The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 150 The Palace Banquet

Chapter 150 The Palace Banquet (1)
Zhao Hechen seemed to be very happy with this pair of jade pendants, he reached out and took out one, and pulled Duan Yunsu to tie it around her waist, but he couldn't figure out how to do it crookedly for a long time, frowning in secret annoyance.

Duan Yunsu chuckled, reached out to take it and fastened it on, and helped him put it on as well.The fellow grinned in satisfaction, and then remembered to thank the gift giver: "Mr. Xie, Chen'er likes it so much."

This kid, does he know to call him Master at this time?Yu Ranzhou shook his head amusedly: "Since I like it, then Master asks you for a painting, Chen'er, would you like it?"

"Why not?" Princess An smiled and said, "Chen'er used to paint, and you are his husband. It's not easy to ask for a painting."

"That's not what I said. I don't know if Princess An is here. Now, someone is willing to ask for a thousand taels of silver for your son's paintings." Yu Ranzhou stroked his beard with a look of relief. The students he taught Being so promising, I must be proud of myself as a master.

"What else?" Princess An was taken aback. When did Chen'er's paintings be worth this price? She looked at the paintings in the study every day, but she didn't see anything special about them.

Duan Yunsu remembered that some time ago, Gu Qiu had reported that someone wanted Zhao Hechen's painting, but he refused without further ado. Could it be that person this time?
"Sir, but someone asked you to ask for a painting? How did that person know that this painting was made by Zhao Hechen?" Duan Yunsu wondered. When he sent the painting to be framed, there was no painting left on the painting. identity of the person.

Yu Ranzhou narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "That person is an old friend of mine. He once said that the eldest lady in the general's mansion had a painting and liked it very much, but you can't do anything if you don't want to. That person will imitate it according to his impression when he goes back. When the old man took a look, he knew that it was written by Zhao Hechen, and the eldest lady of the general's mansion married Chen'er, so the old man concluded."

It turned out to be like this, Duan Yunsu nodded: "It's just that Chenchen's time to learn to paint is not as good as those famous painters, so how is it worth the high price of [-] taels."

"This Yunsu thinks a little less. Painting and playing have the same effect. The state in his heart can be integrated into that painting. Chen'er has a simple mind, and the paintings he makes are neither impetuous nor ostentatious, and are not ostentatious by the world. Defiled hearts can naturally create paintings that touch people's hearts."

Duan Yunsu looked at Zhao Hechen who was playing with the jade pendant around his waist, his eyes were soft, it was God who took away one thing, but gave him another talent.

"Gu Qiu, go back to your room and get some of Chenchen's paintings, and let Master choose one." Duan Yunsu said.

After a while, the painting was brought over, Yu Ranzhou opened a pair casually, his eyes lit up and said: "Chen'er has never slackened these days, right? This technique is much more refined, and you can see it in this painting. Showing warmth, compared with the past, but there is another layer. "

Duan Yunsu also leaned over to look at the painting, but what was painted on the rice paper was the hibiscus flower in Muqing Courtyard.The blooming flowers were so lifelike, she couldn't learn where Mr. Yu could see the warmth, but the whole painting was very comfortable to look at, and she couldn't help but think of the prince and princess smiling at each other that day.

Yu Ranzhou took out another pair casually, opened it, and couldn't help laughing, looking at Duan Yunsu with a smile and narrow eyes: "It turns out that Chen'er's progress can be attributed to the young lady."

Duan Yunsu was embarrassed when he heard the words.It turned out that what Mr. Yu was holding was the portrait that Zhao Hechen had made for her. The woman was smiling, and she was even more charming as she lay on the couch.

Her paintings have obviously been put away separately, so why are they here.Duan Yunsu blushed slightly, brought it over uncomfortably, rolled it up and handed it to Gu Qiu.

"Mister, do you like it? If not, Yunsu will go and exchange some." Duan Yunsu was a little embarrassed, so he changed the subject.

"It's this one." Yu Ranzhou took out one of the landscape paintings, in which is the misty smoke willow in Jiangzhou, the gentle beauty is very tempting: "Chen'er, take this for the teacher, Would Chen'er be willing?"

When Zhao Hechen heard this, he became a little anxious. He stared and remained silent, but he could see his reluctance through his tightly pursed lips.How could it be, these paintings were drawn by him for Susu, and he didn't want to give them to anyone except Susu.But the old man taught him a lot, Chen'er will definitely be angry if he doesn't give it to the old man...

Duan Yunsu saw through the tangled expression of this fellow, and she whispered a few words in Zhao Hechen's ear, and the man pursed his lips, and murmured resentfully: "Master can take whatever he wants, Chen'er is fine."

Yu Ranzhou was very surprised when he heard the words, what did Yunsu say, this kid changed his mind in a blink of an eye?

Three days later there will be a palace banquet, and because of the visits from other countries, this banquet is much more grand than usual.In previous years, besides the emperor's relatives, the important ministers of the court attended the banquet, but this year is a little different. I heard that the ministers attending the banquet will also bring their sons and daughters with them.

Duan Yunsu smelled something unusual. The meeting of the four countries was originally a very solemn and solemn event, so it seemed a bit casual to bring the minister's children.

"Gu Qiu, go to the General's Mansion and give this letter to Third Sister." Duan Yunsu has not forgotten the important event in Duan Yunrong's life, and this matter cannot be delayed any longer, so he will send the letter today so that she can do it too There is a preparation.

Prince An was ill, so he couldn't go to the banquet; Princess An took care of the prince wholeheartedly, and didn't want to leave Prince An's presence.But this feast is different from others, the majestic prince's mansion cannot be attended by no one, so Princess An asked Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen to go together.Juyue often followed her in and out of these occasions, and she understood many things, so she was sent to Duan Yunsu's side.

Gu Qiu retreated with the letter, and Duan Yunsu turned to Tingyue and said, "Tingyue stays in the courtyard and watches, and no one can let anyone in or out."

Zhao Hechen, who was beside him, looked at his attire, and seemed a little impatient: "Madam, it's okay not to go, Chen'er doesn't like wearing so many clothes."

Entering the palace today, you must dress up.Zhao Hechen was wearing a purple silk-trimmed gown with a jade belt around his waist and a high bun. On his sharp-edged face, a pair of dark eyes were charmingly deep; , her thin lips were pursed impatiently, without the innocence of the past, and there was a kind of nobility and elegance in her whole body.

"Chenchen is so handsome today, Susu will be amazed." Duan Yunsu looked at his imposing appearance, smiled at him, and his eyes flickered.

Just as Zhao Hechen was about to tear off his clothes, his cheeks bulged slightly.Well, Susu likes it, so Chen'er will continue to wear it...

He looked at the sweet smile on Duan Yunsu's face, and the inadvertently charming look on his brow moved his heart. Before he could think about it, his head was lowered, and his lips were as delicate as cherries.

(End of this chapter)

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