The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 151 The Palace Banquet

Chapter 151 The Palace Banquet (2)
Gently licking and teasing made one's mind sway, Duan Yunsu was bewitched by the focus in his eyes, opened his mouth lightly, and stretched out his arms to greet him.

After some entanglement, the woman panted slightly, pushing his chest with her slender hands, her face blushing.She looked at the rouge stained on the corners of Zhao Hechen's lips, and with a smile in her eyes, she took out a handkerchief and gently wiped it off for him.Zhao Hechenjun's face was also slightly red, seeing her smiling happily, he also pursed his lips into a smile.

Duan Yunsu turned his head and glanced at the bronze mirror, took out the lip balm and sipped it lightly to make up for the makeup that had faded away.Juyue came in at this time and said: "Young Madam, it's getting late, it's time to enter the palace."

The two walked to the second door, and happened to see a doctor coming out with a medicine box on his back, and there was a maid beside her who was sending her off. It was Bi Xiao who was beside Concubine Wen.

Several people met, the old doctor saw their attire, bowed and saluted, but Bi Xiao looked at them with a bit of resentment in his eyes: "Young master and madam are you going out?"

Juyue came out from behind and said, "Sister Bixiao, who is this doctor for?"

Seeing Juyue coming out, Bixiao snorted coldly: "Sister Juyue, is she pretending to be confused? The Eldest Young Master injured the Second Young Master, so he is the doctor you invited for the Second Young Master."

It's been a few days since this happened, and the medicine was taken on the day of the injury, so why do you still need to call a doctor now?Juyue looked at the doctor suspiciously, and was about to ask, but Bixiao said again: "Sister Juyue, what kind of eyes are you looking at? The second young master's bones have been broken now, don't you think our yard is fine and still blind?" Sir please?"

Broken bones?The young master has such a heavy strength?Juyue was taken aback: "Doctor, where did the second young master get hurt?"

"This girl, the second son of Zhao's chest had two broken ribs, and he picked them up two days ago. Now the old man is here to change his dressing. In addition, the second son's internal organs are also damaged, and it will take some time to recuperate " The old doctor saw that the two people in front should be the masters of the mansion, so he said it.Thinking back to the day when he came to the mansion to see a doctor, the second young master Zhao had a blue nose and swollen eyes, and felt a little embarrassed.There were quite a few bruises on his body, the ribs on his chest were all broken, and he didn't know who he offended with such a ruthless hand.

Duan Yunsu's eyes narrowed slightly, she did see Zhao Hechen stepping on his chest that day, but the internal organs were all damaged, so maybe it wasn't Zhao Hechen's hand?

Duan Yunsu naturally didn't know, the slap that Ji Su came out to add was not for fun, at that time Zhao Heqi vomited blood, can it not hurt?

"Chenchen is really powerful." Duan Yunsu sighed, this person can beat people like this when he is so ruthless, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe it.This Zhao Heqi deserved it, if not for his crazy behavior, Zhao Hechen would not have beaten him like this.

"Really? Chen'er is very good?" Zhao Hechen blinked, and when he heard Duan Yunsu's praise, he grinned happily, "Chen'er will be even stronger in the future, so that he can protect Susu."

The conversation between the two of them as if no one was present made Bi Xiao's heart swell with anger. The second young master was beaten like this, and the one who hurt others was still saying some sarcastic remarks.What does this mean, does the second young master deserve to be bullied here?
"Eldest Young Madam, Eldest Young Master doesn't understand etiquette. You shouldn't teach him to hurt people like this. Isn't this trying to turn their brothers against each other? Second Young Master was injured like this, so you don't want to go and visit him."

Juyue looked at Duan Yunsu, who was looking sideways at Bi Xiao with a cold smile, snorted coldly in her heart, and took a step forward and said, "Bi Xiao is complaining that the master can't do things? Although you are from there, helping the other side It's normal. But don't you forget whose fault it is, you can pretend to be pitiful if you lose? But you treat everyone as blind?"

Bi Xiao choked, her face flushed red.Now that a person as handsome as the second young master is being made like that, she feels uncomfortable.

"Juyue, don't say it anymore, be careful that the time is late." Duan Yunsu led Zhao Hechen to the carriage, and looked back at Bi Xiao who had a face of resentment, his eyes sank.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, and the sedan chair was changed before they could go inside.No one in the imperial palace can ride a horse into it, that is a contempt for the imperial power.Those eunuchs and maids with low status have to walk in.Seeing that there is still a long way to go, Duan Yunsu lamented the importance of power and status more than once.If she had transmigrated back then and became the most ordinary commoner, she might be running around for a living at this moment, how could she live such a comfortable life.

In front of the Palace of Preserving Harmony, two people happened to be walking by Duan Yunsu's side, and Juyue approached her and whispered in her ear: "Young Madam, these two are the Second Prince and King Cheng."

The second prince was wearing a black robe, his eyes were slightly slanted, his face was stern, and his gaze was bottomless; next to him was King Cheng, who was about forty years old, with sharp eyes, habitual frowning, and a beard. A bit wild, at this moment, he was talking softly to the second prince with his hands behind his back.

The two came over, Duan Yunsu bent down and saluted, then Cheng Wang frowned and looked at her for a while, then looked at Zhao Hechen beside her, his eyes were downcast.

"Uncle Huang, this is Brother Chen's daughter-in-law, who just got married a month ago." The second prince said.

"The eldest lady of the general's mansion?" Cheng Wang's voice was a little hoarse, and he looked at Duan Yunsu with tentative eyes, exuding the posture and coercion of a superior all the year round.

Duan Yunsu's expression was cold, and he was not fooled by this Cheng Wang.She saluted and replied, "It's the Duan's family in the General's residence."

There was a flash of light in King Cheng's eyes, and he glanced at Zhao Hechen again, his complexion was deep, his tense face never let go, he turned around and entered the hall with the second prince after a slight "hmm".

The second prince walked a few steps, his eyes fell on Duan Yunsu a little more thoughtful, and he suddenly smiled at her, which made Duan Yunsu a little confused.

In the Palace of Preserving Harmony, all the ministers had already arrived, and the envoys from the other three countries also sat down one after another.The clothes worn by people in the northern kingdom are similar to Hufu, with short cardigans, long trousers and leather boots. It can be seen that they are suitable for living on horseback.

The costumes of Yu Kingdom and Tianxian Kingdom are most similar to those of Xi Kingdom, except that the embroidered belts of Yu Kingdom's clothes are vaguely totems of five poisonous insects. Thinking of Yu Kingdom's Gu art, this is not difficult to understand.

That day she read from the book that Ji Su took out from the palace that although Yu Kingdom is a small country, it has never been defeated in the contest with other countries because of this Gu technique, and has a place in the Four Kingdoms.Later, I don't know why this Gu technique has become a secret technique, and it is rarely passed down in the royal family, which vaguely has the meaning of decline.

At the banquet, Duan Yunsu looked around and saw that several princes from the Xi Kingdom had already taken their seats, but he did not find the prince.She felt strange in her heart, on such an occasion, shouldn't the prince be present?

(End of this chapter)

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