The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 154 The Palace Banquet

Chapter 154 The Palace Banquet (5)
"Qing'er, don't be rude." Zhai Ling scolded.

She didn't want to make a joke of herself, Princess Qing'er felt uncomfortable, she directly played her anger on Zhao Hechen, what kind of wife did she marry, this princess made people laugh!

"You, talk to me! This princess has taken a fancy to you. Go back and divorce your wife. This princess is the most favored by the emperor and will definitely give you wealth." Princess Qing'er pointed at Zhao Hechen and said sharply. Who doesn't like money and power, so what if you marry a wife, as long as you divorce!

Zhao Hechen raised his head and stared at her coldly, his eyes were somewhat cold, and his face gradually became tense.This person actually wants to get Susu away?But you want to court death again?
Duan Yunsu sensitively noticed the chill slowly rising from her body. She never expected that today Zhao Hechen would turn into a bad shape just because of a single sentence, so she hurriedly took his hand to divert his attention.

In today's scene, we must not make a fuss!
"The princess is planning to take someone's husband? This is not a good habit." Duan Yunsu said quietly.

Princess Qing'er had been watching this side, and she had already noticed the small movements of these two people.She cast her gaze on Duan Yunsu, and couldn't help but be a little taken aback. This is his wife, and she looks pretty good.

Seeing this, Ji Su smiled and said, "But I feel ashamed to look at it? His daughter-in-law is so beautiful and good-natured, how could she give up the pearl and want your fish eye to marry you, a rude and rude princess. "

"You!" Princess Qing'er was ashamed and embarrassed by this person's words, and she forgot in a blink of an eye that she wanted to make Duan Yunsu unhappy just now.She touched her waist, only to find that the leather whip that she used to carry with her had been taken away by the emperor, so she walked up to the man, grabbed the man's melon seeds and smashed it hard on him, her voice was so angry Trembling: "How dare you make fun of this princess one after another, look at me if I don't clean you up!"

Ji Su tilted her body and avoided it easily. Looking at the face that turned from embarrassment into anger, she suddenly felt better: "Is this the etiquette of a princess of a country? You really have learned a lot."

Zhai Ling stepped forward and stopped Princess Qing'er behind him, and said apologetically, "Prince Ji, it's my younger sister who is being rude, please don't take offense."

"Young master, I don't think it's strange. I don't even think it's strange that I'm going to be robbed of my husband." Ji Su flicked the non-existent dust on his sleeves: "Obviously, my elder brother is so polite, but why is this younger sister so savage. "

Looking at the chaotic scene, Duan Yunsu sighed helplessly.This princess Qing'er can be considered straightforward, if it wasn't for Ji Su's ridicule just now, nothing would happen afterwards.The princess knew that Zhao Hechen was married, so she had no intention of looking at it, but Ji Su liked to tease other girls.

Now it's all right, it's a joke for people to see in vain.

At first, I thought that the matter should calm down like this, but I didn't expect the people from Yu Kingdom to stand up: "I see that this is just right, since Princess Qing'er has taken a fancy to that young master, and this girl is meeting my eyes again. .Since Xiguo wants to get married, he should be sincere and pick the ones who are happy in his heart."

Duan Yunsu rolled his eyes immediately when he heard the words, what about a girl, didn't you see her twist a woman's hair?

Even Emperor Xi's expression turned ugly. Why do these people like to make a fuss about this matter? This good couple forcibly broke up just to marry another country. This is not going to save Xi Guo some face?
"Prince Yu, there are so many unmarried young ladies in this palace, but none of them suits you?"

Emperor Jing's words made the ministers present tense, for fear that the man would just open his mouth and say his daughter's name.

"I saw so many, only the eighth princess is cute, and there is the person I mentioned just now." The prince of Yu Kingdom smiled and said.

Emperor Jing's face darkened, and there was no possibility of sending the two of them to get married, which was clearly a deliberate attempt to make things difficult.

"This is the prince of Yu Kingdom?" Princess Qing'er, who was originally angry, stopped being angry again: "Returning the prince, how dare you call him the prince with such a dirty mind? Didn't you see that they are husband and wife? What's the matter, you want someone else's wife? I just don't want that son, let's see what reason you can find to cover up your dirty heart!"

Zhai Ling helped his forehead helplessly, he really couldn't control his sister's temper, he really shouldn't have brought her out in the first place.He stretched out his hand to pull him back again, and said, "Prince sister, pay attention to your etiquette."

"What etiquette, I'm tired of being a princess, every day the etiquette and rules, and now you want me to marry someone I don't like, I'm not a princess anymore!"

Zhai Ling's face darkened, and he scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, be careful and I'll let my father discipline you!" On such an occasion, he dared to say these words!
"Whatever you teach, you can do whatever you like, anyway, I have nothing to object to." The princess Qing'er ran out like this, and the people in the palace sighed, this princess really has a bad temper.

When Duan Yunsu saw Princess Qing'er leaving, tears were already in the corners of her eyes, and her face was full of grievances and dissatisfaction. She knew that her usual grievances were vented out by this opportunity.The identity of this princess looks glamorous, but there must be helplessness that others can't think of.

Princess Qing'er is considered lucky, at least there are people who can make her mess around like this.

Looking at the figure of Princess Qing'er, Zhai Ling shook his head helplessly.

"Since this is the case, Emperor Jing, I will discuss this marriage after seeing this marriage." Zhai Ling said with a soft sigh.

"Why don't we discuss it again, Princess Qing'er is gone, but I never said I would give up." Unexpectedly, the prince of Yu Kingdom would still have a crooked idea, Zhao Hechen stood up abruptly when he heard that, and looked at the other party's face. There was a chill in his eyes.

Duan Yunsu hurriedly followed suit and stood up, ignoring everyone's eyes, put his arms around Zhao Hechen and called out twice, and then said to Emperor Jing: "Your Majesty, Xianggong is not feeling well, can you let him go out to get some air first?"

Emperor Jing looked at Zhao Hechen and found that there was indeed something wrong with his face. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he waved his hand and agreed.

When Duan Yunsu saw it, he couldn't care less about other things, he stretched out his hand and led Zhao Hechen out, leaving a group of ministers and envoys looking at each other.

The protagonist is gone, but there is nothing to see.

Outside the Hall of Preserving Harmony, Duan Yunsu took a look at the sky, then walked to the corner of a corridor, saw that there was no one around, sighed softly, and said, "Did Chenchen just get angry?"

"Susu, Chenchen doesn't want to come to this place anymore. The eyes of those people are so disgusting. Why do they always want to separate Chen'er and Susu?" Things are very unpredictable.

"Chenchen, people's hearts are unpredictable, and Susu doesn't know what their plans are. Chenchen doesn't like it, so just ignore these people when you see him in the future." Duan Yunsu looked at his bewildered look, and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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