard to find outside, so Mr. Ji asks Mr. Ji to help. After finishing speaking, Duan Yunsu gave Ji Su a sneaky look.

Princess An nodded, and said: "Mother is just curious. It is also great that Mr. Ji can come here often to have a company with Chen'er. The prince woke up, and it is time for someone to serve you. Mother, go there first. By the way, when Chen'er wakes up, remember to tell mother."

Duan Yunsu naturally should be, she saw the figure of Princess An going away, then remembered the injured Tingzhu, and hurried out.

In the side room where the maid was resting, Ting Zhu was lying on the bed with a pale face, his brows were tightly furrowed, his face was struggling and uneasy, he must have been haunted by a nightmare.Duan Yunsu found the ointment for her to put on, and said softly to Tinghe beside him, "You will stay with Tingzhu these few days, don't let her do something stupid. The Tingyue sent by the princess in the yard, Let her wait in the house for a few days first."

Ting He hurriedly wrote it down, and then said with some concern: "Miss, will there be a scar on Sister Tingzhu's forehead?"

How important this woman's appearance is, Duan Yunsu understood this, and said: "Be careful these days, don't infect the wound, I will make some better ointment, Tingzhu will not ruin her appearance. "

Hearing what he said, he felt relieved: "Miss, hurry up and accompany the young master, Ting He is here to watch."

Duan Yunsu came back from there very quickly, and Ji Su was sitting on a chair outside, drinking tea leisurely, looking at Zhao Hechen on the bed from time to time, and then falling on Duan Yunsu.

I saw Duan Yunsu sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out his hand to touch Zhao Hechen's forehead, although he didn't know why, Zhao Hechen obviously just fainted, so he shouldn't be so nervous?Looking at Duan Yunsu's tightly knit eyebrows, the worry and concentration on his face made him feel envious suddenly.

A fool is really blessed, but because God took away his IQ, why did he send a woman who cared about him so much by his side?
Zhao Hechen woke up an hour later, as if he had taken a nap, opened his eyes and looked at Duan Yunsu beside him, and called softly: "My lady."

Duan Yunsu was also overjoyed, seeing that his expression was the same, his eyes bright, he finally felt relieved and said, "What's wrong with Chen'er?"

The latter shook his head, Ji Su stretched his waist when he saw it and said: "I said, little lady, you are worried too much, maybe this little Chen'er just fell asleep, and you are so nervous."

Duan Yunsu ignored that person, his husband must take care of him, but you are not envious if you are alone.

Then I heard Ji Su say: "I was in the garden just now, and I saw Xiao Chen'er's reaction. I also heard what you said to Princess An in the room, but I want you to find someone to inquire about it." , What happened to Zhao Hechen?"

Duan Yunsu turned around in surprise, and looked at Ji Su with complicated eyes: "Master Ji, why did you help me?"

And that book, why did you find it for her so hard?
"If you say I've taken a fancy to you, my lord..." Ji Su pursed her lips and smiled, her slightly narrowed Danfeng eyes also contained a smile, which was truly alluring.

Seeing a white shadow approaching in front of her eyes, Ji Su stretched out her hand to block it, looked at the pillow that had fallen on the floor, then looked up at Zhao Hechen on the bed, raised her eyebrows.

"Susu belongs to Chen'er, no one is allowed to like it." Zhao Hechen bit his lip stubbornly, looked at Ji Su with a little more guarded eyes, and accused angrily.

"Mr. Ji should be more taboo when speaking, be careful that Chen'er beats you up." Duan Yunsu gloated from the side.

With a smile on her eyes, Ji Su held her chin and said casually: "Look, young lady, I have already told you not to worry. Look at Xiao Chen'er, how energetic she looks."

You have all the strength to attack him, haven't you all recovered?
"I'm just saying casually, my son is extremely handsome, but as for falling in love with a married woman?" Ji Susao stood up and touched her face twice, twisted her body and sighed: "I don't know when the time will come." Where can I find someone who is more beautiful than my young master, I really feel so sad for my young master."

The corner of Duan Yunsu's mouth twitched.

At this moment, Lanyue from outside the door came in looking for an opportunity, glanced at Gu Qiu who was not looking well, and said with a smile: "Master, the rabbit is born."

Rabbit born?Zhao Hechen was startled, and reacted slowly, let out a joyful "Yeah", lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed.

Duan Yunsu pulled him back and said: "Chenchen, you have to put on your clothes first when you go out, and you forgot?"

Zhao Hechen scratched his head, smiled, and winked at Duan Yunsu flatteringly: "Susu is here, Chen'er doesn't need to remember."

After a chestnut was rewarded, Zhao Hechen rubbed the forehead that was knocked, and complained: "Madam, Chen'er is right, Susu will help Chen'er get dressed anyway, why should Chen'er remember..."

Ji Su who was next to him laughed and bewitched, "Xiao Chen'er, in fact, in front of your wife, it's okay not to wear it."

Duan Yunsu gave Ji Su a gouged look, isn't this teaching the child badly: "Chenchen listens to Susu or Xiaoji?"

"Of course I listen to my wife. Little Jiji is so bad, she always wants to bully Chen'er." Zhao Hechen replied without thinking, and Duan Yunsu felt comforted in his heart. Today I feel very cute.

Ji Su, who was nicknamed "Little Ji Ji" affectionately, felt the veins on his forehead twitch again and again, and he endured it so that he didn't have the urge to throw the cup in his hand. Such a beautiful name of his own was accidentally picked up by Zhao Hechen. ruined?
"Master, the rabbit has given birth to five rabbits, do you want your servant to help make a new nest?" Lanyue said seeing that Zhao Hechen hadn't moved.

On one side, Ji Su's depression had no place to let go, so someone ran out without winking, and just happened to bump into him.Ji Su squinted at Lanyue: "Where is the ugly girl? Yunsu, what kind of eyes do you put in the room?"

It was the first time that Lanyue was said so. Although she was not as beautiful as the young lady, she was a bit more beautiful than other maids, so she became an ugly girl.Her face turned pale and then red, red and then white, she bit her lip and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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