The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 152 The Palace Banquet

Chapter 152 The Palace Banquet (3)
In addition, I saw many young ladies who had met during the lotus banquet, and Yang Yuqi, the young lady of the Yang family, was also among them.Seeing Duan Yunsu looking over, Yang Yuqi nodded with a slight smile, and stood aside politely with her eyes downcast.

At this time, the eunuch in front of the palace sang: "The emperor and queen have arrived—"

Everyone stood up one after another, and the ministers of other countries also gave a half salute.

Emperor Jing was dressed in a yellow robe, his complexion seemed to be a little worse than what he saw last time, and he walked in slowly; the queen was wearing a phoenix robe, with a nine-tailed phoenix hairpin inserted obliquely into her bun, and followed Emperor Jing calmly, her face was dignified and decent. smile.

"Please get up quickly, today is the feast of the Four Kingdoms, and it is a day of fusion and celebration, let's put these vain gifts aside." Emperor Jing sat on the dragon chair and said with a smile.

When the banquet started, singing and dancing were indispensable. Eunuch Liu, watching the situation in the palace, waved his hand to call in the palace musicians, and dancers entered the arena with a light dance.The people of His Highness talked to each other, and there was a sense of peace and tranquility for a while.

But on the left hand side, a man of 22 stood up, his appearance was so plain that he could not be regarded as outstanding, but his eyes flashed brightly, and he could see that he was scheming.

He took a step forward, lightly cupped his hands and said, "Emperor Xi, next is Ji Lin, the Sixth Prince of the Northern Kingdom. Today, I entrust my father's order to exchange my brother from Xi."

Duan Yunsu couldn't help listening carefully when he heard the words.

Emperor Jing remained calm, stretched out his hand to pick up the wine glass for a sip, and said, "The prince of the Northern Kingdom is talking about the third prince Ji Suji who is staying in the Xi Kingdom?"

"Exactly." Ji Lin winked at the attendant beside him, who patted his palms a few times, and saw more than ten people approaching from outside the hall, carrying a lot of jade, brocade, satin and antiques, and eight more The beautiful woman, her face is full of characters, her figure is very good, she walked slowly with her face lowered, instantly compared all those divas, and everyone present stared straight at her.

This is the beauty of the Northland?It's really a variety of styles.

"There are 8000 taels of gold here, and the presents are all rare treasures found in the northern kingdom. There are also eight beauties, and I hope Emperor Jing will accept them with a smile." Ji Lin looked up at Emperor Jing, and stood quietly waiting for his answer.

"Didn't it say that the time limit was ten years back then? It's only been eight years, so what's the meaning of Beiguo?" Emperor Jing said in a low voice.

Seeing what Emperor Jing said, Ji Lin still didn't change his countenance, and looked quite determined to win: "Emperor Jing, please forgive me, this is my northern country breaking the agreement, but there are unspeakable difficulties. The three emperors left the country After eight years of hesitation, now that my father is not feeling well, I only wish to see Brother Sanhuang by my side."

Duan Yunsu couldn't help humming softly when he heard this.However, Princess An once said that this Ji Su was predicted to be a demon back then, and was sent directly to be a proton later.The Northern Emperor missed him?What a joke.

And Emperor Jing who was seated didn't seem to have expected this to happen, his eyes were slightly calm, as if he was thinking about the relationship between it.Ji Lin stood with her chest up, her eyes deep, but she wasn't worried at all.

Being able to take the person back is considered to have fulfilled an order; if Emperor Jing refuses, he doesn't have to worry. Ji Lin is not in control of Xiguo's reluctance to release the person, and his father's health is already not good. , who would want one more person to go back and envy the throne!
The hall fell silent, and the atmosphere was a little stalemate.Everyone saw that the emperor was silent, so they were silent with him, but they suddenly heard a sneer from the front of the hall: "It turns out that the northern kingdom still remembers me, but it is really rare."

It was Ji Su who spoke, and he was still dressed in red, with a mocking smile on his gorgeous and seductive face, burning eyes, and a bit of unruliness from the corners of his slightly curved lips.He walked in against the light, waved his robe casually, found a seat and sat down directly.

When Ji Lin saw this person, he couldn't help being stunned.This is the third brother whom I haven't seen for many years?It seems that the prophecy back then was true, who would have such a monstrous appearance, who didn't even show courtesy, which shows how arrogant and arrogant this person is.

It's just that he is clearly a proton, and he was able to enter the palace without being summoned, and he seemed to be living a good life.Ji Su's carefree and unrestrained appearance really overturned everything Ji Lin had imagined before.

"I've met Brother Three Emperors." Ji Lin saluted casually.

Ji Su raised her eyelids: "But I can't afford the gift of the sixth younger brother. I won't return to this northern country, and you don't have to work any more. Besides, I'm only worth 8000 taels of gold, young master? Don't make fun of me." .”

Seeing that Ji Su said she didn't want to go back, she didn't look like she was lying.Ji Lin was taken aback. Someone would be willing to keep him as a proton, and he didn't care about the superior rights?

"Back then, I had no choice but to choose the third brother to send here. Now that my father is not in good health, I miss you so much. Do you want to be that unfilial person?"

"Not filial? He has never fulfilled the responsibilities of a father, and I have never called him a father. What kind of filial piety do you want me to do? Aren't there all good boys like you, and I will be a lot less."

Ji Lin choked, but he didn't expect that it was not Emperor Jing who was hindered, but Ji Su.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, is this trying to make Ji Lin look ugly?Ji Lin snorted coldly in his heart: "Your parents are born with your body, hair and skin. You were born into my royal family. How can you speak like that?"

The two disagreed, but it was Emperor Jing who benefited the most. He put down his wine glass lightly, and said with a chuckle: "The sixth prince has seen it. The condition that I, Xiguo, promised you to the Northern Kingdom is that, but the third prince returned If you don't go back, it has nothing to do with me."

Ji Su had been in Xiguo for eight years, and Emperor Jing had already figured out this person's temperament.It was precisely because of this that he indulged this person and did not force him to behave like a half-proton.The tighter this person is, the more he resists.Letting go of this, on the contrary, can get the result he wants.

Ji Lin's eyes turned cold, and he stopped talking to Ji Su, and stretched out his hand to present all the gifts he brought.So far, Ji Su's proton status can be regarded as over.

The hall was once again lively. Duan Yunsu sat quietly, taking care of Zhao Hechen who was beside him from time to time. Seeing his expressionless face, he knew that he was not interested in this occasion.She reached out and took away the drink in front of Zhao Hechen, and replaced it with a cup of tea.

Duan Yunsu frowned tightly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the prince of Yu Kingdom sizing her up without hesitation, feeling very displeased.

She withdrew her gaze and stopped looking at that person. She just waited for the banquet to end soon, and then she and Zhao Hechen went back to the mansion directly.Like Zhao Hechen, she didn't like staying in such a place, so she was careful at this moment, but it was tiring.

Duan Yunsu gently peeled the melon seeds, thinking about his own affairs, but he only felt the figure shaking in front of him, and when he looked up, it turned out that the eighth princess was standing in front.

Xi'er, this is the first one who can take the country title as her name, which shows how favored these eight princesses are.I remember that the queen invited her into the palace at that time to cure the eighth princess's anorexia. Now the eighth princess has gained a lot of flesh than before, and she is no longer that thin, pink and tender. The appearance is really cute and tight.

(End of this chapter)

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